The Courtauld Gallery
3 February –8 May 2022
The first ever exhibition devoted to Vincent van Gogh’s self-portraits across his entire career will take place at The Courtauld Gallery from 3 February – 8 May 2022.
Van Gogh Self-Portraits takes as its springboard Van Gogh’s iconic Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, one of the most celebrated works in The Courtauld collection, and brings together around half of the self-portraits Van Gogh created during his short years as a painter – an exciting opportunity, given that many of these works are rarely lent.
This is the first time that the full span of Van Gogh’s self-portraiture has been explored in an exhibition. An outstanding selection of more than 15 self-portraits has been brought together to trace the evolution of Van Gogh’s self representation, from his early Self-Portrait with a Dark Felt Hat, created in 1886 during his formative period in Paris, to Self-Portrait with a Palette, painted at the asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in September 1889, one of his last self- portraits before his death in 1890.
The exhibition is presented in The Courtauld’s new Denise Coates Exhibition Galleries and will be the first in the new Morgan Stanley Series of high-profile temporary exhibitions at The Courtauld. It showcases Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear alongside masterpieces from major international collections, including the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; the Art Institute of Chicago; the Detroit Institute of Arts; the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC; the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, and the National Gallery, London. Several works in the exhibition were last together in Van Gogh’s studio and have never been reunited, until now.
Van Gogh was a prolific practitioner of self-portraiture. His appearance is instantly recognisable, with his defined features, bright red hair and piercing gaze. Curated by Dr Karen Serres, Curator of Paintings at The Courtauld, Van Gogh Self-Portraits explores the myriad ways Van Gogh approached one of his most enduring subjects: as an outlet for experimenting with new styles, a practical way of securing an available model, a critical tool for psychological introspection, and a means of constructing his own identity and presenting himself to the outside world.
The myth of Van Gogh today is linked as much to his extraordinary life as it is to his stunning paintings. This exhibition will allow both aspects to be explored. It is an opportunity and exhibition never to be repeated as Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear will be permanently on display at The Courtauld Gallery when it reopens and is unlikely to be lent elsewhere for many years to come.
《梵高的自畫像》展覽匯聚了藝術家短暫畫家生涯中創作的半數以上的自畫像作品,這次展覽以他的標誌性的作品《Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear(耳朵上紮綁帶的自畫像)》為起點,這幅畫也是考陶爾德收藏中最著名的作品之一 。這是一個非常難得的機會,畢竟展覽上的很多作品極少被借出展示。
這是第一次在一場展覽中全面展現梵高的自畫像作品。超過15幅精心挑選的自畫像將匯集一堂,以追溯梵高自我呈現的演變之路。從他於1886年,在巴黎的早期形成階段中創作的《Self-Portrait with a Dark Felt Hat(自畫像與深色氈帽)》,到他在1890年去世前最後一幅自畫像 — 於1889年9月在普羅旺斯聖雷米避難時期所繪的《Self-Portrait with a Palette(自畫像與調色盤)》。
展覽在考陶爾德新裝修好的丹尼斯·科茨展廳舉辦,並且它將是’考陶爾德備受關注的第一個‘‘摩根·史丹利系列”的短期展覽。 《耳朵上紮綁帶的自畫像》與其他來自國際主流機構收藏的佳作一併被展示。其中包括梵高美術館、阿姆斯特丹國立美術館、芝加哥藝術博物館、底特律藝術學院、華盛頓國家美術館、巴黎奧賽美術館和倫敦國家美術館。還有一些作品是來自梵高最後的工作室裡,在本次展覽之前,從未與梵高的其他作品合展過。
梵高是一位多產的自畫像藝術家。他的外表特徵十分鮮明,具有很高的辨識度—— 五官輪廓鮮明,一頭亮紅色的頭髮以及銳利的目光。該展覽由Dr Karen Serres(科倫·塞雷斯博士)策展,帶領大家探索梵高是如何用千變萬化的繪畫方式來處理他最長久的自畫像主題——那是一個作為探索新風格的出口,一個獲得可靠模特的實用方法,一個內心自省的批判工具,同時還是一種建構自身身份、向外展示自己的方式。