Tim Walker (born 1970) is a British fashion photographer, lives in London. Tim Walker is one of the most visually exciting and influential fashion photographers working today. Staging and romantic motifs characterise his style. Extravagant in scale and ambition and instantly recognisable for their eye-opening originality, Walker’s photographs dazzle with life, colour and humour.
Walker has a very specific take on fashion photography. His work is theatrical, bordering on surrealist and incredibly romantic. Every fantastical scene is created with props, and all the meticulously crafted tableaux existed at some point. Walker strives to create his pictures within what he calls “the parameters of the impossible” – something has to be physically, rather than digitally, possible for the picture to register with the viewer.
蒂姆•沃克生於1970年,是一位英國時尚攝影 師,工作生活于英國倫敦。蒂姆•沃克現在已經 成為視覺領域最令人興奮和最具影響力的時尚 攝影師之一。通過舞台佈景一般進行策劃的場 景和浪漫的氣質是他的創作風格,大規模的場 景和雄心勃勃的氣勢打造了他獨樹一幟的個人 風格,讓人眼前一亮,沃克的作品用絢麗的色 彩和幽默感來詮釋生活。
沃克的時尚攝影非常與衆不同,他的作品舞台 感十足,具有令人難以置信的浪漫氣質和超現 實主義風格。每一次拍攝都是精心的通過道具 與場景的巧妙安排來建構一個夢幻的景觀。沃 克是要在他的攝影中創造“不可能”的場景,必 須是真槍實彈地,而不是用後期特效加工的, 可以被觀眾所辨識的那種真實。
“Fantasy isn’t something I put into the pictures; I don’t try and inject them with a sense of play. But it’s about being an honest photographer; a photograph is as much of a mirror of the photographer as it is the subject.”
“我不想將幻覺放入我的作品,我不會嘗試帶著娛樂性的 把幻覺注入我的作品,作為一名真誠的攝影師,照片不 僅是拍攝物體的映像,同時也是攝影師的鏡子。”
“Your aim as a photographer is to get a picture of that person that means something. Portraits aren’t fantasies; they need to tell a truth.”
“作為一名攝影師,你的目標是得到一 張圖片,一張附有內涵的關於被拍攝者 的圖像。肖像本身是沒有吸引力的,除 非他們能講出真實的故事。”
“Fashion photography allowed me to explore dreams and fantasy, and that’s what I love about it.”