An immersive virtual reality exhibition from the Icelandic icon Björk
1 September – 23 October 2016
- Björk, Vulnicura album art
- Björk Digital (Poster). Photo by Nick Knight. Typography by MMParis
- Björk, Photo Credit – Santiago Felipe
- Björk, Vulnicura album art
Somerset House announced the European premiere of Björk Digital, an exhibition of digital and video works, resulting from Björk’s collaborations with some of the finest visual artists and programmers in the world and coinciding with a special performance at the Royal Albert Hall.
今年九月,薩默塞特宮(Somerset House)進行了《Björk Digital(冰島女王比約克的數字幻象)》的歐洲首映,該展覽為倫敦觀眾呈現了Björk與世界多位頂尖視覺藝術家合作的數碼影像作品,而展覽期間更會在皇家阿爾伯音樂廳(Royal Albert Hall)安排一場特別的演出。
Björk constantly and consistently challenges the status quo, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in music, art and technology. The exhibition at Somerset House invites visitors to engage with Björk’s work through the latest in virtual reality (VR) technology. Björk believes that by offering a private theatrical experience, VR provides a unique way to connect with her audiences.
眾所週知,Björk一直喜歡挑戰自我,對於音樂、藝術、科技的跨界項目也是勇於挑戰。此次在薩默塞特宮舉辦的展覽將利用最新的VR技術(Virtual Reality虛擬實境),邀請觀眾從不一樣的角度來與作品進行互動。Björk相信,VR技術能夠更好地提供一種親密的劇場體驗,把觀眾與藝術家更緊密地聯繫在一起。
- Installation shoot ©Santiago Felipe
- Installation shoot ©Santiago Felipe
- Installation shoot ©Santiago Felipe
- Installation shoot ©Santiago Felipe
The exhibition will include Black Lake, Björk’s groundbreaking immersive film commissioned by the New York’s Museum of Modern Art where the audience is treated to panoramic visuals and enveloped by a bespoke, cutting edge surround-sound system. Filmed in the highlands of Iceland, the work was directed by the Los Angeles-based filmmaker Andrew Thomas Huang. Huang also collaborated with Björk on Stonemilker VR, a project that transports the viewer to a private performance of the first track from Björk’s critically acclaimed Vulnicura album. Shot on location on a remote, windswept beach in Iceland and viewable in full 360-degree VR, the viewer will be able to experience a one-to-one recital.
此次展覽展出了由紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)委託的浸沒式影像作品《Black Lake(黑湖)》,觀眾將能體驗為作品特別訂製的環迴立體聲音系統以及雙屏影像播放。該影片由洛杉磯電影製作人Andrew Thomas Huang執導,攝於冰島的高地。除了《黑湖》,Huang與Björk還合作了《Stonemilker VR》,通過VR技術把觀眾領進了Björk的世界,影片中Björk在冰島的一個海風吹拂的邊遠海灘上進行表演,演出曲目是Björk大受好評的唱片《Vulnicura》的主打歌。觀眾可以360度欣賞Björk的演出,進行一個虛擬的一對一的演奏。

Björk – Black Lake (Photo Credit – Andrew Thomas Huang)

Björk – Stonemilker VR (Photo Credit – Andrew Thomas Huang)
In Mouthmantra VR, Björk worked with director Jesse Kanda to capture intense footage from inside her mouth whilst she sings the title track, her teeth and tongue twisting and seemingly taking on a life of their own. Meanwhile, Notget VR, directed by Warren Du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones, presents Björk as a digital moth giantess transformed by stunning masks created by artist James Merry.
Björk與導演Jesse Kanda合作的作品為《Mouthmantra VR》,影片捕捉了Björk在演唱主題曲時口中的奇妙影像,影片裡Björk的牙齒與舌頭的動態圖像發生了扭曲,彷彿正在進行自己的一場奇妙之旅。另外,由Warren Du Preez和Nick Thornton Jones執導的《 Notget VR》也在展覽中呈現,Björk在片中化身為一位數碼飛蛾女巨人,戴著藝術家James Merry創作的、令人嘆為觀止的面具。

Björk – Mouthmantra VR. Directed by Jesse Kanda

Notget VR (Photo Credit – REWIND VR)
As part of the European premiere of Björk Digital, Björk will hold a special, one-off concert performance at the Royal Albert Hall on Wednesday 21 September. It is her only UK show this year and is her first since her acclaimed sold out Biophilia show in the round at Alexandra Palace in 2013. Tickets will be available from: www.royalalberthall.com.
此次《Björk Digital》在歐洲的首映還包括了唯一一場9月21號在皇家阿爾伯音樂廳舉行的特別演出。這是Björk今年唯一的一場英國演出,也是自2013年以來,Björk在Alexandra Palace舉辦的、廣受好評、門票全部售罄的演出《Biophilia》之後的再度演出。感興趣的朋友可以到皇家阿爾伯音樂廳的官網進行購票:www.royalalberthall.com
Somerset House’s edition of the Björk Digital exhibition will include never-before-seen work by Björk. There will also be an interactive educational space which showcases the innovative apps and custom-made musical instruments from Biophilia, an app created by Björk that explores music, nature and technology. A programme of Björk’s extensive video work will run alongside the exhibition, spanning the artist’s 24-year career during which she has collaborated with film directors including the award winning Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Nick Knight and Stephane Sedanaoui.
此次在薩默塞特宮舉辦的《Björk Digital》將展出許多從未展示過的Björk的作品,另外還會在一個教育互動空間內展示一款由Björk創作的、專門為專輯《Biophilia》而設計的創新應用軟件,觀眾可以利用該軟件對音樂、自然以及科技進行探索。另外,展覽期間也將進行一系列Björk影像作品的放映項目,囊括了24年來Björk職業生涯中與多位電影導演合作的影像作品,包括了屢獲殊榮的Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Nick Knight 還有 Stephane Sedanaoui。

Björk streamed in virtual reality from Reykjavik to London for launch of Björk Digital exhibition. Photo ©Santiago Felipe