Text and images by courtesy of The Design Museum
圖文提供: 英國設計博物館
05.09.2012 – 13.01.2013
Daniel Swarovski founded the luxury crystal glass company Swarovski in 1895. Over a century and many generations later, it has pushed the cut glass medium to new heights. With its collaborations and sponsorship of experimental innovation in architecture and design, it has nurtured the talent of some of our best-known international designers.
‘Digital Crystal: Swarovski’ at the Design Museum is an exhibition bringing the latest challenge from Swarovski to a new generation of designers with a brief to examine the future of memory in the digital age. The end of the analogue era is changing the nature of our relationship with objects and even with time.
The exhibition showcases new commissions by exemplary international designers in response to one of the most interesting philosophical questions of the modern age. Designers Ron Arad, Yves Béhar, Paul Cocksedge, Troika, and Fredrikson Stallard have also been asked to participate, reworking existing pieces in response to the brief.
Eight years ago, Ron Arad’s ‘Lolita’ chandelier used cutting edge technology to display text messages in LED pixels on a spiral crystal chandelier – very much in the vanguard of the digital age. Today a new generation of designers is challenged to embrace the meaning of ‘Digital’ in 2012.
05.09.2012 – 13.01.2013
1895年,丹尼爾·施華洛世奇(Daniel Swarovski)成立了豪華水晶玻璃公司施華洛世奇。一個多世紀以來,經過幾代人的打拼,他們已將玻璃切割媒介推至了一個新的高度。由於他們在建築和設計領域的合作和贊助,他們孕育了許多我們熟知的國際設計師。
英國設計博物館的《數碼水晶:施華洛世奇(Digital Crystal: Swarovski)》展覽帶來了施華洛世奇為新一代的設計師提出的最新挑戰,來實驗數碼時代裡未來的記憶是怎樣的。模擬時代的結束改變了我們與物體甚至時間之間的關係和性質。
展覽展示了國際設計師對於這個摩登時代裡最有趣的哲學問題而創作的作品。設計師羅·阿拉德(Ron Arad)、伊夫·貝哈爾(Yves Béhar)、保羅·考克塞芝(Paul Cocksedge)、特洛伊卡(Troika)以及福萊德里克森·斯德拉德(Fredrikson Stallard)也被應邀參加,圍繞此次展覽主題重新製作已有的作品。
八年前,羅·阿拉德(Ron Arad)的作品《洛麗塔(Lolita)》吊燈採用了前沿技術,在螺旋形水晶的吊燈上通過LED像素來展示文字信息。今天,新一代的設計師們將面臨新的挑戰──在2012年如何迎接並闡釋“數碼”這一意念。