
Dance Umbrella

Since 1978, Dance Umbrella has been bringing new dance to London.

Dance Umbrella thrives on the dynamism and openness of the city and brings together artists and events that surprise and thrill audiences of all kinds. They commission, produce and present dance events and each year stage one of the world’s leading international dance festivals.

Dance Umbrella opens out the dance experience by presenting a range of affordable and free-to-view events in unusual spaces. They also identify, nurture, support and showcase the most exciting talent in new dance, offering artists the benefits of long-term relationships and identifying the most appropriate platform for their work.


始創於1978年,每年十月舉辦的倫敦舞傘舞蹈藝術節一直在努力把 最具創新性的舞蹈帶到倫敦。成立之初,是新舞蹈,或者說是當代 舞的一個展演。時至今日,它已經成為歐洲甚至世界範圍內首屈一 指的舞蹈藝術節。通過邀約、制作和呈現各類作品,舞傘藝術節為 英國的觀眾帶來了先鋒的舞蹈藝術體驗。除去劇場內的常規舞蹈演 出,藝術節期間還有很多免費的,或是票價很低的演出來吸引更多 更廣的觀眾和參與者。藝術節長期合作場地包括賽德勒斯威爾斯、 巴比肯、南岸中心等諸多頂級演出場地,同時也經常在當代藝術館, 舞蹈學校等地方演出。



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