
Sculpture on the Edge


Zhaobo Yang 楊兆博, Patrick Jones, Junchao Ren 任俊超 (SSG artistic team)

Yun ling Art, Jiangbei District, Chongqing 重慶鐵山坪雲嶺藝術中心



Large scale projects often entail forms of collaborativon and this exhibition ‘IS THE FAKE REAL?’ consisted of the working relationship of Zhaobo Yang, Patrick Jones and Junchao Ren (SSG). This also implied a pooling of skills that includes fabrication techniques, drawing skills, conceptual planning, complex social negotiations, co-ordination with industrial producers, spatial planning, and documentation procedures. In short, a complex apparatus of sculptural production.

大型項目通常涉及各種合作形式,而此次展覽「 靈境若真」則由楊兆博,Patrick Jones和任俊超(SSG)合作完成。這意味著三位藝術家需要整合多種技能,包括製作技術、繪圖技能、概念規劃、複雜的社會協商、與工業生產者的協調、空間規劃以及文檔記錄程序等。簡而言之,這是一個複雜的雕塑生產系統。


In the installation ‘A Bridge to the Landscape’ there is a schematic representation of a steel bridge with ten moving image screens each of which depict moving images of water flowing in different directions. The bridge signifies a passage from a digital or virtual presentation of a landscape into a real space. It is a work that probes the deeper question of how the real is constructed. The question of the constitution of reality is thus turned into the question of what sculpture is. This question is predicated on being able to articulate a spatio-temporal flux which serves as a schema for the real.


The work ‘Meta Ark’ poses the question of origins and the birth of new constellations. It is a structure that is portable so lingers on the edge of discovery. Where did it come from and where is it going to, is it welcomed or does it signify an unwanted intrusion. Whilst the fabrication points to a future yet to come, it also retains a memory of what is retained from archaic imagination. It is both a material structure based on advanced fabrication techniques and an image surfacing from the collective imaginary. It is both strange (detached) and familiar that mixes a constellation of images within its fabric.


In ‘The Landscape Awaits (Meta Ark II)’, a structure is seen on its ascent into new pathways which define the way that city space consists of newly created trajectories, lines redrawn, zones established in which something is awaiting. This is a work that not only stages arrival but with this the sense of anxiety connected to the integration of unwanted strangeness. Sculpture is in this instance about the mixing of economies related to anticipated arrivals, emergence, and immanence. Something is seen to patrol the border regions of this state of flux. The materials are of late modernity, but the imaginary is part of the long wave constitution of modernist city space.

The Landscape Awaits, installation view Yunling Art Centre, stainless steel, cabon fibre, pv fabic, resin, cord 180 x 57 x 180 cm, 2023

‘Dorsal Fin’ introduces the spectre of what lies within the deep. The shark emerges as a reminder of pre-human reality or a time before the human record of it. The emergence of the fin defines the relationship between the deep and the surface, between what is visible and what is retained within the invisible. Built within this, is the operation of the framing of the spectre and the real. Sculpture is here a recording machine like configuration that is capable of not only mediating upon the temporal flux but also determining a relation between what is fake or real.

Following the work ‘Dorsal Fin’, is the work ‘Navigating A Life.’ Life is here presented as a vast swimming pool that stands as a prescribed pre-ordained reality. Entry into the pool stands for the virtual pool of infinite possibilities in which floating within the possibility of bliss or escape. A shark’s fin is seen ascending from this pool, but it marks a double oblivion, the forgetting of the threat that a shark normally signifiers and the shark forgetting its nature to issue threat. The nature of this double order of oblivion presents a world drifting into loss of the sharp edges that formally defined the reality principle.



In ‘Bamboo Forest’ three advertising screens stand in the midst of a fake forest. There is a ghostly image of a woman in a forest. The image draws us into the depth of the forest and the foundation of the image as an index of the real. Does the image afford escape between the binary of virtual and real or do we remain stuck of the loop that returns us endlessly into the binary code?

In the work ‘Step Into the Forest’ a laptop computer floats in front of a ‘man-made’ forest whilst a photograph of a real forest beckons. The structure is this work is one of folds and frames. A pathway through these different interfaces is seemingly offered but then this is accompanied by strangeness as we become trapped within the shift in the naming of the category.



