Major gift announced from Julia and Hans Rausing for The Vaults in the new RA
The Royal Academy of Arts, the world’s foremost artist and architect-led institution, will have its 250th birthday on Monday 10 December 2018, exactly 250 years after the “Instrument of Foundation” was signed by King George III in 1768.
The RA has received a major gift of £2.5m from Julia and Hans Rausing towards The Vaults, the new public route linking Burlington House to Burlington Gardens. This generous donation is the closing gift for the RA’s recent development. The Vaults will be named The Julia and Hans Rausing Hall.
The Royal Academy has been celebrating its momentous anniversary throughout the year with highlights including:
- The newly expanded campus designed by Sir David Chipperfield RA and supported by £12.7m from the National Lottery, has received over 1 million visits since opening on 19 May 2018
- The new free displays across the site have, since 19 May, attracted over 750,000 visits
- The opening “Art Party” weekend (19/20 May 2018) received over 17,000 visits
- The new RA collection Gallery has received, since 19 May, 100,000 visits
- 27% of visits in 2017/18 have been made by first time visitors to the RA
- 34% of visits in 2017/18 were made by those under 40 years old
- The 250th Summer Exhibition (12 June — 19 August 2018), co-ordinated by Grayson Perry RA, received 296.442 visits, the highest in over 100 years
- The acclaimed Charles I: King and Collector (27 January — 15 April 2018, in partnership with the Royal Collection Trust and sponsored by BNY Mellon) received 256,789 visits
- RA250 UK, a nationwide celebration of RA-related exhibitions and events with museums and galleries across the UK, with support from Art Fund
- 2018 ends with Oceania (29 September — 10 December 2018), the first ever major survey of Oceanic art to be held in the UK marking 250 years after Captain James Cook set sail on his first expedition
Christopher Le Brun, President of the Royal Academy of Arts, said: “The contribution of the Royal Academy of Arts to British cultural life is immeasurable and 250 years on it is still thriving; a voice for artists and architects, training the next generation of art students in the RA Schools and educating the public with world-class exhibitions and debate. We are experiencing this year a sense of renewal and we look forward to the next 250 years.”
The anniversary year will culminate with the “RA Student Night: The Birthday Party” on Saturday 8 December. Curated by University of the Arts London students, the one-night festival is inspired by the RAl its history and future. Up to 3,000 students are expected to attend.
Christopher Le Brun PRA will host a dinner for Royal Academicians on Monday 10 December at the Royal Academy.
History of the Royal Academy of Arts
The Royal Academy of Arts, Britain’s foremost artist and architect-led institution, was formed in 1768 by a group of artists and architects, including its first President, Sir Joshua Reynolds. The group was driven to create an independent, privately funded organisation which would promote “the Arts of Design”. Its foundation, endorsed by King George III, provided professional recognition for eminent artists and architects (who were thereafter known as “Royal Academicians”), established Britain’s first art school, and the staging of an annual exhibition that would be open to all. The Royal Academy today still provides a clear, strong voice for art and artists. Though best known as a venue for world-class temporary exhibitions to promote the public’s understanding and appreciation of visual culture, it continues to operate along the broader principles upon which it was founded. It is an independent charity and privately funded. It provides free education to the next generation of artists in the art school at the heart of its campus, the Royal Academy Schools, and it is still run by a distinguished group of 80 Practicing artists and architects.
The Instrument of Foundation
The “Instrument of Foundation” is the original scheme for the establishment of the Royal Academy of Arts. In November 1768, architect Sir William Chambers RA (1723-1796) informed King George III that he and a group of distinguished artists and architects were keen to establish a society under his patronage that should “more effectually promote the arts of design than any yet established”. The King replied that he was ready to extend his patronage to “whatever tended effectually to promote the liberal arts”. This led to the presentation on 28 November of a memorial signed by twenty-two painters, sculptors and architects, which set out in brief the aims of the proposed body:” a well-regulated School or Academy of Design, for the use of students in the Arts, and an Annual Exhibition, open to all artists of distinguished merit”. The memorial expressed the belief that profits arising from the exhibition would be sufficient to cover costs of the School. The king commanded that the scheme be further developed and on Saturday 10 December 1768 the final document, subsequently known as the Instrument of Foundation, received the royal signature together with the words “I approve of this plan; let it put in execution.”
Transforming the Royal Academy of Arts
Following a transformational redevelopment, designed by internationally-acclaimed architect Sir David Chipperfield CBE RA and supported by the National Lottery through a £12.7m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), the new Royal Academy has opened up the now reveals more of the elements that make the RA unique — sharing with the public historic treasures from its Collection, the work of its Royal Academicians and the Royal Academy Schools, and its role as a centre for debate about art and architecture — alongside its world-class exhibitions programme. In its 250th year, the new Royal Academy of Arts has become a major cultural destination in central London, with year-round access to a significantly expanded public programme and with more space to make, debate and exhibit art and architecture than ever before. For further information about the new RA, please visit: www.
The redevelopment has been funded with a £12.7m grant from the National Lottery. Major support has also been received from a number of private individuals, including Mrs Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler, Ronald and Rita McAulay, The McLennan Family, The Mead Family Foundation, Mr and Mrs Robert Miller and Sir Simon and Lady Robertson, as well as trusts and foundations including the Blavatnik Family Foundation, The Foyle Foundation, The Garfield Weston Foundation, The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation, The Monument Trust, The Rothschild Foundation and The Wolfson Foundation.
