Downtown lively bars and diverse styles of theater performances, making Soho Theatre become one of London’s must-see landmark cultural landscapes. As the most acclaimed comedy and cabaret theatre in London, Soho Theatre is responsible for initiating, nurturing and realizing the most insightful and groundbreaking new acts. It is the place where talented emerging and established writers conceive, develop and realize their best work.
From New Compton Street to a basement at Soho Poly to the first ever purpose built theatre for new writing, Soho Theatre Company has been making its mark on the streets of London for over 40 years. Nestled a few doors down from Karl Marx’s 1850s crash pad, just up from the infamous Colony Room, at the very address that Mozart played in 1764, 21 Dean Street has been Soho Theatre’s home for 11 years.
Soho Theatre owns its own Central London venue housing the intimate 150-seat Soho Theatre, our 90-seat Soho Upstairs and our cabaret space, Soho Downstairs. Under the joint leadership of Soho’s Artistic Director Steve Marmion and Executive Director Mark Godfrey, Soho Theatre now welcomes 167,000 people a year.
從新康普頓街(New Compton Street)到蘇荷保利(Soho Poly)的地下室, 再到現在的新寫作劇院,蘇荷戲劇公司已經有40年的歷史。劇院當下的地 址——迪恩街(Dean Street)21號,也是曾有諸多故事的地方,例如,僅僅幾 米之隔,就是馬克思在19世紀50年代的故居,而就在同一條街道上,還有大 名鼎鼎的“Colony Room”(曾是倫敦知名藝術家的私人酒吧和俱樂部), 相傳 1764年莫紮特曾在此演奏。
蘇荷劇院包括三個主要的演出場地:150座的蘇荷劇場、90座的樓上劇 場、和新建的位於樓下的歌舞劇空間。在劇院藝術總監史蒂夫·瑪米昂 (Steve Marmion)和執行總監馬克·戈弗雷(Mark Godfrey)的聯合指 導下, 蘇荷劇院每年接納的觀眾已接近17萬人。
TO&ST Award will be given to the show the judges believe to be the best cabaret show at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. As well as the industry recognition the winner of the award will be offered a two-weeks run at Soho Theatre and will have a full feature about their show in Time Out. The short-listing panels are Time Out Cabaret Editor, Ben Walters, Soho Theatre Comedy & Cabaret, Producer, Steve Lock, and Artistic Director of the Glasgow Cabaret Festival, Frodo McDaniel.
TO&ST獎是愛丁堡戲劇節(Edinburgh Festival Fringe)的獎項之一, 為評選最佳歌舞劇而設。獲得該獎項的作品將在蘇荷劇院進行為期兩 周的展演,并獲得Time Out雜誌的專欄介紹。該獎項的三位評委包括 Time Out歌舞劇編輯本·沃爾特斯(Ben Walters), 蘇荷劇院戲劇與歌 舞劇制作人史蒂夫·勞克(SteveLock)以及格拉斯哥歌舞劇節藝術總 監佛羅多·麥克丹尼爾(Frodo McDaniel)。
The writer’s centre of Soho Theatre discovers and nurtures playwrights through a broad range of activities, developing their work to wards production. It’s accessible range of resources offers writers across the UK vital support at any stage of their careers. Soho wants to work with writers from conception to production and love to produce a writer’s first play and have no objections to their second, third or fiftieth.
Through commissions, residencies and attachments, readings and workshops, Soho Theatre’s writer programmes enable them to deepen their relationships with artists, forge conversations and develop ideas – all with the aim of creating unforgettable nights out on stage.
劇院為戲劇創作的新人們提供各種資源,並希望從構思創意到排練制 作,與作家進行全方位的合作。盡管蘇荷劇院鼓勵制作劇作家的第一部 作品,他們也並不排斥這些劇作家後來的創作。
蘇荷劇院與新寫作相關的另一特色是各種類型的寫作工坊。例如每月 一次的公開寫作工坊(Open Access Workshop)、專業級別的大師課 程(Master Classes)、給作者們提供修改建議和新靈感的“寫作診所” (The Clinic)以及促進英國作家之間合作的地區工作坊(Regional Workshop)。
通過鼓勵大膽的創意和深入的作品,蘇荷劇院為眾們帶來一個又一個的 舞臺不眠夜。
“Whether you are six years old, sixty years old or six hundreds and sixty-six years old”, as long as you love adventuring and daring to dream, then Soho Theatre can be your dream paradise. The diversity of audiences is inseparable with the theatre’s purpose and character. In addition, Soho Theatre is very fancy young audiences, and offers a variety of performance opportunities for young people under the age of 25, or even children under 10 years old.
“無論你是六歲,六十歲還 是六百六十六歲”,只要你熱 愛新鮮、敢於做夢,蘇荷劇 院都是你的夢想天堂。蘇荷 劇院的觀眾具有多樣化的特 點,這與劇院的宗旨和特色 密不可分。此外,劇院十分 看中年輕的戲劇觀眾,為25 歲以下的年輕人提供各種 表演機會,甚至為10歲以下 的兒童開設表演俱樂部。