

Bao Rong : the Art Hopper
包蓉 : 跳躍在邊界的藝術蹦客

Rong Bao, one of the most prominent emerging contemporary artists from China’s new generation, is a true ‘art hopper’ leaping between mediums with bold creativity. Her work spans sculpture, painting, video, and installation, where she transforms the everyday into something extraordinary. Bao reshapes familiar objects to expose the absurdities and contradictions hidden in daily life.

Decade of Elegance: The V&A Museum Witnessed Charlene Classic’s Ten Years of Splendour

Charlene Classic celebrated the grand finale of its 10th-anniversary exhibition “The Jewellery Art of Bamboo Fan” at the Victoria & Albert Museum with unparalleled elegance. This event not only underscored Charlene Classic’s esteemed position as a pioneer in Chinese luxury jewellery but also showcased its mastery in weaving enchanting Chinese narratives with Oriental aesthetics, captivating

Amazing China: Exhibition of Chinese Arts & Crafts

2018年5月9日,倫敦手工藝周中國展區以“技藝中國”為主題展示了眾多優秀的中國手工藝藝術品, 此次活動是由中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部外聯局為指導單位,由中國對外貿易基地(上海)、國家版權貿易基地(上海)主辦。   策展主題凸顯多種中國技藝豐富展現 “技藝中國”不僅代表此次參展作品和匠人將呈現一個個特別的中國技藝,還意味著中華手工藝代代傳承。這是一份珍貴的記憶,植根於每個傳承者、傳播者、發揚者和創新者的內心。此次上海基地經過精心篩選,組織來自上海、浙江、安徽、江蘇、江西等長江三角洲區域省份、山東、福建、雲南、貴州、河北、河南、內蒙古、黑龍江、新疆等逾10個省(區、市)的近40位匠人、機構及手工藝品牌逾百件作品集中亮相倫敦手工藝周。工藝種類涵蓋古畫修復、潑墨繪畫、陶瓷制作、玻璃制作、中式成衣、漆畫藝術、纖維藝術、木版水印、折紙技藝、木工、金工(首飾)、皮雕、刺繡(緙絲、蘇繡、上海絨繡、新疆手工刺繡等)、篆刻、拓印、藍染等近30種技藝類型。值得一提的是,活動主辦方上海基地在精致展陳的基礎上,引入增強現實(AR)等科技手段,使洛陽唐三彩、廊坊景泰藍、泰山皮影戲、龍泉寶劍鍛造等更多神奇的中國技藝活起來、動起來。 “技藝中國”旨在突出中華非遺技藝的歷史與傳承、中國手工藝品的品質與精致、東方工匠精神的純粹與堅持、中國手工藝產業的發展與創新。展會期間,圍繞手工藝與生活和手工藝國際合作,中國展區將舉辦開幕式、中國生活美學研討活動、導覽參觀、技藝展示、現場技藝體驗、高層會晤、專業商洽等多項系列活動。   國際平臺助力中華手工藝魅力呈現 倫敦手工藝周(London Craft Week)已成功舉辦三屆,由英國查爾斯王子發起,是初夏啟動的倫敦文化系列活動之一,兼具國際特色與本地元素,融合歷史遺產與當代文化,註重商業交流與文化傳承。中國文化和旅遊部將參加倫敦手工藝周列入2018年國際重點文化貿易展會計劃。