

Bao Rong : the Art Hopper
包蓉 : 跳躍在邊界的藝術蹦客

Rong Bao, one of the most prominent emerging contemporary artists from China’s new generation, is a true ‘art hopper’ leaping between mediums with bold creativity. Her work spans sculpture, painting, video, and installation, where she transforms the everyday into something extraordinary. Bao reshapes familiar objects to expose the absurdities and contradictions hidden in daily life.

The Joy of Connecting the West and East

Review on “Simple Pleasures: Li Jin with Roger Law” Text by Joshua Gong Starting 4 May, 2024, the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University will be presenting an exhibition entitled “Simple Pleasures: Li Jin with Roger Law“. This exhibition showcases the paintings of Li Jin, an artist whose works highlight the contemporary friendship between China and

Yan Xie: Mindful Curation for Healing and Mentally Engaging Exhibitions

A London-based curator Yan Xie, is known for her commitment to engaging diverse communities through participatory art. With a keen interest in the transformative power of artistic expression, Yan Xie delves into the complexities of personal and collective experiences through her curated exhibitions. Recently, she has turned her focus to more specialised areas, including the

Interview with Fang Lijun—— Exploring Portraits and Porcelain

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 14.10.2023 – 13.04.2024   Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is currently hosting a solo exhibition by renowned Chinese contemporary artist Fang Lijun, titled Fang Lijun: Faces and Ceramics. This exhibition is meticulously curated by Professor Shelagh Vainker, who serves as both the curator for Chinese Art at the Ashmolean Museum and an Associate

Nanhai I and other Important Shipwrecks
Symposiums, Exhibitions and Publications on Maritime Silk Roads in Recent Years

The Nanhai I is a Chinese merchant ship that sank in the South China Sea (Nanhai) while carrying a cargo of ceramics and other goods for export during the Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279). The shipwreck was found in the waters of Guangdong in 1987, the year when an underwater archaeology section was formed by the China History Museum (now the China National Museum) with the support of its late director Yu Weichao (1933–2003) (fig. 1), a renowned scholar.

Appreciation of China: The Exhibition of Chinese Legacy

  在中華人民共和國駐英使館文化處的支持下,由東方藝術學會、全英華人收藏家協會、歐洲時報、英國天津商會、鼎天英國等單位主辦,由鼎天英國公司全程策劃的《鑒賞CHlNA》系列活动将于11月3-6日在伦敦亚洲艺术周期间呈现,向欧洲世界再现中国艺术的光华。 據悉,此項活動包括“在英倫尋找中國藝術”藝術品征集甄選、《鑒賞CHINA》 海外遺珍展、VIP私人音樂品鑒酒會、《鑒賞CHINA》圖書發行儀式、《百年記憶》紀念華人勞工慈善拍賣會等一系列活動,喚醒東西方藝術對話的活力,再現海外的中國藝術遺珍。這將成為一場可觀賞、參與、互動的專業藝術盛宴。 其中第一階段面向全英倫公開的千人“尋找中國藝術”活動,在歐洲掀起了又一次對中國藝術的熱潮。市民對中國藝術收藏的熱情超出組織者的想象,而收藏的作品更是不可小覷。經過近2個月的征集,近百人參與本次征集活動,不斷有散落在歐洲民間以及收藏機構的珍貴中國藝術品陸續來到倫敦助力《鑒賞CHINA》 海外遺珍展,活動範圍已經擴展至 法國、瑞典、丹麥、北京、香港、上海等地 。最終從近200余件作品中甄選出近百件源自中國歷代的瓷器精品、青銅器、文玩雜項等。其中經過專家鑒定評議的精品將從11月3日起在Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel 的《鑒賞CHlNA》海外遺珍展中展出,並將出版著錄。 展品中,清康熙五彩加金蓮鷺紋將軍罐、清乾隆青花纏枝蓮紋貫耳尊、明弘治嬌黃釉盤 等歷代中國文物遺珍不僅展出了瓷史的無比光華,更彰顯了中華傳統歷史文化之魅力,兼具藝術性與學術性,足以一觀。 據介紹,本次活動不光得到了眾多海內外重要收藏家、東方藝術基金會的支持肯定,也得到了中華人民共和國駐英大使館文化處、英國收藏家協會等機構的大力支持。本次活動還設有各種獎項,以鼓勵優秀參加者。通過展覽交流,專業評審,出版註錄,勵誌為藏家打造最好的中國經典藝術的交易平臺,將美好的中國藝術傳承下去。該展覽並於11月3日 在梅非爾的萬豪酒店會議中心舉行開幕,為東西方朋友奉上精致文化盛宴。 2016年 11月3日-11月6日                     Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel,Albemarle & Aldford Suite,Park lane, London. W1K 7TN.

