Hampstead Theatre is in the vicinity of Swiss Cottage and Belsize Park, in the London Borough of Camden. It specializes in commissioning and producing new writing, supporting and developing the work of new writers.
In 2003, as a result of the immense generosity of the local community and the Theatre’s supporters, the new and purpose-built 325-seat Hampstead Theatre building was completed in Swiss Cottage close to the site of the old studio theatre. In its new home, Hampstead has continued its proud tradition of identifying the newest talent whilst also continuing to nurture mid-career and established writers.
從瑞士小屋(Swiss Cottage)地鐵站出來,一眼就能看到這座精巧的玻 璃建築。周末的午後,在漢姆斯德劇院的對面幾棵郁郁蔥蔥的大樹下,還 有各色手工藝品的小攤位。劇院的設置顯得簡單通透,就像他們在網站 上的宗旨一般,采取“黑白分明”的態度:漢姆斯德的文學部門一般傾向於 對所收到的劇本直截了當地做出判斷,努力把最優質的資源給最優質的 劇本和最具才華的作者。
劇院於2003年遷到新址艾頓大道(Eton Avenue),緊鄰瑞士小屋公園 (Swiss Cottage Park)。從劇院的露臺能夠欣賞到優美的公園風景, 包括一處新建的照明水景,不失為享受安靜的夏日午後或者演後小酌之 夜的完美去處。
Hampstead Theatre received more than one thousand works of theater every year, but it generally only accepts British writer submissions. As part of its commitment to developing new writers and new writing, the theatre nurtures and commissions playwrights, and also hosts regular Start Nights, where extracts of new plays are performed to an audience who give their constructive feedback on what they have seen.
Hampstead Theatre consists of two main venues, the Auditorium and Downstairs Space. From the beginning of the 1960s,there have been many well-known actors in the theatre, for example, Edward Fox, John Hurt and Rowan Atkinson in 70s-80s, Alan Rickman, John Malkovich, Jude Law and Faye Dunaway in 80s-90s. The Auditorium provides writers with a site for making their works can be detailed reviewed by audiences, as well as offers chance for indirectly enhancing their potentials. The authors recently introduced by Hampstead include Mike Bartlett, Simon Stephens, Mike Leigh, Nina Riane, Nicholas Wright and Steve Thompson.
In addition to the Auditorium, Downstairs Space is a fully equipped theatre with unreserved seating for approximately 80 people. The seating is also flexible to allow for different stage layouts. It is generally seen as a manifestation site for new writers and artists, for instance, well-known Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has performed in Hampstead.
Hampstead Theatre is committed to collaborating with other arts organizations within the community to create developmental opportunities for new and emerging writers. Skylines, a project leaded by Theatre Center, provided opportunities for new writers to participate in a series of workshops to introduce them to writing for audiences of 4+, 8+ and 13+. This was a national project, and Hampstead Theatre was their only London partner. Moreover, Hampstead also cooperated with the Roundhouse. A group of local writers have been collaborating with a project at the Roundhouse, writing a short radio play that will be produced and performed by young people this term.
Like many other theaters, Hampstead is also facing funding problems. In order to ensure the development of the theater, they use a variety of forms to get support from all sides and fields. One of activities is “name you theater seat”, which means that as long as a certain amount of funding provided, you can get a seat and enjoy the naming rights and other theatrical deals. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the new site, the theater reopened this activity. This is why when you walk into the main theater, you may find the names engraved on some seats, with a special way to commemorate a loved one, family, or an unforgettable story.
劇院每年收到超過一千部作品,但是一般只接受英國作家的投稿,並且希 望看到作品有超越和挑戰劇場空間的“野心”。但這並非僅僅體現在作品的 形制上,無論製作規模大小,劇院都盡可能地為才華橫溢的新興劇作家們 提供施展的舞臺。
漢 姆 斯 德 劇 院 並 不 大 ,它 包 括 兩 個 主 要 的 演 出 場 地 。從 6 0 年 代 開 始 ,有 許 多 知名演員曾在此演出,例如,80-70年代的愛德華·福克斯(Edward Fox)、 約翰·赫特(John Hurt)和羅溫·艾金森(Rowan Atkinson), 80-90年代的 艾倫·里克曼(Alan Rickman)、約翰·馬爾科維奇(John Malkovich),裘 德·洛(Jude Law)和費·唐娜薇(Faye Dunaway),主劇場為作家們提供了 一個展示作品和接受觀眾細致“審查”的場所,為日後的創作提供了潛在的 更廣闊的可能性。最近推出的作家包括邁克·巴特利特(Mike Bartlett)、西 蒙·斯蒂芬斯(Simon Stephens)、邁克·李(Mike Leigh)、尼古拉斯·懷特 (Nicholas Wright)和史蒂夫·湯普森(Steve Thompson)。
除主劇場外,遠離媒體聚光燈的漢姆斯德的樓下劇場(Downstairs Space)被看作是體現劇場靈活多變風格的主要場所,這裡也是新寫作作 家和先鋒作家們大顯身手的地方,例如,為國人所知的艾未未相關作品, 也曾在此上演。經驗不足的劇作家可以在此通過細致的推敲來了解自己 的作品,而更有經驗的劇作家可以在這裡改進和完善他們的作品。
在促進新寫作方面,劇院與許多機構合作,采取多樣化的方式推出新作 家。例如,他們與戲劇中心公司“天際線”(Theatre Centre Skylines)項 目合作,尋找為年輕人和青少年創作劇本的新興作家。劇院還與回旋廣播 (The Roundhouse)合作推出年度廣播劇,致力於讓更多年輕人了解廣 播劇的制作方法。
和許多劇院一樣,漢姆斯德劇院也面臨著經費問題。為了保證劇院的發 展,他們采用多種形式獲取來自各方面的支持。其中一項有趣的活動是“為 劇院座位命名”。只要提供一定數額的資助,就可以獲得座位的命名權並 享受其他觀演優惠。為了慶祝新址建立10周年,劇院重新開啟這項活動。 這也是為何當你走進主劇場的時候,會發現有些座位上鐫刻著名字,大家 用特別的方式紀念著一個愛人、家人,或者一段難以忘懷的故事。