倫敦手工藝周集制造、設計、時尚、藝術、文化、商業合作於一體,2017年匯聚了來自全球超過200個創意活動,吸引了超過9萬名高品質觀眾實地參觀,英國和國際各大新聞、在線媒體和社交媒體也悉數到場,對活動進行深入報道,收到超過250篇印刷和在線版社論文章,博客和社交媒體報道觸及3.37億人次。據倫敦手工藝周組委會介紹,2018年的倫敦手工藝周已吸引了超過230個項目活動,匯聚各類國家級博物館、當代藝術畫廊、高端品牌商店、行業中首屈一指的百貨公司、著名藝術家、時尚設計師、非遺技藝傳承人以及一些不知名但卻擁有精湛技藝的手工藝作坊和地方級匠人參與其中。本屆倫敦手工藝周將在展會的整體架構、參展形態、觀展體驗等方面進行提升,進一步擴展手工藝機構和匠人的視野,增加國際匠人洽談和合作契機,積極提供更多手工藝主題講座對話、表演展示、工藝體驗等專業活動。在媒體宣傳上,將聚集《服飾與美容》、《衛報》、《經濟學人1843》等知名媒體進行現場采訪與報道。 上海基地是2018倫敦手工藝周鉑金級項目合作夥伴,此為首次組展參與歐洲專業高端的手工藝展會,也是基地又一次通過公共服務平臺的品牌和公信力,贏得國際市場關註和重視,幫助中國手工藝機構和匠人提升國際影響力和知名度的積極實踐。希望通過借助這一優質的歐洲手工藝展銷平臺,進一步拓展中國手工藝產業的海外市場渠道。 美學研討引發中英兩國廣泛熱烈交流 “技藝中國”開幕活動也得到了中國駐英國大使館和倫敦手工藝周組委會的支持。中國駐英國大使館公使銜文化參贊項曉煒、倫敦手工藝周組委會主席蓋伊·薩爾特出席了開幕式並致歡迎辭。英國數字文化媒體和體育部高級政策顧問Chris Marnoch博士也參加了開幕活動。活動還吸引了來自Castle Trust、Thornhill Capital、中國香港貿易發展局、英國中華傳統文化研究院、Craft Potters Association/Ceramic Review等藝術投資人、專業買家及機構,以及新華社、中新社、人民網、China Daily、《歐洲時報》、網易新聞倫敦運營中心、《ART.ZIP》雜誌等媒體代表逾60人來到展會現場。開幕活動後的中國生活美學研討活動上,“技藝中國”展商代表和英國業界人士圍繞各自傳承、經營和守護的手工技藝,就“手工藝創造美好生活”、“手工藝與創意設計深度融合”、“打造中式生活美學、傳播中式美學理念”等熱點話題進行深入交流和探討。展會特制的“技藝中國”印章也讓與會嘉賓愛不釋手,整個印章的形制是篆刻裏的陰陽印,“技藝”二字為陽刻,“中國”二字為陰刻,表達了中英手工藝機構和匠人進一步交融交流、開放合作的美好願景。 積極探索實踐手工藝產業對外貿易開拓之路 隨著全球化的發展步伐和信息技術的不斷更叠,各國的手工藝產業也都面臨著缺乏傳承人、產品不符合現代美感等問題,國際間的交流與合作是必然發生的趨勢。我國傳統工藝門類眾多,涵蓋衣食住行,遍布各族各地。文化和旅遊部等三部委印發《中國傳統工藝振興計劃》中明確指出,要開展國際交流與合作,通過雙邊、多邊渠道,組織傳統工藝傳承人、企業和行業組織代表開展國際交流和研修培訓,以及技術領域的研究與合作,開拓視野,借鑒經驗。倫敦手工藝周是展示中國傳統與當代手工技藝的一個重要的國際性窗口,以“中國展區”參加本屆倫敦手工藝周上,對提升中華文化影響力及促進文化貿易長效發展都是一個很好的契機。國家對外文化貿易基地(上海)希望通過此項展會的持續參展,將一些獨具魅力的手工藝作品匯聚到這一高端的國際展示和交易平臺,向世界展示中國手工技藝的發展進程和未來的發展趨勢,同時也努力促進中西文化藝術的交流與互動,不斷提升中華文化影響力。

Recent Researches and Exhibitions on Ming Dynasty Porcelain Outside China


值得注意的是有關明瓷的英文著作,很多都強調其在全球貿易中的重要作用,甘淑美女士(Teresa Canepa)於2008年為倫敦與里斯本的古董商兼出版商Jorge Welsh撰寫的克拉克瓷圖錄,體現了克拉克瓷研究的新進展,起名為“Kraak Porcelain: The Rise of Global Trade in the Late 16th and Early 17th Centuries”(《克拉克瓷-16 世紀晚期到17世紀早期興起之全球貿易》)。之前1989年Maura Rinaldi 女士有關克拉克瓷的重要專著“Kraak Porcelain- A Moment in the History of Trade”,也名為《克拉克瓷-貿易史之重要一刻》。

