
Oscar Murillo: The Flooded Garden (Waves, folds, and surges)

Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London
20 July – 26 August 2024

What is the inaugural impulse for the undertaking? A visual transcription of Claude Monet’s Water Lilies and with this a rapture of vision, or the torment that Monet experienced due to having cataracts which caused the loss or greatly diminished sight? By drawing together these two impulses, rupture and rapture, this project releases the force of visual excess in conjunction with the anxiety related to not being able to see into things, what Oscar Murillo calls the ‘social cataract’. The immersive structure of a painting forming itself out of waves of brush marks and calligraphic like inscriptions, alongside encounters with critical structures, becomes the means whereby a whole apparatus is assembled. There is a sense within this that the visual is haunted by blindness, of not being able to represent, nor to be able to put this into words. Thus, the forces released alternate between smooth continuities and striations introducing discontinuities. The play then between aesthetics and politics opens out an expanded set of possibilities for both registers based on a reconstructed notion of freedom (freedom as an eruption of sense). In this context there would be no social community without aesthetic community, no aesthetic impulse without social mediation. What is therefore assembled is close to a pulsation within the field of encounter in which energetics is the vital principle.

The idea of participation in art has generated a whole series of fascinating structures which have been drawn out of a resistance to aesthetic formalism. In particular, the confluence of artists assembled in Signals Gallery (1964-66) introduced not only a principle of participation but also as a category for thinking through social resistance with aesthetic singularity. This was coupled with a critique of neo-colonial subjectification that was articulated alongside the impulse for social emancipation. The idea in turn of Relational Aesthetics had a much more ambivalent posture and ethics in that it coupled philosophical critique of the spectacle with a collusion with globalised aesthetic structures. This was also coupled with the development of techno-aesthetic constructions which embraced the spectacular through which social legitimacy can be claimed by the sponsoring venues. Artists are then required to construct a subtle and sophisticated approach to how and where they partake within these corporate structures which couple pleasure with social control. Politics is not just the procession of speech acts, but an appeal to the combination of soft persuasive gestures, repetition of half-truths, seductions, strategies, and hard structures of repression, all entangled into a textured totality. In a sense Oscar Murillo is attempting to redefine a social politics alongside an aesthetics of difference based on the fold of subjective autonomy. In so doing, it mobilises aesthetic memory, social participation, energetics of inscription processes, textures of social life, combined with political and technological critiques, in ways that mobilise a circulation of these elements in free play and symbolic economy. In this way, the accumulation of figuration is coupled with the dis-figuration of abstraction.

If there is a claim for this venture it would be that participation should be linked to intelligence, that absorption can be coupled with social and ethical awareness, and that to have a future the link between doing and becoming requires structures of realisation and transformation. This entails a rethinking of value outside of measurability, and connected to this a politics based upon difference. Not so easy, but possible. Within the present, the secret of a better future lies disguised, and it is not just a matter of finding the key or code for this, but discovering a capacity of recognition within its obscurity.






Text by Jonathan Miles
Translated by Tiffany Zhang


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