The Shed is a temporary new venue in front of the National Theatre that opened in April 2013 and will close in February 2014. This new venue celebrates work that is original, ambitious and unexpected, created by theatre-makers familiar to the NT as well as emerging voices and visiting companies.
為了替代因重新粉刷而關閉的小劇場,英國國家劇院在南岸搭了一 個外型奇特的紅色臨時戲棚,也大膽地邀請了一些更尖端、更具實驗 性、更富創造力的團體在此演出。有別於國家戲劇院一向較為傳統、 經典的風格 。
Performances in The Shed across the year will include Table, written by Tanya Ronder and directed by Rufus Norris; Mission Drift, a piece devised by New York ensemble THE TEAM; The Hush, a project by electronic musician and composer Matthew Herbert; Sea Wall by Simon Stephens and produced by Paines Plough; Home by Nadia Fall with a team of musician and actors including Grace Savage and Shakka; new plays from Nick Payne, debbie tucker green and Tim Price; an adaptation of the popular children’s book The Elephantom for young audiences featuring puppets and Limited Editions in September that will celebrate the breadth of talent outside London.
The Shed was designed by architects Haworth Tompkins and Charcoalblue theatre consultants and erected in just 18 weeks. Haworth Tompkins was responsible for the development of the National Theatre Studio and is also the project architect for National Theatre Future: “Our ambitious redevelopment plan which will transform the facilities we offer audiences and artists, enhance our relationship with the environment around us and place education firmly at the heart of our mission.”
在四月開演的《餐桌(Table)》,敘述一個百年家庭的故事,延續六 代的家庭、九個表演者、三十個小段落,全部圍繞在唯一一張桌子 而展開。這張桌子傳遞著一個關於家族傳承、身分認同以及家族 秘密的故事。本劇導演也在今年十月就任新的國家劇院藝術總監。 另外的演出還有在愛丁堡載譽而來,來自格拉斯哥劇場的《接子彈 (Bullet Catch)》。這不僅僅是一出獨角戲,更是一出帶著驚悚性 質的魔術秀。如果膽子夠大的話,在這樣一場特殊的表演中,觀眾 將會擁有非凡的戲劇體驗。這個臨時的劇場季會持續到明年二月,票價也不太貴,建議大家有 空時不妨到南岸走走,去發現更多戲劇的可能性。