After Sun Shi

“It is the same – threefold – Psyche, a woman, and each time there is a reminder, as Freud puts it, that she is extended (asugedehnt). But each time (and three times the first sentence resonates in French, “Psyche est étendue…” [“Psyche is extended…”]) the mise-en-scène differs, as do the tableau and the implicit narrative.” – On Touching, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Derrida


2015年新春之際,在中國農曆新年的大年初二, 英國華人藝術協會與全球音樂與藝術融合慈善基金會共同攜手在歷史悠久的倫敦查爾頓莊園舉辦了大型迎春慶祝活動, 其中包括了英國中樂團的演出以及持續一個月時間的大型中國旅英藝術家群展《西遊新記》。值得一提的是,

30 Years West

TEXT AND IMAGE BY 圖文提供 x Cai Yuan 蔡元 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Bowen Li 李博文 We used to hear this Chinese proverb often when we were young: thirty years on the East bank, thirty years on the West bank. Describing the ever changing situation of the Yellow River, this proverb was quite popular amongst

Everything about Quality

Interview with Nixi Cura Programme Director, Arts of China, Christie’s Education, London. 採訪倫敦佳士得美術學院中國藝術項目總監 黃巧巧 . Christie’s Education is the first British institution to offer a Master’s programme devoted exclusively to Chinese art. While acquiring experience in object analysis, students will explore archaeological and historical contexts and the multiple narratives in the story of Chinese art.


What is “New Writing”? Before coming to UK, I have never
heard about the term. Yet, in 2012, the term has been given its official corresponding Chinese translation, and has been widely accepted ever since. Thanks to the collaboration between Scotland National Theatre and Director Qinxin Tian from China National Theatre Institute, the young playwright writing

The Middle Kingdom

Award winning British artist and filmmaker Isaac Julien discusses making ‘Ten Thousand Waves’ and his experiences in China. Interview by Monica Chung.   撰文:Monica Chung Written by: Monica Chung 翻譯:姜嘯然 Translated by: Shoran Jiang   圖片提供:艾薩克·朱利安 Images by courtesy of:Isaac Julien   ‘…I’ve promised, my little girl To come home when the tree blooms We’ll


Originated from Ancient Greece, flourished in Europe and become popular in the whole world, Olympic culture has become part of the civilization of human being. That’s to say, Olympic culture comes from the west. Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger” has deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people. In

先行者 長征空間

  Founded by Lu Jie in 2002, Long March Space plays a vital role in pursuing new avenues of production, discourse and promotion of contemporary art in China. As one of the earliest contemporary art spaces to be established in the 798 Art District of Beijing, Long March Space tirelessly revolutionizes the ways in which

圖像中的中國 倫敦弗勞爾斯畫廊

  Our editorial team has launched an investigation into British galleries that have either direct or indirect links with China. Many galleries corresponded to those criteria, while some in particular attracted our attention. Here comes the case of the Flowers Galleries, which notably represent three photographers – Edward Burtynsky, Nadav Kander, and Ian Teh –

Walter Benjamin | Chinese Curios

These are days when no one should rely unduly on his “competence”. Strength lies in improvisation. All the decisive blows are struck left-handed. At the beginning of the long downhill lane that leads to the house of—, whom I visited each evening, is a gate. After she moved, the opening of its archway stood henceforth


  This exhibition – held in the curator’s flat – is part of her postgraduate study in MA Art and Politics at Goldsmiths College. Hence, the exhibition is not only case study of Chinese contemporary art, but also constitutes a body of research from the perspective of a Chinese student. The five participating artists̶Liu Chuang,


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