World Stages London is a once-in-a-lifetime theatre festival. Eight leading London theaters for the first time work together, inviting artists all over the world to present the world on contemporary stages from the perspective of London. The theme of this theater festival is London in the world, the world in London. Wild Swans that was jointly produced by Young Vic Theater, American Repertory Theater, and Actors Touring Company staged the documentary work of British Chinese writer Jung Chang with the same name; and Wang Gungxin, a Chinese visual artist, for the first time participated in theater productions.
“世界呈現倫敦(World Stages London)”是一次絶無僅有的戲劇藝術節。倫敦八家領先的劇場首 度聯合,邀約來自世界各地的藝術家合作,在當代舞臺上以倫敦的視角呈現世界的面貌。世界的倫 敦,倫敦的世界,是此次戲劇節的主題。由Young Vic Theatre,American Repertory Theater以 及Actors Touring Company聯合製作的《野天鵝(Wild Swans)》將華裔作家張戎的同名文學作 品搬上舞臺。中國視覺藝術家王功新首度跨界參與舞臺劇創作。
ART. Zip: Is Wild Swans produced by Young Vic Theatre your first theatre project?
WANG: Yes, it is indeed my first time to take part in this kind of crossover work. This collaboration with Young Vic Theatre is quite incidental. When director Sacha Wares called and invited me to be part of creating this play, I thought she might have called the wrong person by mistake. Then she explained it is because she saw my artwork in an exhibition before, and found it very relevant to this play. Therefore, she asked me to take part in the visual creation for the play.
ART.Zip: Young Vic Theatre製作的舞臺劇《野 天鵝》是您第一次參與劇場藝術的創作嗎?
Wang:這次確實是我第一次參與劇場舞臺藝 術的創作,也算是“跨界”了吧,這次與Young Vic Theatre的合作也算是機緣巧合,最早薩莎•沃爾斯 (Sacha Wares)導演給我打電話邀請參與這個劇 創作的時候,我還以為她打錯電話找錯人了呢,後 來薩莎•沃爾斯說是因為在一次展覽上看到了我 的作品,覺得我的影像作品非常適合這個劇,所 以才特地找到我來合作這個劇的影像創作部分。