

15 Folds

INTERVIEWED AND TRANSLATED BY 採訪及翻譯 x KE QIWEN 柯淇雯 嗨, 我们是ART.ZIP~ 嗨, 我是馬戈特; 嗨呀,我是肖恩(西班牙语) 你們為什麼叫 “15Folds”? 我們參考了一個超現實主義的遊戲“精美屍首exquisite corpse”,那是遊戲中折紙的部分… 成立的初衷是什麼? 因為大家都很熱愛網絡文化和網絡迷因。 每個的主題都有什麼? 6月的主題叫做“對立/文化”——將地下文化和主流文化混合在一起,用數字化的方式呈現。 是通過公開徵件還是有特定的人選呢?作品的選擇標準是什麼? 兩者都有吧。我們收到了很多人的來稿,同時我們也會根據當月主題尋找適合的藝術家溝通合作。 你們視自己為畫廊空間嗎? 是的,我們是基於網絡的畫廊空間,受眾就是這些網絡藝術群體。 為什麼GIF圖像會作為藝術作品脫穎而出呢? 因為它是我們這代人的創作語言。 為什麼GIF圖像能在網絡世界造成轟動呢? 你會被循環播放模式洗腦,再加上GIF文件又很小,傳播起來很方便。 如今你們的網站正在維護中,會有什麼大動作嗎? 我們正在完善用戶體驗,希望帶給觀眾更好的藝術觀賞體驗。 接下來你們有什麼好玩的項目嗎? 我們將在哥本哈根的Trailerpark.Io藝術節上分享“15Folds”的故事,這是我們期待已久的! 謝謝!  

Souk, Derivatives, Simulation: The World Created in Art

  Text and Images by 撰文 x U. Kanad Chakrabarti 尤.卡納德·查克拉巴蒂 Translated by 翻譯 x Jay, Chun-Chieh Lai 賴駿杰 Michelle Yu 余小悅   My studio is a place of clashes: imperfection and chaos in close proximity to the comparatively ethereal praxis that is digital video-editing.  The resistance of physical materials gives rise to surprises, accidents,


Glitch 失靈   Text by 撰文 x Andrew Witt Translated by 翻譯 x Jay 賴俊傑 Edited by 編輯 x Michelle Yu 余小悅   Glitch is a slang term. The earliest usage of the term was in the 1960s among astronauts to describe a technical hitch. The term signaled an unexpected malfunction. Astronaut John Glenn first

Thomson & Craighead: Timescales and Poetry Machines

Interviewed and Text by 採訪及撰文x Nils Jean 尼爾斯•吉恩 Translated by 翻譯 x Michelle Yu 余小悅 Jay Chun-Chieh Lai 賴駿杰 Images Courtesy of 圖片提供 x Carroll/Fletcher Gallery 卡洛爾/弗萊徹畫廊 Photographed BY 攝影 x Syndi Huang 黃煥欣 Jon Thomson and Alison Craighead work across video, sound, sculpture, installation and online space, using technology as a means to reformulate

Double Vision

In theatre, the development of technology has always inspired artists and realized creative possibilities. More than ever, performers and choreographers consider using in live performances recorded videos or utilizing cinematic means, as this is also what the audience anticipates. At the same time, however, abusive use of multi-media has also damaged many productions. Simply, it

The global stage and Digital Theatre

Text by: Joanna Dong / 撰文:董一燃 Translated by: Syndi Huang / 翻譯:黃煥欣 While people have been repeatedly stressing that the world is becoming a global village, the concept of theatre stage, due to the popularity of the internet, has begun to blur. Nowadays, only to login in your computer or mobile devices, you are always able to

Digital Revolution

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:BARBICAN CENTRE 巴比肯中心 Digital Revolution explores and celebrates the transformation of the arts through digital technology since the 1970s. The exhibition brings together for the first time a range of artists, filmmakers, architects, designers, musicians and game developers pushing the boundaries of their fields using digital media. It also looks

Digital Crystal: Swarovski

Text and images by courtesy of The Design Museum 圖文提供: 英國設計博物館 05.09.2012 – 13.01.2013 Daniel Swarovski founded the luxury crystal glass company Swarovski in 1895. Over a century and many generations later, it has pushed the cut glass medium to new heights. With its collaborations and sponsorship of experimental innovation in architecture and design, it


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