世界範圍內最為領先的藝術家及建築家機構–皇家藝術研究院,將於2018年12月10日迎來它的第250個生日,正恰逢喬治三世1768年簽署instrument of foundation後的250周年。
朱莉亞·勞辛和漢斯·勞辛贈予皇家藝術研究院價值250萬英鎊的the Vaults。Vaults將會成為鏈接伯靈頓府與伯靈頓公園間的新公共交通路線。作為慶祝皇家藝術學院近期發展的閉幕禮,這項慷慨饋贈將被命名為朱莉亞與漢斯·勞辛走廊。
- 由David Chipperfield爵士設計、國家彩票投資127萬英鎊建造的新校區自2018年5月19日開放以來吸引超過100萬的訪客
- 自五月19日起,展覽場地內免門票展覽吸引超過750,000人次
- 超過17,000人次參加2018年5月18及19日舉辦的藝術派對周末活動
- 新畫廊展廳自5月19日起共接待100,000次來訪
- 2017與2018年內27%的訪客是頭次來訪
- 2017與2018年內34%訪客低於40周歲
- 與Grayson Perry合作的250周年慶夏日特展(2018年6月12日至8月19日)來訪人次突破百年內新紀錄,共達296,442次
- 由BNY Mellon贊助,與皇家收藏基金會協辦的查爾斯壹世:國王與收藏家在2018年1月27日至4月14日展期內吸引了256,789位訪客
- 由Art Fund贊助,英國全境內壹系列與皇家藝術研究院相關的周年慶祝活動RA250 UK於各博物館及畫廊中舉辦
- 2018年以Oceania做為活動尾聲(2018年9月29日至12月10日),這是紀念詹姆斯·庫克船長第壹次踏船探險250周年舉辦的大型海洋藝術展覽
Christopher Le Brun, 皇家藝術研究院的校長說到“ 皇家藝術研究院對英國文化生活的貢獻在過去的250年間是不可估量的;為藝術家與建築師們發聲,為培養下壹代的藝術學生們,為提供世界頂尖的展覽和學術討論以教育大眾,我們在今年體會到了革新,期待我們的下壹個250年。”
校長Christopher Le Brun將在12月10日於皇家學院內,為皇家學者院士們主持晚宴。
作為英國最領先的藝術家及建築師學院,皇家藝術研究院於1768年在第壹屆校長Joshua Reynolds爵士的帶領下由壹群藝術家及建築師創立。他們致力於推廣”設計的藝術“私募獨立機構。學院基礎結構最初由喬治三世支持,為傑出藝術家及建築師(後被稱作皇家學士)提供專業認可,創立英國第壹家藝術院校,和向大眾開放的年度展覽。皇家藝術研究院至今依舊為藝術和藝術家發聲。現今雖已舉辦世界領先水準藝展聞名,致力於推廣發展大眾對視覺文化的認知與欣賞,它仍保持著自建立之初的初衷。皇家藝術研究院仍由私人和獨立基金會贊助,80位活躍藝術家和建築師教職員工為下壹代藝術家提供免費教育。
”贊助與保護“條例是皇家藝術研究院的基礎框架。1768年11月,建築師William Chamber爵士告知喬治三世在他帶領下有壹群傑出的藝術家和建築師,他們共同希望創立壹個前所未有的發展藝術與設計的機構。國王對此計劃表示支持,但凡為了推廣人文藝術,所有事情都可以為此提供便利。同年11月28日,22位畫家、雕塑家和建築師共同起草“嚴格的設計院校、為藝術學生而建、年度展覽舉辦、為所有傑出藝術家頒發榮譽“的計劃。計劃中,學校的所有開銷將由年度展覽所獲收入支撐。國王看後命令此初步框架計劃需額外發展,之後在1768年的12月10日,最終文件(後被命名為贊助與保護文件),獲得了黃金蓋章和國王批註“我同意此計劃,將它付諸實踐吧”。
由高達1270萬英鎊的國家樂透遺產彩票基金會贊助及國際聲譽的建築師David Chipperfield爵士設計,新元素使皇家藝術研究院更為獨特。公眾可以壹覽收藏內的歷史珍藏,皇家學士們和皇家藝術研究院學生們的作品,以及壹年壹度的藝展更是加深了皇家藝術研究院在藝術與建築設計界的中心位置。在第250周年之際,承辦更多展覽、學術討論和藝術空間的新皇家藝術研究院已然成為倫敦中心最為主要的文化中心。了解更多關於皇家藝術研究院新面膜的信息,請登陸
皇家藝術研究院 1270萬英鎊的新建資金由國立樂透提供。此外也收到了來自以下個人的支持:Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler夫人,Ronald和Rita McAulay,McLennan家族,Mead家族基金會,Robert Miller先生及夫人,Simon爵士及Robertson爵士夫人。以下信托基金及基金會同樣提供了贊助:Blavatnik家族基金會,Cadogan慈善,Clore Duffield基金會,Dorfman基金會,Dunard基金,Foyle基金會,Garfield Weston基金會,Maurice Wohl慈善基金會,Monument信托基金,Rothschild基金會和Wolfson基金會。