18.07.2012 – 28.10.2012
The Tanks at Tate Modern are the world’s first museum galleries permanently dedicated to exhibiting live art, performance, installation and film works.
The Tanks were originally massive industrial chambers containing oil that fuelled the Bankside power station and have lain unused since it was decommissioned in 1981. The cavernous underground oil tanks have undergone extensive redevelopment and are once again working components of a larger building. No longer generators of electrical energy, they are instead generators of ideas, creative energy and new possibilities for artist and audiences. Neither white cube, nor black box, they provide an entirely new type of space for Tate Modern and for museums internationally. Part of the Tate Modern Project, The Tanks opened on 18 July 2012 with a 15-week festival programme of international performance, films, talks and live events.
Selected upcoming events and performances include choreographer and dancer Boris Charmantz’s Flip Book. Taking David Vaughan’s 1997 book Fifty Years, which charts in pictures Merce Cunningham’s choreography over 50 years. Charmatz invited different groups of dancers – from ex-members of Cunningham’s company to amateur practitioners – to learn and perform Vaughan’s images in Flip Book – through rehearsals and full performances. 25-30 September
Performance Year Zero: A Living History, screenings, talks, performance and discussion, explores how histories of action and event-based works have created a vocabulary passed between generations of artists that is distinct from the citation of references or sampling in much contemporary art. The recourse to art history is less about footnotes, drawn from a network of original sources and more about finding new ways of performing art history live, as evolving communicatory forms, akin to oral tradition. 30 September – 6 October.
18.07.2012 – 28.10.2012
特选的即將舉行的活動和表演包括舞蹈編導家、舞蹈家鮑里斯·查爾曼茲(Boris Charmantz)的《翻转书(Flip Book)》。在1997年大衛·沃恩出版的著作《五十年》中,展示了摩西·簡寧漢50多年來的舞蹈編排。在《翻轉述》中,查爾曼茲邀請了不同群體的舞者──從簡寧漢公司的前成員到業餘實踐者──來學習、並通過排練及完整的表演,表現沃恩的圖像。演出時間為9月25-30日。