Founded by Lu Jie in 2002, Long March Space plays a vital role in pursuing new avenues of production, discourse and promotion of contemporary art in China. As one of the earliest contemporary art spaces to be established in the 798 Art District of Beijing, Long March Space tirelessly revolutionizes the ways in which art is perceived and presented, offering one of the most comprehensive resource platforms for the local arts community in China. Its 2500 square meters space provides a leading exhibition venue to progressively showcase intellectually and culturally significant works. With spacious gallery and professional teams, Long March Space today is recognized as a pioneer in engaging dialogue between Chinese and international contexts, acting roles simultaneously as a gallery space, a publishing house, a curatorial lab, an artistic facilitator, a commissioning and production atelier, an artistic collection and a consultancy.
Long March Space
Since stepping into a new era, Chinese contemporary art appears to be an acceleration-like movement with bewildering speed. Contradictions, antinomies, collisions constantly occur due to various applications of art media, language, cultural ideologies and creativities, which facilitates diversified and organic arts scene. Artist, art works, space and the way of presentation complicate the relationship between movement, time and space when it comes to linear and ideological levels.
Long March Project and Long March Space have been one of the triggers of such movement to be served as a most active and sensitive arts scene. Taking planning, exhibitions, creation, researches and dialogues as representation within its immense and sophisticated structure and configuration, Long March Space repositions contemporary art in social life, meanwhile connects art, space and audience. Not only focusing on artist’s creation process and presentation method, but also the challenges and critical power on curatorial practices, Long March Space plays the role of curatorial lab, gallery space, workshop, gatherer and disseminator of information and ideas about art. Long March Space has developed as a strong exhibition lab, as well, a cultural capital-productivity integrating contemporary gallery with art administration and service, which has established itself as one of the best at the international art market and gallery.
As one of the rare galleries participating frequently in prominent international art fairs, Long March Space takes an active part in both local and international art fairs, including CIGE Art Fair in China, Art Beijing Fair, ShContemporary, ArtHK, Frieze Art Fair(2008-2010) and Art Basel(2009&2011). What’s more, Long March Project and Long March Space are the only organizations in Asia awarded Art Review Power 100 in 2008 and 2009.
中國當代藝術從進入新世紀以來,呈現了一種加速度似的運動。在當下這 個多維度的社會、人文、物質與話語空間裡,不同的藝術媒介、語言和文化理想、創造性思維發生各種矛盾、對立、碰撞,從而促進了多元化的、有機的藝術現場的產生。藝術家、作品、空間和展示的方式,在不同的線性和意識層面複雜化了運動、時間和空間的交互關係。
而盧傑所創造的長征計劃和長征空間就是這個運動關係的引擎之一,一 個最活躍而敏感的現場。在它龐大而複雜的結構與形態中,思想的交流, 身體的經驗,話語的轉譯,空間的遊移,以策劃、展覽、創作、研究和對話 為表徵,重新定位當代藝術在社會生活中的位置,打通藝術和空間及受眾的關係。牽引著藝術家從對作品創作、展覽形式的關注到對策展實踐 的挑戰和批判力量,長征也由此而成為一個策展實驗室、畫廊空間、工作坊、藝術資訊和思想的匯集地和傳播者。長征計劃的實體̶長征空間是一個強而有力的展覽實驗場,藝術行政和服務系統,文化資本和生產力共構的當代藝術畫廊,同時也躋身國際藝 術展覽與市場的佼佼者行列。
長征空間是為數不多的、在各大國際畫廊博覽會平臺頻露頭角的畫廊:除了中國本土的 CIGE(中藝博國際畫廊博覽會),藝術北京博覽會,上海當代博覽會,長征空間從2008年 開始連續三年參加了倫敦的Frieze藝術博覽 會,2009年和2011年參加了巴塞爾(Basel)藝術博覽會,成為了同時參加巴塞爾和Frieze這兩個首屈一指的國際博覽會的畫廊之一。長征空間還連續兩年(2008和2009)入選由《藝術 評論(Art Review)》雜誌評選的‘全球最具影響力百大藝術界人物( Power 100)’ ,是亞洲地區唯一入選的藝術機構。
Long March Space represents significant artists ranging from three generations with diverse backgrounds, works of painting、sculpture、installation、video and etc. Among the lists include Wang Jianwei, born in 50s and playing a key impact on Chinese contemporary art; 60s-born artists include Wu Shanzhuan, Chen Jieran, Zhan Wang and Yang Shaobin; leading artists of new generation include Qiu Zhijie, Xu Zhen, Zhou Xiaohu, Zhu Yu and so on.
In 2008, within the help of Long March Space, artist Zhan Wang had his large solo exhibition ‘Garden Utopia’ at the National Museum of China, at the same time, his experimental project ’86 Divinity Figures’ was showcased in Long March Space gallery, while in 2010, he had the showcase ‘One Hour Equals A Thousand Years’ at Today Art Museum. In December of the same year, Long March Space hosted the first solo exhibition for Taiwan’s most significant artist Chen Jieren in China.
Female artists occupy a large proportion among the represented artists at Long March Space. There are most influential female artists in China̶Yu Hong, Lin Tianmiao, emerging young artist Chen Qiulin, folk artist Guo Fengyi and many more collaborating with Long March Space. Yu Hong and Lin Tianmiao initiated their most important exhibitions last year at Long March Space. In 2008, Lin’s ‘Focus’ and ‘Mother’s!!!’ have shown the latest achievement and energy as the most esteem female artist in China. Yu’s big solo exhibition at Guangdong Museum of Art in 2008 and at UCCA in 2010 came into realization with the help of Long March Space.
作為擁有一定歷史和經驗的中國當代藝術代表畫廊之一,長征空間的代理藝術家包括了老中青三代的優秀藝術家,更有繪畫、雕塑、裝置、 影像藝術等領域的傑出代表。長征空間代理和 合作的藝術家當中有生於50年代、對中國當代 藝術發展起著關鍵作用的汪建偉,生於60年代 的吳山專、陳界仁、展望和楊少斌,中生代力量領軍人物邱志傑、徐震(沒頂公司)、周嘯虎、 朱昱等。
2008年,長征空間協辦了藝術家展望的大型個人 展“烏托邦園林”,使其在中國美術館順利展出,同期也為展望在長征空間舉辦了其試驗項目“第86尊聖 像”,而2010年則為其在今日美術館推出“一小時等於壹千年”個展。同年12月,長征空間也為台灣最重要的藝術家陳界仁推出了其在大陸的第一個個展。
女藝術家在長征空間代理和合作的藝術家當中佔 了很重要的比列,譬如中國最重要的女藝術家喻紅、林天苗,年輕女藝術家陳秋林,民間奇人郭鳳 怡等,都是長征空間主要的合作者。其中,代理藝 術家喻紅和林天苗在過去幾年通過長征空間實現 了其藝術生涯上重要的展覽。林天苗在2008年兩次個展中-“聚焦”版畫作品展和“媽的!!!”裝置作品展-勾勒出了其作為中國最重要的女藝術家的最新成就與能量;而作為協辦方的長征空間也有力推動了喻紅2008年在廣東美術館和2010年在尤倫斯藝術中心(UCCA)連個大型個展的實現。
Tips 小贴士
Long March Space
Address: 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China
Tel: +86 (0)10 5978 9768