


Theatre503 is one of the distinguished theatres specialized
in new writing. The theatre is dedicated to the promotion of works with groundbreaking significance. The year 2012 marks the thirtieth anniversary of Theatre503, originally named The Latchmere Theatre. For decades since it’s establishment, Theatre503 has attempted to use innovative, sometimes even thrilling, visual stimulation to provoke audiences into thinking about their own places in the world.

“We opened the door, discovering new voices where nobody has ventured before.” Theatre503 has always passionately believed the ability of next generation of British playwrights, in diversifying modes of play writing, in exploring a wider range of topics and ideas, in reflecting a more diverse mode of nation and society, and in looking into the world in which we live in a new light.


503劇場是倫敦以新寫作為專長的代表性劇院之一,定位于推崇具有突破 性意義的作品,2012年是503劇場(原名為The Latchmere Theatre)成 立30周年。在成立的幾十年裡,他們試圖用新鮮甚至驚悚的視覺體驗來 激勵觀眾思索自己在世界上的位置。

“我們打開門,在從未有人涉獵之處尋找新的聲音。”503劇場始終熱情地 相信,下一代的英國劇作家能夠將戲劇寫作的方式更加多樣化,涉足更加 寬廣的領域和視野,反映比以前更加多元的民族和社會模式,以新的眼 光,看待我們生活在其中的世界。




Unlike many other print organizations and theatres that set a fixed deadline for the submission of plays, Theatre503 operates
a year-round open submissions policy. Annually, about 2,000 unsolicited scripts are received. While the funding for auditing
is limited, the theatre insists on carefully reading and examining every play submitted, and providing feedback in a timely manner. Literary Manager Steve Harper, Graeme Thompson and a panel of volunteer readers lead the program. The insistence on the policy stems from their dedication to providing the best opportunities possible for first-time writers.

The programs of the theatre foundation include “Rapid Write”, “The Lab”, “LabFest” and so on. In the past six years, these programs have discovered more than a thousand new writers. Theatre503 also encouraged these new writers to come back to 503 with their second, or even third work, to help the reinforce their reputation.

Also, in order to encourage new writers, Theatre503 has developed the “503 Five” program. More specifically, five emerging playwrights are selected for collaboration with the resident playwrights, lasting for eighteen months and spanning from the inception of initial draft to the completion of the first work. During the collaboration, the resident playwrights provide newcomers with insights and help in all aspects, and they would finish at least one work each. In addition, the resident writers also aid the theatre in achieving more avant-garde and ambitious theatrical goals. Currently, the five resident writers included in the program are Brad Birch, Jon Brittain, Gemma Langford, Charlene James and Chris Urch.


與其他出版機構和劇院不同,503劇場實行全年開放的劇本提交政策。劇 場一年約收到2000個劇本,盡管沒有足夠的資金支持,劇場仍然堅持仔 細審閱每一個提交的劇本並盡快給予反饋。除了兩位文學總監史蒂夫·哈 珀(Steve Harper)和格雷姆·湯普森(Graeme Thompson)外,其他的 審閱編輯都是自發的誌願者。而劇場之所以堅持這項事業,與他們“致力 於為第一次寫作的作者們提供最佳機遇”的宗旨密不可分。

劇院的基金會計劃包括“速寫(Rapid Write)”、“實驗室(The Lab)”、“實驗節(LabFest)”等,近六年來,這些項目共發掘了1000余位新作家。劇院還鼓勵 新作家們將他們的第二部、第三部作品帶回503,幫助他們鞏固寫作聲譽。

此外,為鼓勵新人創作,503劇場常設五位“駐場作家”(503 Five)。這個 項目選擇5位戲劇寫作的新秀,從提交初稿到第一部作品面世,與他們進 行為期18個月的合作。合作期間,除為他們提供全方位的指導和幫助,至 少推出他們的一部作品,這些作家們也幫助劇院實現更加先鋒和現代的 戲劇願景。現任的五位作家為布萊德·伯奇、約翰·布列顛、婕瑪·蘭弗、查 琳·詹姆士和克里斯·爾奇。



The 503 New Writing Award is a biennial national prize that honours an emerging writer to present their excellent piece of work on stage.

The Richard Carne Trust generously funds the award. Philip and Chris Carne established the award in honour of their son, Richard Carne, a brilliant young man who died tragically at 18.For the family, helping young and talented people to have the opportunity to fulfill their potential in life is the best way to remember the lost son. The award opens for new round of applications in autumn 2013.


503新寫作獎是一個雙年獎,這個獎項支持新作家們將他們的優秀作品 搬上舞臺。該獎項來自理查德·卡恩信托的慷慨資助。菲利普·卡恩和克瑞 斯·卡恩夫婦為紀念他們18歲就英年早逝的兒子理查德·卡恩資助了這個 獎項。對於他們來說,幫助年輕有才華的戲劇人來發揮自己的潛力,是紀 念他們兒子的最好方式。該獎項將在2013年秋季開始新一屆的申請。



Theatre503 recently launched Second Look. It offers a chance
to review groundbreaking plays that were not given enough emphasis, by writers from the 80s and 90s. The activity is held twice every year. Anyone over the age of 35, who has their favourite theatre memory from the Bush, the Traverse, the Abbey, and is wondering why it was never revisited, can make suggestions to the theatre. Reviving a play that is old enough to merit revisiting but too young to be called a classic carries a certain risk. Theatre503, however, wants to establish the future by igniting the past through this program. Jack Bradley, ex-Literary Manager of The National Theatre, curates the programme.


503劇場最近發起了一項被命名為“第二眼”的戲劇活動,重新回顧上世紀 80和90年代具有突破性但是並未引起足夠重視的戲劇作品。這項活動 一年舉辦兩次,如果你年滿35歲,並曾在布什劇院(Bush),特拉沃斯劇 院(Traverse),艾比劇院(Abbey)有過關於某部戲美好的體驗,并一直 希望這部戲能夠重新被搬上戲劇舞臺,你就可以給劇院提供建議。重新 發掘那些有價值卻還未能真正成為“經典”的作品是一次具有冒險性的嘗 試,劇院希望能夠通過這項活動回顧過去並思索未來。這項活動由國家 劇院前任文學總監傑克·布拉德利(Jack Bradley)負責。




Theatre503 also launched Playwright Presents, another program closely associated with new writing. Many esteemed writers are called forth to promote the future generation of playwrights and endorse their works with the potential of becoming the star of the future. An established playwright will present a rehearsed reading of a new play by a young, undiscovered playwright. It will be curated by one of 503’s Associate Director, Tom Littler. This is a demonstration of Theatre503’s position in the new writing movement, that the theatre uses plays to document the tiny bits of changes of a modern world.


劇院發起的與“新寫作”密切相關的另一項活動叫做“劇作家出品”,號召當下 知名的劇作家推薦他們認為具有“未來之星”潛質的作品。每位知名劇作家 將和一位新興作家合作,指導年輕作家們排練他們的新作品。這項活動由 劇院副總監湯姆·利特勒(Tom Littler)負責,體現了503劇場作為“新寫作” 運動推動者的定位——用戲劇來紀錄現代世界的點滴變化。


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