
My Workshop, My Studio Interview with James Capper
我的車間工作室 專訪藝術家詹姆斯·卡珀

ART.ZIP: So you call them machines or sculpture?

ART.ZIP: 所以你稱它們為機器還是雕塑呢?

JC: I refer to them when I am talking to people in industry as machines, whereas in a gallery they’re sculptures. So I have this very confusing world, where half of me is an engineer and the other half of me is a sculptor and I have to deal with engineers to get my sculpture made, there’s various different languages between the two.

The fact is that they are very unique as sculptures and my platform of voice is as a sculptor in the world.  I am a bit too open minded, I suppose, to be an engineer and I don’t have a specific market place, for instance if Zoomlion makes cranes and bulldozers, they will sell to people who need cranes and bulldozers; whereas I don’t have that need, so therefore I am a lot freer. I have complete control and money doesn’t effect what I do.  This allows me to be utterly creative with engineering. So basically, what I am doing with my sculpture, is using mechanical components that you would use with machines, working with engineers that enable me to get these machines to work and then demonstrating them.  For example in Hong Kong we demonstrated two machines in Printthe booth at the Art Baisel fair. When people walked around, they can see these two sculptures moving, so in that sense the viewers saw the sculptures move as well as work. I suppose I play around with the aesthetic of the machine and that aesthetic is my language in sculpture.  It’s a reversal of say, what an engineer would do – they use that language on a day-to-day basis to solve relatively simplistic problems and issues in engineering, whereas here I am trying to pioneer various different walking machines and different forms of propulsion moving through earth.

So these two machines here are from the Earth Marking Division and they are highly unique. There is nothing else like them in the world.

JC: 當我談話的對象是工人和技術員的時候,我稱它們為機器,而在美術館里我稱它們為雕塑。因此我的世界總是混亂不清——一半是工程師的我和另一半是雕塑家的我,我必須和其他工程師一起工作讓這些雕塑運轉。這雙重身份之間有太多不同之處。

事實上,從雕塑的角度,我的作品是非常與眾不同的,並且我始終是以一位雕塑家的立場來發表言論。我想,要成為一名工程師,我的思想也許過度開放了,並且我也沒有具體的市場定位。比如,中聯重料(Zoomlion)生產起重機和推土機,它面向的市場就是對這兩件商品有需求的買家。但我並沒有什麼市場導向性,所以我更自由些。我能完全把控我想要的,金錢影响不了我所做的事,我可以盡情地用工程學知識來發揮想像力。所以,我在做的事就是和其他工程師們一起把所有的機械組件拼裝起來,使這些機器能運轉,然後向大眾展示。比如這次在香港的巴塞爾藝術博覽會,我將會有兩件作品參展。觀眾在看展的時候就會發現這兩台走來走去的雕塑,這樣他們就會了解到雕塑是移動著的。我認為我是在打造機器的美感,而這種美感就是我的雕塑語言。反過來講,作為一名工程師該做的,就是用日常的製造語言解決工程中相對簡單的問題;但是我正在嘗試創造不同的移動機器和各種動力裝置,讓機器可以在地上移動。展覽上的兩件作品均來自我的《陸地邊界(Earth Marking Division)》系列作品,它們絕對是獨一無二的。


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