

Jose Antonio Suarez Londono : One Year

“Every single thing he owns makes up one great collection. In him this passion shows its true face, the stern Indian expression that lingers on, but with a dimmed and manic glow, in antiquarians, researchers, bibliomaniacs. Scarcely has he entered life than he is a hunter. He hunts the spirits whose trace he scents in

China Design Centre at Collect 2019: the International Art Fair for Modern Craft and Design

28th Feb. – 3rd Mar. 2019 @ London’s Saatchi Gallery 2019年2月28日-3月3日 @ 英國倫敦薩奇畫廊 The Crafts Council announced the return of Collect to London’s Saatchi Gallery for its 15th edition. The only gallery-presented art fair dedicated to modern craft and design, Collect provides an opportunity to discover and invest in exceptional work produced in the last five years by living artists,

Frieze London and Masters 2016

Text by Jesc Bunyard Edited and Translated by Michelle Yu Image Courtesy of Frieze Yes, it’s that time again. Time for the madness of Frieze, when the London art calendar lurches into life and everyone heads for the Regent’s Park. 是的,一年一次的Frieze又來了,日曆上滿滿的藝術活動,安排不過來,也看不過來,但大家一定都會湧向Regent’s Park的Frieze Art Fair。 In addition to the Live section, which is always a firm

No Man Is An Island

Born in Bradford, West Yorkshire 1983. Lives and works in London. Graduated from the Ruskin School of Art (Oxford University) in 2004 and Birkbeck (University of London) in 2008, Ashcroft also studied Sculpture at The Royal College of Art (London) in 2012-13 and is co-founder of the alternative art school AltMFA.

Carsten Höller: Decision

This major exhibition at Hayward Gallery presents a wide range of Höller’s works, from newly made pieces that have been especially commissioned, to key early artworks like The Pinocchio Effect (1994) and Upside Down Goggles (1994-2009). It brings together kinetic sculptures, videos, installations and light works that are designed to profoundly re-orientate our awareness of time and space, reflecting Höller’s wide‐ranging interest in the nature of consciousness.

London Art Fair 2015

27th edition of London Art Fair:Pallant House Gallery, international ‘Dialogues’ and the Art Projects Artist Award 21–25 January 2015 (Preview Evening 20 January) Business Design Centre, Islington, London Art Fair, the UK’s premier Fair for Modern British and contemporary art, kicks off the cultural calendar with its 27th edition at the Business Design Centre, Islington, from 21-25 January

Adventures of the Black Square

Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915 – 2015   15 January – 6 April 2015, Galleries 1, 8 & Victor Petitgas Gallery (Gallery 9) A major new exhibition tracing a century of Abstract art from 1915 to today is on show at the Whitechapel Gallery from 15 January 2015. It brings together


The exhibition brings together 250 works by 110 artists from China, the Former Soviet Union, Taiwan, the UK and the USA in a comprehensive survey celebrating Pop Art’s legacy. Post Pop: East Meets West examines why of all the twentieth century’s art movements, Pop Art has had such a powerful influence over artists from world


Interview with Co-founder of Euroart Studios Lorraine Clarke 專訪歐藝術工作室聯合創辦人、藝術家羅琳·克拉克   TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Harry Liu 劉競晨 PHOTOGRAPHED BY 攝影 x Syndi Huang 黃煥欣 IMAGE COURTESY BY 圖片提供 x Lorraine Clarke 羅琳·克拉克 Lorraine Clarke (ARBS) is a London based artist whose work expresses a burgeoning interest in the human body, from the tremendous impact of

Keep Walking 16:20

TEXT AND IMAGE BY 圖文提供 x JOSH WRIGHT 喬希·萊特 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x MICHELLE YU 余小悅 16:20 is a project by the artist and photographer Josh Wright. From the age of sixteen and still at school Wright embarked on an ambitious project attempting to photograph Britain’s Artists in their studios. Now at the age of

Art and Life

Dulwich Picture Gallery 4 June 2014 – 21 September 2014

Disobedient Objects

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:V&A MUSEUM 維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館 The V&A will this summer present the first exhibition to explore objects of art and design from around the world that have been created by grassroots social movements as tools of social change. From Chilean folk art textiles that document political violence to a graffiti-writing robot, defaced

Richard Tuttle: I Don’t Know or The Weave of Textile Language

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供: Whitechapel Gallery 白教堂畫廊/Tate Modern 泰特現代美術館 Whitechapel Gallery and Tate Modern announce a major collaboration celebrating artist Richard Tuttle.The UK’s largest ever survey of the renowned American sculptor and poet Richard Tuttle will take place in London this October. It will comprise a major exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery surveying

Strange Beauty 奇異之美

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:NATIONAL GALLERY 英國國家畫廊 . The German Renaissance was part of the cultural and artistic awakening that spread across Northern Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. German artists such as Dürer developed an international reputation, their fame reaching all parts of Europe, while renowned humanist scholars such as Erasmus of Rotterdam, the

Martin Creed: What’s the Point of It?

