
Royal Academy of Arts

Michael Craig-Martin: Adding Up 1 to 10
Michael Craig-Martin: 從一加到十

Michael Craig-Martin Main Galleries,Royal Academy of Arts 21 September – 10 December 2024 1) This is an exhibition purely consisting of relationships to objects, and then mostly of objects close at hand or familiar. Rather than being arrangements of objects which are of the genre of still life, they are instead assemblages that are detached

Making Modernism: discovering pioneering women of Modernism

Royal Academy of Arts 12 November 2022 – 12 February 2023 The Royal Academy of Arts is presenting Making Modernism, the first major UK exhibition focusing on pioneering German women artists hidden from the history of 20th-century Modernism. Making Modernism will primarily show artworks by Paula Modersohn-Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin. Additionally,

Francis Bacon: Man and Beast
弗朗西斯·培根: 人與獸

英國皇家藝術學會正在舉辦的展覽是《Francis Bacon: Man and Beast (弗朗西斯·培根:人與獸)》。這是第一個以培根對動物的迷戀為線索來追溯他作品發展的歷程,並探討‘‘獸’’是如何影響他處理其終極對象 — ‘‘人’’的展覽。弗朗西斯·培根 (Francis Bacon)(1909 – 1992)被認為是20世紀最重要的藝術家之一。自他去世後,世界朝著他那令人不安的作品中所預知方向發展。他作品中的預見性被再次印證。本次重量級展覽將展出培根46件傑出畫作,跨度為他的整個職業生涯, 涵蓋從20世紀30年代到40年代間的早期作品, 到他在1991年創作的最後一幅畫。這幅最後的作品是首次在英國公開展出。創作於1969年的鬥牛圖三聯也是第一次合體展出在本展覽。

RA Summer Exhibition 2018
皇家美術學院夏季展 2018

Royal Academy of Arts 12 June – 19 August 2018 This year, the Royal Academy celebrates its 250th Summer Exhibition, and to mark this momentous occasion, the exhibition is co-ordinated by Grayson Perry RA. Perry, alongside the Summer Exhibition Committee, celebrates the democracy of the world’s largest open submission contemporary art show by exhibiting a

Dalí / Duchamp
達利 / 杜尚

Dalí / Duchamp is the first exhibition to present the art of two of the twentieth century’s most famous artists in exclusive dialogue.

Matisse in the Studio

This summer, the Royal Academy of Arts presents Matisse in the Studio, the first exhibition to consider how the personal collection of treasured objects of Henri Matisse (1869-1954) were both subject matter and inspiration for his work. To reveal the working processes by which these pieces were transformed in his oeuvre, around 35 objects are displayed alongside 65 of Matisse’s paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints and cut-outs.

Intrigue: James Ensor by Luc Tuymans

Intrigue: James Ensor by Luc Tuymans The Sackler Wing of Galleries, Royal Academy of Arts 29 October 2016 – 29 January 2017 Sponsored by the Government of Flanders   The mask means to me: freshness of colour, extravagant decorations, wild generous gestures, strident expressions, exquisite turbulence.  ——James Ensor The Royal Academy of Arts presents the

RA Summer Exhibition 2016
皇家美術學會夏季展 2016

The Royal Academy of Arts’ 248th Summer Exhibition will be coordinated by the leading British sculptor and Royal Academician Richard Wilson. Comprising a range of media, the Summer Exhibition, the world’s largest open submission exhibition, provides a unique platform for emerging and established artists and architects to showcase their recent work to an international audience. As this year’s coordinator, Wilson will present a varied and thought-provoking Summer Exhibition, integrating work by renowned artistic duos.

Thinking, Making, Storytelling – Interview with Heatherwick Studio

Today, a major exhibition New British Inventors: Inside Heatherwick Studio was touring in mainland China supported by the British Council. The exhibition, curated by Kate Goodwin, Head of Architecture and the Drue Heinz Curator at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, features projects and design process from 20 years of Heatherwick Studio, capturing the studio’s spirit of discovery, demonstrating their imaginative and entrepreneurial approach to design. 

Ai Weiwei 艾未未

In September 2015, the Royal Academy of Arts will present a landmark exhibition of the Honorary Royal Academician, Ai Weiwei. Although Ai is one of China’s leading contemporary artists, his work has not been seen extensively in Britain and the Royal Academy will present the first major institutional survey of his artistic output. The exhibition will include significant works from 1993 onwards, the date that marks Ai Weiwei’s return to China following more than a decade living in New York. Ai Weiwei will create new, site-specific installations and interventions throughout the Royal Academy’s spaces.

Jean-Etienne Liotard

Jean-Etienne Liotard The Sackler Wing of Galleries 24 October 2015 – 31 January 2016 。 。 This exhibition will be devoted to the idiosyncratic Swiss artist Jean-Etienne Liotard (1702-1789), who attained international recognition as one of the most highly accomplished portraitists of eighteenth century Enlightenment Europe. Jean-Etienne Liotard will bring together over 70 works, providing

From Selector to Curator

Marko Daniel is Convenor of Public Programmes at Tate Modern and Tate Britain. In 2014, he was curator of the 8th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale: We have never participated. He was co-curator of Joan Miró: The Ladder of Escape (Tate Modern, 2011; Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona; and National Gallery of Art, Washington).

RA Summer Exhibition

MICHAEL CRAIG-MARTIN CBE RA CURATES EXPLOSION OF COLOUR IN SUMMER EXHIBITION 2015 London, 3 June 2015: Leading British artist and influential teacher, Michael Craig-Martin CBE RA, this year’s co-ordinator of the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition, has focused on a new layout of the Main Galleries, curating an explosion of colour. The Summer Exhibition will open to

Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2013

Now in its 245th year, the Summer Exhibition continues to be the world’s largest open submission contemporary art show, providing a platform for both emerging and established artists to showcase their work to an international audience. The majority of the works will be for sale, offering visitors an opportunity to purchase original artwork by the


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