
Chariots of Fire

In 2012, one of the biggest events in London is the Olympic Games. Cultural activities brighten the life of London. Besides several large-scale theater festivals, Chariots of Fire, caught up the theme of the Games is also on stage. Adapted from the movie of the same name released in 1981, this production tells the story of two British athletes in Paris Olympics in 1924. One is a devout Christian running for the glory of god and the other is a British Jew running to overcome the prejudice. The movie once won several Oscars awards, and was ranked 19th in the BFI’s (the British Film Institute) Top 100 British Films. This production is co-produced by the original film director Hugh Hudson, with original music from the master Vangelis who produced the soundtrack for the film. The stage is designed to imitate an indoor stadium, where several competitive racing scenes are created in such limited space. Comparing with the movie, this play is publicized under the banner of patriotism, for it is closer to the audience and catches the 2012 London Olympic Games. Like the well-known play War Horse, Chariots of Fire has become one of the most popular plays in the United Kingdom, and its innovations in art wins applause of all.

2012年,倫敦最盛大的事情之一莫過於2012倫敦奧運了。藉著這個契機,文 化活動也是異常活躍,在戲劇方面,除去幾個大型戲劇節,這一部以奧運為 題材的作品也被帶上了舞台。《烈火戰車(Chariots of Fire)》改編自1981年 的同名電影,這部作品講述了1924年巴黎奧運會上兩名英國短跑運動員的故 事。一位是為信仰而跑的虔誠的基督教徒,一位是為了摒棄人們歧視的英國 猶太人。這部電影曾經榮獲奧斯卡多項大獎,入選英國電影協會評選的100 部最佳英國電影。聯合原先的電影導演休·哈德森(Hugh Hudson)共同製 作,並邀請電影原作希臘配樂大師範吉利斯(Vangelis)加盟音樂創作。舞台 設計上頗有新意,劇場被改造成一個室內體育館,在有限的空間內營造了多 次竟技賽跑的場景。比較電影,這部舞台作品由於更接近觀眾,並且在演出 時間上臨近奧運,因此在宣傳上飄揚著愛國主義的旗幟。和觀眾們早已耳熟 能詳的《戰馬(War Horse)》一樣,《烈火戰車》在英國都已經成為非常主旋 律的劇目了,但是能做到藝術上的一定創新和突破,該劇值得稱道。

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演出场地:Gielgud Theatre 吉爾古德劇院




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