
Design with Global Vision

RCA 10-13 200

ART.ZIP: What would you suggest to those who want to apply your course?

MP: The most important thing is to try. At the RCA and Imperial College, we both have the problem that our global reputation is so high level that students think, ‘I can’t get in, so I won’t try.’ That’s not true. Honestly, I would say, let us judge. You will be surprised. You probably are great, but I can’t see that without an application here to look at, so you have to try. The best way of not getting in is not applying. That will guarantee that you don’t get in. So you really have to try.

ART.ZIP: 您能給想要申讀這兩個專業課程的學生一些建議嗎?

MP: 最重要的還是要嘗試。在皇藝和帝國理工學院,我們都面對同樣的一個問題,我們都擁有世界頂級的聲譽,很多學生會妄自菲薄,認為自己不夠好所以不去申請。不是這樣的,老實說,我想對想要申請的學生說,讓我們來判斷你是不是有資格,你可能會很驚訝的,你可能真的很出色,但如果你不申請的話我們根本看不到,所以務必要邁出嘗試的一步。如果你不提交申請,那就肯定沒有機會了。


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