In theatre, the development of technology has always inspired artists and realized creative possibilities. More than ever, performers and choreographers consider using in live performances recorded videos or utilizing cinematic means, as this is also what the audience anticipates. At the same time, however, abusive use of multi-media has also damaged many productions. Simply, it is a double-edged sword.
59 prodcutions is the champion on this battlefield. In their eye-opening performances one feels their passion for and loyalty to the nature of the theatre. On the other hand, 59 prodcutions dares making breakthroughs by remaking theatre productions into films, distributing the works through the Internet and cinemas. We shall see how legendary female director Katie Mitchell interprets the classical text in her signature theatre works.
在這起內容裡,59制作公司可謂是多媒體劇場中藝高人膽大的明星,在他們令人眩目的作品中,有著對於戲劇的本質的熱情和忠誠。同時,使用新媒體手段重新將劇場作品制作成電影作品,在網絡和影院傳播的數字劇場(Digital Theatre),也突破著傳統劇場的邊界。同時我們將一睹傳奇女導演凱蒂·米切爾(Katie Mitchell) 用怎樣的語言來詮釋經典劇本的。