
Qing Dynasty Peking: Thomas Child’s Photography

First Exhibition of Rare Photographs of Qing Dynasty Peking
from the First Comprehensive 19th-Century Survey of the City
China Exchange, London, 10-15 November 2015


London: Rare early photographs of Peking by Thomas Child from the Stephan Loewentheil Historical Collection of China Photography will be exhibited for the first time in London’s Chinatown as part of Asian Art in London.  Qing Dynasty Peking: Thomas Child’s Photography runs from November 10-15 at China Exchange, 32a Gerrard Street, London. Admission is free.

These views of Peking (Beijing), made in the 1870s and 1880s, are from the earliest comprehensive photographic survey of the ancient city. During two decades as a resident, Child, a gas engineer by profession and later became an important professional photographer, produced extensive photographic documentation of his surroundings. The images document the architecture, people, and culture of Peking (Beijing) during the early years of photography in China. Child’s historic vision offers a unique glimpse into the country’s rich cultural past.

This exhibition is devoted to Child’s rare photographs and features more than thirty original photographs from the Stephan Loewentheil Historical Photography of China Collection, the largest holding of historical China photographs in private hands. This is the first time that Child’s photography has been curated into a substantial show.

The exhibition is sponsored by the 19th Century Rare Book and Photograph Shop, Brooklyn, New York, and hosted by China Exchange.

The public exhibition opens with a Collector’s Talk at 5 PM on Tuesday 10 November and continues through 15 November. Additional details:

京華清影 – 托馬斯·查爾德歷史照片展

罕有清代北京歷史照片展來自十九世紀首個最完整的城市調研 中國站, 倫敦,2015 年 11 月 10 日-15 日

美國私人藏家史蒂文·羅文特爾將在倫敦唐人街展出其收藏的托馬斯·查爾德 歷史照片。本次展覽也是倫敦亞洲藝術周秋季活動的一個單元。該展覽題為《 京華清影- 托馬斯·查爾德歷史照片展 》。展覽場地為中國站(China Exchange) 32a 爵祿街,倫敦華埠。免門票。

在展覽首日,有為時一小時的藏家講座活動,在十一月十日下午 5 點舉行。展 覽為期六天。開館時間及詳情請登陸中國站官方網站查詢: photography

About the talk

Stephan will speak about his experiences collecting historical photography of China, and about Thomas Child in particular. He began his career thirty years ago as an antiquarian buying and selling rare books and manuscripts, but very early on he recognized the unparalleled vitality and immediacy of historical photographs. The power of old photographs to transport us in time and space and gives them an appeal transcending the written word. Stephan will also discuss the history and rarity of 19th century photography of China and give a guided tour of some of the highlights in the show.


大收藏家史蒂文會從收藏托馬斯·查爾德攝影作品的經歷出發,向觀眾分享他收藏中 國歷史照片的心得與點滴。早在三十余年前,史蒂文就開始從事罕有古籍與手稿的交 易,不久以後,他領略到歷史照片無與倫比的生命力與直接性。這些老照片無疑有著 時光隧道般的魔力,其超越文字的力量似乎能將觀者傳送到過去的時間與緯度。展覽 中的典藏介紹會是史蒂文講座的另一精彩亮點。

講座時間: 2015年11 月 10 號下午 5 點-6 點    門票:免費入場


Edited by Qiwen Ke



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