Michael Craig-Martin
Main Galleries,Royal Academy of Arts
21 September – 10 December 2024
1) This is an exhibition purely consisting of relationships to objects, and then mostly of objects close at hand or familiar. Rather than being arrangements of objects which are of the genre of still life, they are instead assemblages that are detached from the context of a lived-in environment. As such they do not draw upon the lineage or memory of a tradition or genre of art but are drawn from their own design. They are their own distinct look even though the component elements have a generic quality.
2) As objects that have a close-at-hand feeling, they solicit a familiarity only as generic naming, a chair, a pen, a mirror, but with this, a feeling of detachment on the level of sense. Therefore, no familiarity or intimacy can be assumed. There is little by way of a texture of the real about these objects, which are thus closer to being simulacra, as opposed to sensual objects.
3) Does the idea that they are close to the condition of simulacra, then imply a relationship to ideal forms? They do not really exhibit this type of the once remove of such a condition and instead play with the sense that draws out from the realms of the conceptual, perceptual, and affective registers. These qualities then appear to circulate within their own orbit.
4) Once the formats are established, the paintings simply appear repeat, as if pre-programmed to do so. As a series they seem to be proposing an infinity of the self-same, whose culmination is in the moving image installation work ‘Cosmos’ in which objects floating and overlapping in outer space are presented. This work is a form of spacing that is freed from both gravity and measure, and as such is a mode of setting free from usual systems of signification and connotation.
5) The display appears to be pristine without a semblance of interruption, and as such, dwells in its own projection of perfection. The origin of the drawing and colouring is in the virtuality of the computer. Thus, space is rendered as an entirely smooth medium that is both continuous and characterised by its own distinction of control.
6) The work appears as an outcome of styles culled from a reading of Late Modernity, so there are traces of Conceptual, Pop, and Minimalist art forms but not enough of the singular characteristics to be solely claimed by any of these. What instead sticks out is a template of production values, which draw it close to architecture, graphic design, or fashion, and with this, forms of technic.
7) To imagine such works as part of any interior space is to be in possession of an idea of such a space detached from dust or the possibility of accident. As such they serve to remind the owner of such an artefact of their remove from the textures invested in the usual reality of everyday life. To as much as touch these paintings is to threaten their integrity as objects of desire. Time is excluded because time brings entropy or patina, so they are objects which are destined to endure without the sign of ageing.
8) Like couture fashion, they advertise their own exclusivity, whilst stimulating the desire for such separation. They might gesture democratic openness, even a sharing of sense, but finally their destiny is one of aesthetic separation. Emotionally they are cool, but a cool also brought into play of the heat of colour combinations, immediate and detached at the same time.
9) There is no sign of breakage or accident in the way these objects are presented and the unreality of this is amplified with the use of colour. This lends the whole display a feeling of hyper-reality in which everything is calculated. In this can the viewer be certain as to how judgment might be formed, and if such judgment does occur, then how is the mutability of this sustained. Could it be that the insistence of the pure presence is a mode of reality without the semblance of either shadow or withdrawal?
10) The atmosphere of a critical relationship to the Western cannon appears to be an opportunity to open out a series of differences between ordinary objects and art objects, but stylistically this difference is repressed. There is at the root of this, a relationship to fetishism through which there is an entrance into a universe of frozen solitude.
Text by Jonathan Miles
Edited by Michelle Yu