
RA Summer Exhibition 2015
皇家美術學會夏季展 2015


The leading British artist Michael Craig-Martin RA will coordinate the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2015. The hanging committee for the Summer Exhibition includes Royal Academicians Norman Ackroyd, Olwyn Bowey, Gus Cummins, Jock McFadyen, David Remfry, Mick Rooney, Alison Wilding and Bill Woodrow.

As the world’s largest open submission exhibition, the Summer Exhibition provides a unique platform for emerging and established artists and architects to showcase their works to an international audience, comprising a range of media from painting to printmaking, photography, sculpture, architecture and film. This year the Royal Academy received 12,000 entries, from which a committee of Royal Academicians, will make a selection to hang on the walls of the Main Galleries in Burlington House. Over 1,200 artworks will go on display, the majority of which will be for sale offering visitors an opportunity to purchase original artwork by high profile and up-and-coming artists.

One of the founding principles of the Royal Academy of Arts was to ‘mount an annual exhibition open to all artists of distinguished merit’ to finance the training of young artists in the Royal Academy Schools. The Summer Exhibition has been held every year without interruption since 1769 and continues to play a significant part in raising funds to finance the current students of the RA Schools. The RA Schools is the longest established art school in the UK and offers the only free three-year postgraduate programme in Europe.

英國著名藝術家、皇家美術學會院士邁克爾·克雷格-馬丁(Michael Craig-Martin)將與皇家美術學會合作共同打造2015年夏季大展。今年的夏季展評選委員會包括了眾多的皇家美術學會院士,如諾曼·阿克羅伊德(Norman Ackroyd)、歐文·博伊(Olwyn Bowey)、格斯·康明斯(Gus Cummins)、喬克·麥克法迪安(Jock McFadyen)、大衛·蘭佛睿(David Remfry)、米克·魯尼(Mick Rooney)、艾莉森·威爾丁(Alison Wilding)以及比爾·伍德羅(Bill Woodrow)。



Tips 小貼士

展覽場地:Royal Academy of Arts 皇家美術學會
展覽時間:8.6.2015 – 16.8.2015


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