Book Review: ‘Avant-Garde’ Art Groups in China, 1979-1989 by Paul Gladston

作者:龔之允 發佈時間:20 Feb 2017       In 2013, Prof. Paul Gladston (University of Nottingham) published ‘Avant-Garde’ Art Groups in China, 1979-1989, an English art history monograph focuses on the originality of contemporary Chinese art. There are a few publications about the avant-garde art groups in the 1980s China, for instance The ’85 Movement (2

Appreciation of China: The Exhibition of Chinese Legacy

  在中華人民共和國駐英使館文化處的支持下,由東方藝術學會、全英華人收藏家協會、歐洲時報、英國天津商會、鼎天英國等單位主辦,由鼎天英國公司全程策劃的《鑒賞CHlNA》系列活动将于11月3-6日在伦敦亚洲艺术周期间呈现,向欧洲世界再现中国艺术的光华。 據悉,此項活動包括“在英倫尋找中國藝術”藝術品征集甄選、《鑒賞CHINA》 海外遺珍展、VIP私人音樂品鑒酒會、《鑒賞CHINA》圖書發行儀式、《百年記憶》紀念華人勞工慈善拍賣會等一系列活動,喚醒東西方藝術對話的活力,再現海外的中國藝術遺珍。這將成為一場可觀賞、參與、互動的專業藝術盛宴。 其中第一階段面向全英倫公開的千人“尋找中國藝術”活動,在歐洲掀起了又一次對中國藝術的熱潮。市民對中國藝術收藏的熱情超出組織者的想象,而收藏的作品更是不可小覷。經過近2個月的征集,近百人參與本次征集活動,不斷有散落在歐洲民間以及收藏機構的珍貴中國藝術品陸續來到倫敦助力《鑒賞CHINA》 海外遺珍展,活動範圍已經擴展至 法國、瑞典、丹麥、北京、香港、上海等地 。最終從近200余件作品中甄選出近百件源自中國歷代的瓷器精品、青銅器、文玩雜項等。其中經過專家鑒定評議的精品將從11月3日起在Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel 的《鑒賞CHlNA》海外遺珍展中展出,並將出版著錄。 展品中,清康熙五彩加金蓮鷺紋將軍罐、清乾隆青花纏枝蓮紋貫耳尊、明弘治嬌黃釉盤 等歷代中國文物遺珍不僅展出了瓷史的無比光華,更彰顯了中華傳統歷史文化之魅力,兼具藝術性與學術性,足以一觀。 據介紹,本次活動不光得到了眾多海內外重要收藏家、東方藝術基金會的支持肯定,也得到了中華人民共和國駐英大使館文化處、英國收藏家協會等機構的大力支持。本次活動還設有各種獎項,以鼓勵優秀參加者。通過展覽交流,專業評審,出版註錄,勵誌為藏家打造最好的中國經典藝術的交易平臺,將美好的中國藝術傳承下去。該展覽並於11月3日 在梅非爾的萬豪酒店會議中心舉行開幕,為東西方朋友奉上精致文化盛宴。 2016年 11月3日-11月6日                     Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel,Albemarle & Aldford Suite,Park lane, London. W1K 7TN.

V&A in China

Interview with Tim Reeve, Deputy Director of the V&A 專訪V&A副館長蒂姆·里夫 . Interviewed and text by x 採訪及撰文 Li Bowen 李博文 Edited by x 編輯 Michelle Yu 余小悅 Nicolas Anderson 尼古拉斯·安德森 . China Merchants Shekou Holdings (CMSK), in association with founding partner the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), has announced the brand—DESIGN SOCIETY 「设计互联」— a new cultural

A Beautiful Disorder

A Beautiful Disorder – the first major exhibition of newly commissioned outdoor sculpture by some of the most important young artists from China, opens at the Cass Sculpture Foundation.   The historical relationship between English and Chinese landscape aesthetics was the starting point and inspiration for the 18 artists featured in A Beautiful Disorder.  The title of the

第十四期 ISSUE 14
中英文化交流|China UK Cultural Exchange

China and Britain, east in Asia and west in Europe, breed different cultures, beliefs and logics. Geographically, these two distantly parted countries barely seem to connect, let alone closely with each other. However, in their enduring history, in which both countries have been making contributions to humanity, China and Britain have also been exerting profound ...

