

Tavares Strachan: There is Light Somewhere

18 Jun –⁠ 1 Sep 2024 Hayward Gallery, London They were all assembled there. Not purely a history but an assembly of the dead with a sense of voices being released. Voices from the deep. What the exhibition presents is the possibility of releasing these voices in a rich tapestry of becoming. We can see

Interview with Fang Lijun—— Exploring Portraits and Porcelain

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 14.10.2023 – 13.04.2024   Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is currently hosting a solo exhibition by renowned Chinese contemporary artist Fang Lijun, titled Fang Lijun: Faces and Ceramics. This exhibition is meticulously curated by Professor Shelagh Vainker, who serves as both the curator for Chinese Art at the Ashmolean Museum and an Associate

Joan Jonas

Tate Modern 14 March-5 August 2018 Tate Modern presents the largest survey of Joan Jonas’s work ever held ini the UK. Jonas is regarded as a pre-eminent figure in contemporary performance who continues to influence a younger generation of artists. This immersive exhibition celebrates Joan Jonas’s art works over the last five decades, uniting some

Anselm Kiefer|Walhalla

White Cube London Bermondsey presents an exhibition by Anselm Kiefer featuring new, large-scale installation, sculpture and painting. Titled ‘Walhalla’, the exhibition refers to the mythical place in Norse mythology, a paradise for those slain in battle, as well as to the Walhalla neo-classical monument, built by Ludwig I King of Bavaria in 1842 to honour heroic figures in German history.

Frieze London and Masters 2016

Text by Jesc Bunyard Edited and Translated by Michelle Yu Image Courtesy of Frieze Yes, it’s that time again. Time for the madness of Frieze, when the London art calendar lurches into life and everyone heads for the Regent’s Park. 是的,一年一次的Frieze又來了,日曆上滿滿的藝術活動,安排不過來,也看不過來,但大家一定都會湧向Regent’s Park的Frieze Art Fair。 In addition to the Live section, which is always a firm


Cass Sculpture Foundation is delighted to present A Beautiful Disorder, the first major exhibition of newly commissioned outdoor sculpture by contemporary Chinese artists to be shown in the UK. From May 2016, fifteen monumental outdoor sculptures will be on display throughout the grounds of CASS. These artists employ a variety of ambitious sculptural techniques across a range of materials including bronze, stone, steel and wood.

第十三期 ISSUE 13
藝術策展人|Art Curator

“Curator” is a strange concept for most Chinese. In China, the word is often understood as its Chinese “equivalent” (Cezhanren) suggests—the one (ren) who plans (ce) the exhibition (zhan). However, the original meaning of “curator” as a borrowing word is never correctly conveyed in this translation. With the coming of the information era, a globalized and networking ...

Art 15

今年是倫敦全球藝術博覽會的第三年,Art15 帶來150個國際畫廊,涵蓋40個國家, 展覽開幕當日吸引數千名藏家,藝術從業者與愛好者。兩年前第一次來到Art13時, 我們被他們新穎而簡單的布局所吸引。他不像國際上其他大展或博覽會那樣讓你應接不暇,體力不支,也不像許多小展那樣良莠不齊,不忍直視。它如倫敦這座城一般,精致而不招搖,小巧卻又容納著眾多方向的國際元素, 鼓勵並滋生文化交流與思潮。…

shunt 尚特劇團

Text by: Struan Robinson / 撰文:Struan Robinson Translated by: Shen Xinyi / 翻譯:沉心懿 “shunt” was founded by ten artists from Central School of Speech and Drama, who met in 1997 whilst doing a one year postgraduate course. Its beginnings as a collaborative effort has become the group’s defining feature, as embodied in the company’s title as a

Le Patin Libre

Text by: Ava Davies / 撰文:Ava Davies Translated by: Zhao Kunfang / 翻譯:趙坤芳 Le Patin Libre, which translates as ‘The Free Skate’, are the first company of their kind, coining a new form of performance which they have named ‘contemporary skating’. They completely overturn any notion of a saccharine, ‘Dancing on Ice’ style, and forgo the glitter

Rambert Dance Company

  Text by: Michelle Yu / 撰文:余小悅 Translated and edited by: Harry Liu / 採訪整理:劉競晨 Founded by the Polish ballet dancer Maria Rambert in 1926, Rambert (previously known as Ballet Rambert before evolving to Rambert Dance Company) is one of the UK’s longest running and well-established dance companies. Whilst initially a purely ballet centred institution, they have

Kneehigh Theatre 虹彩劇團

Text by 撰文:Ava Davies Translated by 翻譯: Li Ruixue 李瑞雪 Cornwall-based Kneehigh’s humble beginning as a community theatre workshop in 1980 is essentially the key to understanding them as a company. Led by artistic director Emma Rice, who started her career in Kneehigh as an actor before progressing into directing, as many of the company

DV8 背離劇團

Edited by 編輯:Ava Davies Translated by 翻譯:Li Ruixue 李瑞雪 Information Provided by 資料來源:DV8 背離劇團 DV8 are a dance and theatre troupe who look to challenge boundaries and subvert preconceptions, whether in their physical performances or in the intellectually challenging issues they grapple with. Set up in 1986 by Lloyd Newson, who remains their artistic director

Complicite 同夥劇團

Text by  撰文:Ava Davies Translated by 翻譯:Li Ruixue 李瑞雪 The company that perhaps created and are now synonymous with the concept of contemporary visual theatre are almost certainly Complicite, set up in 1983 by Simon McBurney, Annabel Arden and Marcello Magni. Complicite are probably the most influential experimental theatre establishment in the UK, setting the

The Master and Margarita

Text by: Joanna Dong  撰文:董一燃 Translated by: Li Bowen  翻譯:李博文 In 2013, on stage was a production that has conquered countless audience with its unmatched darkness and unpredictable magic. It was The Master and Margarita by Complicite. Established in 1983, the Complicite is dedicated to presenting visual effects and the art of design in a

The Beauty of Silence 大音希聲

Modern physical theatre is first and foremost influenced by mime and contemporary dance. Presently, an exact, clear definition of the physical theatre is still called for. To the audience, however, the rich, unconventional body movements bring the physical theatre onto the border between contemporary dance and conventional theatre. It is exactly this unmarked border of

第十二期 ISSUE 12
視覺劇場|Visual Theatre

Theatre in the UK integrates a variety of art forms, deserving great attention and meticulous studies through its prosperity. Alongside the rapid development of technology like multimedia and internet, theatre industry and culture in the UK are constantly evolving. As a publication that is attentive to the development of cultural and creative industry, we review one particular ...

Contemporary Circus Education

John Ellingsworth is a writer and editor working in contemporary circus. He runs the website and magazine Sideshow and a company called CRKO working at the intersection of circus and technology. 約翰·艾利斯沃斯(John Ellingsworth) 是專注於當代馬戲的作家和編輯,他創辦了線上雜誌《Sidehow(雜耍)》,還有關注科技與馬戲結合的CRKO公司。 . ART.ZIP: How do you get into contemporary circus? JE: I sort of fell into it. Back in 2006 I started

Digital Crystal: Swarovski

Text and images by courtesy of The Design Museum 圖文提供: 英國設計博物館 05.09.2012 – 13.01.2013 Daniel Swarovski founded the luxury crystal glass company Swarovski in 1895. Over a century and many generations later, it has pushed the cut glass medium to new heights. With its collaborations and sponsorship of experimental innovation in architecture and design, it


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