Art Education
Knowledge Should Be Priceless
Interview with Paul Stewart 專訪保羅·斯圖爾特 . Paul Stewart is an artist and researcher focusing on themes of alternative learning and critical pedagogy. He has a BA (Hons) Fine Art from the University of Lincoln (2011) and also completed an MA in Art and Politics at Goldsmiths (2012). He is the Learning Research Assistant …
Everything about Quality
Interview with Nixi Cura Programme Director, Arts of China, Christie’s Education, London. 採訪倫敦佳士得美術學院中國藝術項目總監 黃巧巧 . Christie’s Education is the first British institution to offer a Master’s programme devoted exclusively to Chinese art. While acquiring experience in object analysis, students will explore archaeological and historical contexts and the multiple narratives in the story of Chinese art. …
Contemporary Circus Education
John Ellingsworth is a writer and editor working in contemporary circus. He runs the website and magazine Sideshow and a company called CRKO working at the intersection of circus and technology. 約翰·艾利斯沃斯(John Ellingsworth) 是專注於當代馬戲的作家和編輯,他創辦了線上雜誌《Sidehow(雜耍)》,還有關注科技與馬戲結合的CRKO公司。 . ART.ZIP: How do you get into contemporary circus? JE: I sort of fell into it. Back in 2006 I started …
Dance without Fear 舞者無懼
Interview with Hagit Yakira and Sophie Arstall 採訪海吉特·雅琪拉和蘇菲·阿斯多爾 . Award-Winning Israeli choreographer Hagit Yakira founded Hagit Yakira Dance Company in 2007 and has since gone on to tour the UK, Europe, Scandinavia and Israel. So far she has created seven works for her company amongst many other commissioned works for other companies and students. Hagit Yakira …
The Position of Language
Interview with Professor Paul Barker Professor and Course Leader of MA Music Theatre Royal Central School of Speech & Drama 採訪皇家中央戲劇與演講學院音樂劇場碩士課程主任及教授 保羅·巴克教授 . Paul Barker is a composer, pianist, director and author. He has worked extensively with singers as composer, MD and coach in opera, musicals and concerts across many genres and styles. He was …
Interview with Professor David Bate
Interview with Professor David Bate Course Leader of MA Photographic Studies Department of Media, Arts and Design University of Westminster 威斯敏斯特大學媒體、藝術與設計學院 攝影學碩士課程主任 大衛·貝特教授專訪 . The MA in Photographic Studies programme at the University of Westminster offers a dynamic and exciting environment for studying independent practice and the critical theory of photography at a masters level. …
Interview with Neil Mulholland
Interview with Neil Mulholland Programme Director of MA/MFA Contemporary Art Photography Associate Head School of Art / Head of Postgraduate/Context Edinburgh College of Art The University of Edinburgh 愛丁堡藝術學院當代藝術攝影碩士/純藝碩士課程主任 愛丁堡藝術學院藝術學系副主任 專訪尼爾·穆赫蘭道教授 Text by: Funky He 撰文:何伊寧 . The Contemporary Art Photography programme at Edinburg College of Art (ECA) primarily enables students to use lens-based …
Interview with Lesley Punton
Interview with Lesley Punton, Head of BA (Hons) Fine Art Photography (Acting) Department of Fine Art Photography The Glasgow School of Art 專訪格拉斯哥藝術學院藝術攝影本科專業課程主任 萊斯利·蓬托 Text by: Funky He 撰文: 何伊寧 . The Photography Programme at The Glasgow School of Art has an international reputation for excellence. Established in 1982, it was the first programme of …
Case Study: Goldsmiths
Text by: Peng Zuqiang 撰文: 彭祖強 . It is not possible to say that there is such a thing as ‘the best art course’ as each artist has their individual artistic language and as such no single mode of art education can cater for all students – many of whom come from different backgrounds. Still, …
The Importance of Transcultural Studies
Interview with Andrew Stahl Head of Undergraduate Painting at UCL The Slade School of Fine Art 採訪倫敦大學學院斯萊德藝術學院繪畫本科課程主任 安德魯·斯塔爾 .. Andrew Stahl’s often large-scale paintings approach cultural differences and connections using pictorial language, imagination and figuration. Images become vehicles to carry painterly the experimentation. Much of his work reflects on travels to Japan and Thailand and …
Graduate Said
Interview with the RCA Graduate Zhenhan Hao 採訪皇家藝術學院畢業生郝振瀚 。 ART.ZIP: Could you tell us about your studying experience in the UK? Why did you choose the RCA? Did you study in Art school in China as well? ZH: I had my Bachelor’s degree of Design in the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in China. During …
Let the Curiosity Lead Your Way
Interview with Professor Jo Stockham Head of Printmaking at the Royal College of Art 專訪皇家藝術學院版畫專業課程主任 喬·斯托克姆 . . Jo Stockham has been Professor and Head of the Printmaking programme since 2008. She began working at the Royal College of Art in 1993 as a visiting lecturer in Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking. Her background in teaching …
Design with Global Vision
Interview with Professor Miles Pennington Head of Innovation Design Engineering at the Royal College of Art 採訪邁爾斯·潘寧頓 皇家藝術學院創新設計工程課程主任 . Professor Miles Pennington joined the Royal College of Art in 2002 as a visiting tutor and became senior tutor of Innovation Design Engineering in 2007. He was appointed Head of Department and Professor of …
Small College, Huge Influence
Interview with Professor Naren Barfield, Pro-Rector (Academic) at the Royal College of Art 專訪英國皇家藝術學院學術院長納仁·巴菲爾德教授 . Naren Barfield is an artist. He has held senior academic positions for several years including leading research in two specialist art and design institutions. He is currently Pro-Rector (Academic) at the Royal College of Art, where he leads the academic direction …
Art Education 藝術教育
There are immense differences between Chinese and UK education systems and ideas. Art education, as specific as it is, is no exception. United Kingdom has long been proud of its education systems, and has attracted thousands of international students every year. This reality makes education one major source of income for UK, and the complete, …