
Monet and London: Views of the Thames–Meditations and Impressions

In the 1950’s and 1960’s London in common speech was called ‘the smoke’.

Beginning in late 1899 Claude Monet set up his easel on his hotel balcony and then proceeded to paint views of the River Thames with all its fog-like effects. The views that are depicted show the objects of attention immersed with clouds of vapour, so that nothing is distinct other than a sense of dissolution. It is this which forms the prevailing abstract signature underlying these works. As such they do not speak directly of everyday bustle and hustle that invariably forms the backdrop to city views, instead a sense of muffled sound can be imagined, as if to imbue the visual with a relationship to an aesthetics of withdrawal. People, even as crowds, are thus reduced to mere traces within the visual scene, and this in turn generated a slow-motion effect within the presentation. Certainly, there is a lack both of intimacy and with it the close at hand in these mid-positional views of the urban encounter. It is of note that Monet did not complete these works in situ in London, but rather in his studio in France, which gives rise to the notion that observation and memory are linked together, and thus cohering to form a method beyond that of Impressionism. In this regard they are both attachments to place and time, but also then, detached in combination and it is this factor that renders each painting the feeling of textual density or even lyricism.

Claude Monet (1840-1926), Waterloo Bridge, Grey Weather, 1900, oil on canvas, Art Institute of Chicago / Art Resource, NY/ Scala, Florence

There is also a technical shift in these paintings which make them quite distinct from other passages in his work, and that is to be found in the thin washes of paint and applied employment of glazes. Light then appears to seep out of these multiple over-lapping folds of pigment. In this respect, the surface might appear close to that of Song porcelain, despite the fact of there being no structural relationship to this connection. That such an analogy might be advanced is a product of Song aesthetic disposition with its engagement with the effects of mist, vapours, clouds, and drizzle, all forming a phenomenal in-between of matter and spirit. An exhibition can open out the possibility of such a relation that is outside of historical causality, with a poetics of becoming being a source of a drive that is beyond forms of secured modes of representation.

Claude Monet (1840-1926), Houses of Parliament: Effect of Fog, London, 1904, oil on canvas, Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg, Florida. Image: Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg, Florida

Although these paintings are tonally subdued, they possess a radiance, despite overwhelming presence of an atmosphere inclined towards a shadowy dissolution of focussed light. In this they are not spectral paintings neither are they inclined towards being psychologically melancholic. Instead of this, the orientation is towards a process of filtrating out of what is either solid or fixed in the direction of an ethereal irreality. Within this, there is a trace of uncanny emptiness related to a disavowal of putting things into sequential place, as in a topology. Rather, they present movement away from definition that instead instals an etheric relationship to the depiction, which creates a hovering like effect of less than and more than something else. These paintings are a stepping into an exact passage of time, but also occasion a mediation on light that is not solely historical or in place. Light is after all the simultaneous arrival of so many different temporal fluxes.

If a contrast to Turner’s relationship to Venice is considered, it is not just the difference between Mediterranean light and Northern European light, but also the difference between the mobility of Turner’s relationship to place and the confined, and somewhat static feeling of Monet’s relationship to the Thames. Turner is expansive, whereas within this passage, Monet is restrictive, but this difference is not so much based on a serialised optics, rather the way in which an attendant poetics surfaces within their respective practices. What Venice offered to Turner, was ecstatic cross-roads of a world before the advent of modernity (Mythic, Classical, Romantic), as opposed to possessing an anchorage within an industrial based modernism. The poetics of Monet is based on what lays both before and after visual presence, rather than any instrumental mode of critique which is witnessed in the works of Pissarro or Seurat. The Thames as a subject was simply a location of affording a specific absorption into the withdrawal of direct sunlight upon given scenes bereft of any hint of the formation of class and with this an alienated discomfort of place.

In contrast to the possibility of a grounding with urbanism, what Monet introduces within this extensive series, is indirectly a fusion of the Far Eastern notion of the ‘Art of the Floating World’ (with its roots in Buddhism) and an approach to an optical economy that anticipates colour field abstraction. In this it dispenses with the gravitational push and pull related to dualist encounter with reality. The rational for the repetition is also at the heart of this, with the pursuit of something that is closer to a pulsation, as opposed to a representation. It is an art that is in pursuit of a flavour of the world, rather than a programme that might render it understandable. It is a flavour that we find as an attribute that lingers as part of the lack of a naming process that these paintings generate within their becoming otherwise. They are in part a vague drifting or reverie, as if without a purpose, but this then is what affords pleasure as a mode of retreat from our hyper-invested relationship to the world. Surely it is a sense of wordlessness is what Monet had discovered within this encounter, and in this, they find their critical location within the present.


1899年底,克勞德·莫奈將畫架置於旅館陽台,開始描繪泰晤士河的景色,試圖捕捉河面上瀰漫的霧氣效果。 霧氣如同輕紗將畫中的景物籠罩其中,物體的輪廓在蒸汽雲霧中逐漸模糊,彷彿融化於空氣之中,只留下朦朧而抽象的氛圍。這些畫作並未直接呈現城市的喧囂,而是將觀者引向一種隱約的靜謐之中,賦予畫面退隱與克制的美學質感。 畫面中的人群僅化作些許微弱的痕跡,整體景象帶著一種如同慢速運動般的輕柔感。這些中距離的都市風景,遠離親密細節,少有近距離的具體描繪,但卻因此拉開了與觀者之間的空間張力。 值得注意的是,莫奈並未在倫敦現場完成這些畫作,而是在他法國的工作室中完成。這一點暗示了畫作既是對倫敦景象的現場觀察,又融入了記憶的重構,超越了印象派的傳統方法。這些畫作既依附於特定的時空,又以微妙的方式抽離於其中。正是這種雙重性,使作品充滿詩意的張力與抒情性。










The Griffin Catalyst Exhibition: Monet and London. Views of The Thames
27 September – 19 January 2024
Denise Coates Exhibition Galleries, The Courtauld Gallery


Text by Jonathan Miles

Edited by Michelle Yu


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