Ai Weiwei 艾未未

In September 2015, the Royal Academy of Arts will present a landmark exhibition of the Honorary Royal Academician, Ai Weiwei. Although Ai is one of China’s leading contemporary artists, his work has not been seen extensively in Britain and the Royal Academy will present the first major institutional survey of his artistic output. The exhibition will include significant works from 1993 onwards, the date that marks Ai Weiwei’s return to China following more than a decade living in New York. Ai Weiwei will create new, site-specific installations and interventions throughout the Royal Academy’s spaces.

After Sun Shi

“It is the same – threefold – Psyche, a woman, and each time there is a reminder, as Freud puts it, that she is extended (asugedehnt). But each time (and three times the first sentence resonates in French, “Psyche est étendue…” [“Psyche is extended…”]) the mise-en-scène differs, as do the tableau and the implicit narrative.” – On Touching, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Derrida

Beyond Boundaries

Art critic, lecturer, curator, chief editor, founder of, gallerist – for more than a decade, Pi Li has remained extremely active in the world of Chinese contemporary art. In 2012, he was appointed senior curator of M+ Hong Kong, and has ever since become responsible for managing and researching in the formidable collection of Chinese contemporary art of the museum. From a highly educated elite fresh out from the world of the academic, to a gallerist immersed in the tough business, now returning to a position that is museological and institutional, looking after a collection that has recently become public – Pi Li has seen it all. His move from Beijing to Hong Kong might well be simply a personal decision; to the remapping of Chinese contemporary art, however, it is deemed to be the signifier of a new era.

Forest Fringe in China

It’s 2006, Forest Fringe initiated at the Forest Cafe in Edinburgh, a beautiful decaying church hall above the cafe is the place where the group of artists making space for risk and experiment. Over the years they devote themselves to the UK contemporary experimental performances with full of passion. This is a totally independent non-for-profit community, in this community where artists and audiences have no boundaries and even shift the roles; meanwhile this is also a performence festival held annually in Edinburgh, now the festival has grown, they begin to experiment beyond Edinburgh creating projects across the UK and internationally. As one of the UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange programmes in 2015, seven artists came to China to share their ideas with local artists and audiences. After this three-week China Tour, the co-director Andy Field and the artist Richard DeDomenici shared their unforgettable experience with us.

Beyond Colonialism

As previously mentioned the inter-exchanges between China and United Kingdom, or the ‘contacts’, majority of people would never ignore the facts that Britain and its opponents from Europe invaded as well as occupied the Asian area. However, behind these visible conflicts among the empires, still more meanings are worth looking at and exploring actively through the micro-scope, that is, the formation and exchange of knowledge—and, following this, the cultural identity.

The Temperature of Trams: Sitting-Still-Moving 電車的溫度:聽見,城市的瞬間

The moving train where we sit always attracts us to ‘see’ the scenery outside, and the speed of motion also removes the passengers from the sense of place, acting as a barrier. Even in a relatively slow tram, serving as a common way for commuters in a city, the windows through which they see mostly serve as utterly usual views. It shows ‘nothing’ more than a space that hosts daydreams; in this way, the moving coach is a place without any productive values. However, the project conducted by the British artists collective Circumstance, Sitting-Still-Moving – Times Museum Art on Track, aimed to change this impression and to transform the tram into a carriage that not only carries people but also brings them a novel story, or a past-cum-forgotten history regarding the local community.

Tea 茶

From its discovery in China in 2737 BC to its enthusiastic welcome in London in 1644 AD, tea has become a worldwide phenomenon and beloved staple. Whether enjoyed in a picturesque Chinese courtyard garden or on a builder’s worksite, tea is instantly recognisable in any of its myriad forms or tastes and the love of it ties together both countries and social classes.

