
Light Show 光之展

Light Show is the first survey of light based art in the UK and brings together the most visually stimulating artworks created in recent years, with rare works not seen for decades and re-created especially for Hayward Gallery.

海沃德畫廊舉辦的《光之展》是英國第一次以關於“光”為媒介來策展的藝術展覽,展覽 彙集了近年來最具視覺刺激的以光線為媒介的藝術作品,而且也重現了很多難得一見的作品。

Light Show creates a sumptuous experience, engaging the viewer in mesmerising illuminated environments over two extensive floors at the Hayward Gallery. Twenty three large-scale installations and sculptures by major international artists from the 1960s to the present will explore the medium of light, reacting to the surrounding architecture and operating at the edges of the spectator’s perception.

《光之展》營造了一個豐盛的視覺體驗,觀展者在海沃德畫廊可以體驗到超乎尋常的光 線體驗,23件由重要國際藝術家創作的大型光線裝置和雕塑展現了從上世紀60年代至 今,藝術家是如何探索運用光作為藝術的媒介,如何與環境產生互動以及其如何作用於 觀眾的感官。

For centuries, light has been a fascination for artists, from medieval altarpieces to Impressionist painting and photography, literally ‘writing with light’. Electric light in art, however, is a phenomenon of the twentieth century, with light-based artwork closely connected to the wider availability of electric light. From the 1960s artists started to maximise light’s potential both as a sculptural medium and for altering the viewer’s perception of space. The artists approach light as an optical phenomenon, a spatial and environmental experience, a factor of psychological influence, and an intangible sculptural medium. Creating specific conditions of viewership and raising questions about perceptions and the perceiver, the visitor will be drawn into an intricate journey through five decades of light-based installation art.

幾百年來,“光”一直是藝術家著迷的對象,從中世紀的祭壇畫到印象派和攝影,都是在“用光來繪畫”。 然而,隨著電力的普及,從二十世紀開始出現了以電力支持的燈光為基礎的藝術作品,從上世紀60年 代,藝術家們開始最大限度地探索運用燈光來作為雕塑的媒介和通過光線來改變觀眾對空間感知 的潛力。此次展覽中藝術家將光線作為營造空間和環境體驗的手段,作為影響心裡的一個因素和一 種無形的雕塑介質。為觀者營造一種獨特的藝術體驗,提出關於感知和感知者之間關係的問題,參 觀者將被帶入一個複雜的’跨越五十年歷程的光線裝置藝術之旅。

Light Show includes work by David Batchelor, Jim Campell, Carlos-Cruz-Diez, Olafur Eliasson, Fischli and Weiss, Dan Flavin, Ceal Floyer, Nancy Holt, Jenny Holzer, Anne Veronica Janssens, Brigitte Kowanz, Anthony McCall, François Morellet, Iván Navarro, Philippe Parreno, Katie Paterson, Conrad Shawcross, James Turrell, Douglas Wheeler, Cerith Wyn Evans, Leo Villareal.

展覽包括大衛·巴徹勒(David Batchelor)、吉姆·坎貝爾(Jim Campell)、卡洛斯·克魯茲·迭斯(Carlos- Cruz-Diez)、奧拉維爾·埃利亞松(Olafur Eliasson)、菲施利和魏斯(Fischli and Weiss)、丹·弗 萊文(Dan Flavin)、南希·霍爾特(Nancy Holt)、珍妮•霍爾澤(Jenny Holzer)、安妮·維羅尼卡· 詹森(Anne Veronica Janssens)、安東尼·麥考爾(Anthony McCall)、菲利普·帕雷諾(Philippe Parreno)、凱蒂·帕特森(Katie Paterson)、康拉德·肖克羅斯(Conrad Shawcross)、詹姆斯·特瑞爾 (James Turrell)、道格拉斯·惠勒(Douglas Wheele)等藝術家。

Tips 小貼示

展覽場地:  Hayward Gallery 海沃德畫廊

展覽時間:  30.1.2013–28.4.2013



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