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:Hayward Gallery 海沃德畫廊 . This spring Hayward Gallery at Southbank Centre is set to show the first major survey of work by internationally-acclaimed artist Martin Creed. Opening on 29 January 2014, the exhibition will bring together the full range and scale of Creed’s work, spanning its most minimal moments –

伦敦博物馆之旅:考陶尔德美术馆(Courtauld Gallery)

你不可错过的印象派与后印象派名画  考陶尔德美术馆坐落于萨默塞特府(Somerset House),毗邻科文特花园(Covent Garden),离特拉法加广场(Trafalgar Square)也不过咫尺之遥。美术馆是考陶尔德艺术学院(Courtauld Institute of Art)的一部分,该学院是伦敦大学下专攻艺术史的一个自治学院。美术馆的收藏囊括了从中世纪到20世纪的各类艺术品,但它最知名的馆藏是印象派和后印象派的画作。马奈的《女神游乐厅的吧台》(A Bar at the Folies-Bergère) 、塞尚的《玩纸牌的人》(The Card Players)高更的《永远不再》(Nevermore)还有梵高《包扎耳朵的自画像》(Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear)更是举世闻名的艺术珍品。 考陶尔德艺术学院由英国实业家塞缪尔·考陶尔德(Samuel Courtauld),以及英国外交官阿瑟·李(Arthur Lee)还有艺术史学家罗伯特·维特(Robert Witt)于1932年共同创立。考陶尔德同时也是一位艺术收藏家,对印象派和后印象派的绘画独具慧眼。他是最初几位对法国印象派和后印象派艺术表现出浓厚兴趣的收藏家之一。美术馆最重要的馆藏也大部分来自他的馈赠。 藏品精选:爱德华•马奈《女神游乐厅的吧台》 这是由马奈于1882年创作的一幅布面油画。女神游乐厅于1869年首次开门迎客,是巴黎第一家剧院夜总会。它以奢华且具有异域风情的表演在19世纪末的巴黎红极一时,也因许多嫖客和妓女的出没而臭名昭著。当时的一份杂志称这家夜总会洋溢着着一种纯粹的寻欢与享乐的氛围。莫泊桑描述这里的女招待“不仅卖酒,也兜售爱”。 在这幅画里,一位女招待站在吧台前。通过她身后那面巨大的镜子,我们可以看见夜总会中画里的水晶吊灯还有喧闹的观赏着演出的人群。一个杂技演员正在做空中飞人的表演,衣着时尚的女人们与男人们调着情。女招待的神情略显忧郁,似乎超脱于喧嚣之上而沉浸在自己的世界里。她与她胸前的玫瑰那样温婉,却也同样脆弱。同样通过镜子的反射,我们可以看见她的面前正站立着一位男性顾客。而那位顾客,理论上就应处于我们——即观者的位置上。

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013

The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013 is designed by multi award- winning Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. He is the thirteenth and, at 41, the youngest architect to accept the invitation to design a temporary structure for the Serpentine Gallery. The most ambitious architectural programme of its kind worldwide, the Serpentine’s annual Pavilion commission is one of

Isaac Julien

Isaac Julien was born in 1960 in London, where he currently lives and works. After graduating from St Martins School of Art in 1984, where he studied painting and fine art film, Isaac Julien founded Sankofa Film and Video Collective (1982–1992), and was a founding member of Normal Films in 1991.   Julien was nominated

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2012

Text and images by courtesy of Serpentine Gallery 圖文提供: 倫敦蛇形畫廊   01.06.2012 – 14.10.2012 Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei have created the 2012 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. It is the twelfth commission in the Gallery’s annual series, the world’s first and most ambitious architectural programme of its kind. The design team responsible for the

先行者 長征空間

  Founded by Lu Jie in 2002, Long March Space plays a vital role in pursuing new avenues of production, discourse and promotion of contemporary art in China. As one of the earliest contemporary art spaces to be established in the 798 Art District of Beijing, Long March Space tirelessly revolutionizes the ways in which


  The purpose of the editorial team for introducing this gallery is to give more weight to the emerging Chinese artists rather than the established ones. Some artists intrigues us for their re-appropriation of mid-1990s Cynical Realism and Political Pop, and their particular focus on figural and women paintings. 本期介紹國王街畫廊的目的在於讓新崛起的藝術家得到更多的關注,而不僅僅只將注意力集中在像 俸正傑和王廣義這些已經成名的藝術家身上。吸引我們編輯團隊注意的是一些新興藝術家重新運用了90年代中期的玩世現實主義和政治波普藝術的元素,另一些則著重在人體和女性的藝術創作。 Situated in the gallery


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