BFI Century of Chinese Cinema

Text by: Struan Robison / 撰文:Struan Robinson Translated by: Harry Liu / 翻譯:劉競晨 Noah Cowan, previously co-director of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) put together the selection of films to be included in the program to reflect this. He writes: “We have aimed to achieve a balance between the canonical and the unjustly neglected, the historically


2015年新春之際,在中國農曆新年的大年初二, 英國華人藝術協會與全球音樂與藝術融合慈善基金會共同攜手在歷史悠久的倫敦查爾頓莊園舉辦了大型迎春慶祝活動, 其中包括了英國中樂團的演出以及持續一個月時間的大型中國旅英藝術家群展《西遊新記》。值得一提的是,

The Legend of the Sun 逐夢天涯

A long time ago, the ancestors of the Zhuang used to live in a place without sunshine. It is said that far beyond the horizon lives a flaming Sun that will bring light and warmth to their homeland. Everyone volunteers for the adventurous journey in search of the Sun… The elders say: “We have the

Ming: 50 years that changed China

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:BRITISH MUSEUM 大英博物館 In September 2014 the British Museum will stage a major exhibition on a golden age in China’s history--Ming:50 Years That Changed China. The exhibition will explore the years 1400 – 1450, a pivotal 50 year period that transformed China during the rule of the Ming dynasty. In

Everything about Quality

Interview with Nixi Cura Programme Director, Arts of China, Christie’s Education, London. 採訪倫敦佳士得美術學院中國藝術項目總監 黃巧巧 . Christie’s Education is the first British institution to offer a Master’s programme devoted exclusively to Chinese art. While acquiring experience in object analysis, students will explore archaeological and historical contexts and the multiple narratives in the story of Chinese art.

Wang Yabin: Reflections in Time

Text by: Monica Chung 撰文:Monica Chung Image Courtesy of: NUO Gallery 圖片提供:NUO畫廊 . ‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.’ “真正的發現之旅不在於新的風景,而在於新的眼睛。” [註1] --Marcel Proust, French novelist (1871 – 1922) ——馬歇爾·普魯斯特(Marcel Proust),法國小說家(1871-1922) . Wang Yabin’s ethereal portrayals of vertiginous landscapes, and everything that travels through such resplendent

Gems of Chinese Painting

TEXT BY文字提供:Baoping Li 李寶平 IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:BRITISH MUSEUM 大英博物館 . The Yangzi River runs through an area of south-east China known as Jiangnan (literally ‘south of the river’) that has been one of the country’s most prosperous and culturally productive regions. The paintings and ceramics in the exhibition Gems of Chinese Painting reflect the


In the burgeoning British contemporary theatre, we are attempting to achieve bringing up new voices, whether it is in a new writing scheme between Chinese and British artists, or short play performances by East Asian young writers, or young troupes concerning about feminine issue subjects, which are all about new writing but in different forms


What is “New Writing”? Before coming to UK, I have never
heard about the term. Yet, in 2012, the term has been given its official corresponding Chinese translation, and has been widely accepted ever since. Thanks to the collaboration between Scotland National Theatre and Director Qinxin Tian from China National Theatre Institute, the young playwright writing

The Middle Kingdom

Award winning British artist and filmmaker Isaac Julien discusses making ‘Ten Thousand Waves’ and his experiences in China. Interview by Monica Chung.   撰文:Monica Chung Written by: Monica Chung 翻譯:姜嘯然 Translated by: Shoran Jiang   圖片提供:艾薩克·朱利安 Images by courtesy of:Isaac Julien   ‘…I’ve promised, my little girl To come home when the tree blooms We’ll

Art of Change: New Directions from China

Text and images by courtesy of Hayward Gallery 圖文提供: 倫敦海沃德畫廊   07.09.2012 – 09.12.2012 The first major exhibition in the UK to focus on contemporary installation and performance art from China, it brings together works by nine of the country’s most innovative artists and artist groups from the 1980s to today – Chen Zhen, Yingmei

先行者 長征空間

  Founded by Lu Jie in 2002, Long March Space plays a vital role in pursuing new avenues of production, discourse and promotion of contemporary art in China. As one of the earliest contemporary art spaces to be established in the 798 Art District of Beijing, Long March Space tirelessly revolutionizes the ways in which

圖像中的中國 倫敦弗勞爾斯畫廊

  Our editorial team has launched an investigation into British galleries that have either direct or indirect links with China. Many galleries corresponded to those criteria, while some in particular attracted our attention. Here comes the case of the Flowers Galleries, which notably represent three photographers – Edward Burtynsky, Nadav Kander, and Ian Teh –


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