Amidst the fading glamour of 1960s Los Angeles, stands Temple Studios – a crumbling monument to the golden age of film, seducing wide- eyed dreamers with the promise of wealth and fame. Here, movie stars mingle with hungry young upstarts, while beyond the gates lies a forgotten hinterland where the many rejected by the studio system scratch out a living.
我們走進廟宇圖片工作室(Temple Pictures),這裡是好萊 塢的制作系統和電影行業邊緣上那些被遺忘的夢想者們相 遇的地方。在這兒,虛幻的夢想與絕望的現實融合在一起, 形成一個滿是幻覺的世界。
德國作家格奧爾格·畢希納(Georg Buchner)的遺作《沃伊 采 克( W o y z e c k )》沒 有 結 尾 ,於 是 很 多人 試 圖 給 這 個 故 事 創 造 一 個 “ 結 局 ” 。 在 林 林 總 總 的 猜 測 裡 ,《 沃 伊 采 克 》 成 為 德國劇場舞臺上的常客。這部作品的靈感正是來自《沃伊采 克》。原作品講述的是一位德國士兵的故事,而這部改編則 設置在60年代的電影工作室。在這個戲劇旅程中,觀眾將跟 著主人公在幻想與現實之間的懸崖邊行走。
nspired by Georg Büchner’s fractured masterpiece Woyzeck, which is often seen as “Working Class” tragedy, The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable explores the darkness of the Hollywood dream. Celluloid fantasy meets desperate reality, and certainty dissolves into a hallucinatory world. Finally, it is developed into an extraordinary theatrical adventure: a unique personal journey that unfolds across four levels of a vast central London location.
The award-winning Punchdrunk, is a British theatre company, formed in 2000, the pioneer of a form of “immersive presentation citation needed in which the audience is free to choose what to watch and where to go. This format is related to “promenade theatre”. In a typical Punchdrunk production, audience members are free to roam the performance site, which can be as large as a five-story industrial warehouse. They can either follow the performers and themes, or simply explore the world of the performance, treating the production as a large art installation. Punchdrunk’s successful productions include Faust, The Masque of the Red Death, and Sleep No More adapted from Macbeth. All of these plays won the hearts and minds of the local audience.
To tie in with the play publicity, Punchdrunk designed a free ten-minute trailer, which is quite attractive to a lot experienced viewers.
廣受褒獎的眩暈劇團(Punchdrunk)擅長營 造擬真的戲劇環境。他們獨特的、史詩性的、 制作精良的作品讓他們2000年第一次在德文 郡(Devon)亮相時就成功地讓觀眾們混淆了 戲劇與現實。之後,他們在倫敦一座廢棄的倉 庫 中 演 出 了 歌 德 的《 浮 士 德( F a u s t )》,並 且 占據了巴特西藝術中心一年之久,上演愛倫坡 的《紅死病的假面舞會(The Masque of the Red Death)》。近年來,他們在紐約一座廢棄 的酒店演出改編自《麥克白(Macbeth)》的《無 眠(Sleep No More)》也成功贏得了當地觀眾 的芳心。
為配合演出宣傳,劇團在東倫敦設計了一個 免費的十分鐘的“預告片”,具體的地點他們並 沒有刻意通知,只是告訴大家在金士蘭主街 (Kingsland High Road)的一家商店裏。體驗 過的觀眾都被深深地吸引進了故事中,迫不及 待看他們的全本。