Bamboo Forest, installation view Yunling Art Centre, Bamboo, concrete, steel, print, LED lights, sound, speaker 1000 x 300 x 300 cm, 2024

‘Stay on the Path’ depicts a section of the rail track that runs from Oruro, Bolivia. The imagine is a reminder of how lines are drawn into the landscape in the search for materials to extract through mining the earth. This shows the fold within the scanning process and the desire to dig deep into the reality of wanting to extract something as an outcome of the scanning process.

‘Geological Time’ is constructed around the image of a swinging stone that marks the passage of internal time. With each swing the illusion of a repeated self-same motions sustained but difference also lurks within the geological time frame. The gap between gallery time and the time locked in natural formations is allowed to come to the fore.



A tension appears to run through these presentations namely focused on the difference between the fake and the real. ‘In the Future is Not Given’ transparent walls float over a construction of doors that refuse to open. This loss of passage stands for the loss of clear passage into the future.

The Future is not Given, installation view Yunling Art Centre, olyester fibre print, neon light, 200 x 200 x 300 cm, 2023


A project that served as a forerunner of this exhibition was a large-scale work located within a remote landscape as part of the Art in the Fields exhibition at Junshan Island. The work was called ‘Playground of Building Block’ (2023) and was ten-meter high and was constructed out of the abundant bamboo and water reeds from the landscape. There was a fragility to the structure despite its imposing scale and this reflects ecological uncertainty. What is offered as a counterpoint to this instability is the offering of a playful way of playing with the elements through which reality is constructed.


Playground of Building Blocks, installation view Art in the Fields, steel, bamboo and water reed, Dongting Lak China, 2023.

These two projects exemplify an ambitious relationship to both sculpture, but with this a way of thinking through what sculpture can become. The group are shaping a clear programme for working on public projects and are attempting to define a philosophical foundation for this undertaking. This defines a relationship between material fabrication and the articulation of structures of thinking. There is a defined use of commercial fabrication techniques that in turn heightens the relationship between objects in the world, and the imaginary possibility of sculptural presentation. A clearly defined set of narratives are woven into the visual works without collapsing the sayable into the seeable. The use of narrative finds its counterpoint in the strangeness of many of the objects. Of note is the attention to issues of temporality and virtuality. Each object is treated as a memory object in ways that offered textual density to the works. The figure of Walter Benjamin and his notion of the ‘Dialectical Image’ is a presence especially his idea of constellation. The structure of the main project reflects his aphoristic writing of his final text on the philosophy of history. He saw the past has offering not only the potential of redemption but also as a restoration of the past within the future. With SSG the textures of materials, language, and subjective investment all cohere into a constellation that is alive within their sculptural projection. The look of the work has a quality that might be understood as having the appearance of science fiction like objects. Connected to this is the erasure related to style or the sense of psychological investment in appearance. Thus, conceptual schemas are what become manifest. Clearly a method has been developed for a group ethos can prevail and it is this that provides the qualities of both inward and outward consistency.

We should be seeing much more from Zhaobo Yang and the group in the near future, because they have evolved a way of working within the public domain with issues that have a currency on a social level. The works themselves generates intriguing visual diagrams which can locate a chain of signifiers with which to do so. It is as though the works themselves can possess their own voice and sustain their own edge.



More about SSG

Zhaobo Yang (London, UK), Patrick Jones (London, UK), and Junchao Ren (Chengdu, China) began their collective Sing a Song on the Ground (SSG) while studying sculpture at the Royal College of Art, London. Since completing their MA’s in 2022, they have been busy expanding their collaborative work. Through 2023, they have shown their works internationally in London, China, Italy, South Korea and Tokyo, each time developing a new work which responds to the nomadic aspects of their multicultural practice. SSG’s work drifts between digital and physical manifestations as they explore our contemporary condition unbounded by the limits of any given medium. They often blur the distinction between the photographic and the 3D as they explore hybrid manifestations that drift from printed images to monumental sculptures. They play in the space between 2d and 3d, on the edge of order and disorder, digital and physical, where unpredictable events unfold, where form and colour emerge within the chaotic surface. The SSG team are passionate about the possibility of public sculpture to create new forms of intersectionality with the viewer and the local community to re-discuss the functionality of public sculpture for group cohesion. They focus on the social contradictions that public sculpture takes on and translate them into their own poetic language, expressed through sculpture and imagery.



Text by Jonathan Miles

Translated by Michelle Yu

Edited by Rinka Fan

Posted on 5th May 2024


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