
Michael Grandage Season

For the Noel Coward Theatre, Year 2013 belongs to British director Michael Grandage. A full year from last year to the end of this year, a series of works directed by Grandage, together with many well-known British actors, were performed in this great theatre.

As an award-winning British theatre director and producer, Grandage prepared nearly fifty pieces of theatre production during the past years, and content were encompassing: from the Shakespeare Classics to the new plays have covered. For instance, Peter and Alice by John Logan with
Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw, is a new play depicts that enchantment and reality collide as this brief encounter lays bare the lives of two extraordinary characters Alice Liddell Hargreaves and Peter Llewelyn Davies. Dench and Whishaw in Logan’s first new play since Red, which went on to win 6 Tony Awards in 2010.

In addition, staged works of 2013 also include The Cripple of Inishmaan by Martin McDonagh with Daniel Radcliffe and two Shakespeare’s: A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Sheridan Smith and David Walliams followed by Jude Law as Henry V. All of these above-mentioned plays performed in the Michael Grandage Season.

Daniel Radcliffe (Billy), Sarah Greene (Helen McCormick). Photo by Johan Persson


對於諾埃爾·科沃德劇場(Noel Coward Theatre)來言,2013年 是屬於英國導演麥克爾·格蘭達格(Michael Grandage)的年度。 從去年年底到今年年底一整年間,這位大導演編導的一系列與 眾多英國知名演員合作的戲劇作品將在這個劇場高調亮相。

格蘭達格編制過近五十部的戲劇作品,內容包羅萬象:從古典的 莎士比亞到新編劇本都有所涉獵。他更是獲得過許多戲劇大獎 的嘉獎導演。譬如演出季的第二部作品《彼得與艾麗斯(Peter and Alice)》是一部新編劇作,它將兩個人們耳熟能詳的童話作 品人物串插在一起,雖然是一部正劇,沒有延續童話色彩,但是 作品中卻是把童話的人物性格作為劇中兩位主角邂逅的重要因 素。在此劇中,著名老戲骨茱迪·丹契(Judi Dench)和主演過電 影《香水》中的變態殺手的本·衛肖(Ben Whishaw)同臺共戲, 這也是延續他們二人在最新一集007系列電影中的合作。

2013年上演的作品還包括由丹尼爾·雷德夫(Daniel Radcliffe) 出演的《伊尼什曼島的跛腳人(The Cripple of Inishman)》、兩 部 莎 士 比 亞 經 典《 仲 夏 夜 之 夢 》以 及《 亨 利 五 世 》。尤 其 在《 亨 利五世》里影星裘德·洛(Jude Law)也會重返舞臺。

MGC company picture


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