28th Feb. – 3rd Mar. 2019 @ London’s Saatchi Gallery
2019年2月28日-3月3日 @ 英國倫敦薩奇畫廊
- Collect國際設計展中國設計中心現場 By 郭倩(Phoebe Guo)
The Crafts Council announced the return of Collect to London’s Saatchi Gallery for its 15th edition. The only gallery-presented art fair dedicated to modern craft and design, Collect provides an opportunity to discover and invest in exceptional work produced in the last five years by living artists, much of which is made exclusively for the Fair. For the first time at Collect, China Design Centre presented an exquisite collection of Chinese contemporary art in ceramics, metal and wood.
- Collect國際設計展中國設計中心現場 By 郭倩(Phoebe Guo)
- Collect國際設計展中國設計中心現場 By 郭倩(Phoebe Guo)
- Collect國際設計展中國設計中心現場 By 郭倩(Phoebe Guo)
- Collect國際設計展中國設計中心現場 By 郭倩(Phoebe Guo)
Collect occupied the whole of the Saatchi Gallery for four days with 40 galleries, selected by an independent panel of experts, selling the work of over 400 artists. Alongside the galleries, Collect Open returned providing a platform for 15 individual artists to show ambitious and conceptual craft-led installations.
在四天的國際工藝設計展中,Collect將整個薩奇畫廊打造成一個手工藝藝術品的藝術空間,由專家委員會挑選出的40家畫廊帶來由400多為藝術家創作的作品,同時Collect Open單元也展出了15位藝術家創作的具有概念性的手工藝裝置作品。
The recent years see many emerging contemporary craft artists in China, actively pushing the boundaries of innovation of traditional craft while continuing the heritage. Still, in the West, the majority ofthe audience only recognise Chinese arts and crafts as the historical pieces in the museum. Hence, China Design Centre aims to challenge the stereotypical view, believing in the concept of ‘combining the traditional craft with modern language’, as the natural advantage of Chinese craft is rooted in the rich history, excellent techniques and distinctive aesthetics.
With the showcase at Collect 2019, the goal was achieved as thousands of viewers mesmerised by the exquisite and truly unique collection from China Design Centre. The featured artists include Wan Liya, Bian Xiaodong, Ding Hao, Fang Zhenpeng, Jin Zhenhua, Hu Chenchen, Zheng Zhilong, Wu Haoyu and Sun Jialing.
中國當代手工藝充分發揮了其得天獨厚的優勢:悠久的文化,精湛的做工和獨特的東方美學。 顯然,中國當代手工藝在被全世界認識和發現的道路上還任重而道遠,但是基於中國傳統文化、技藝的創新,必將被國際收藏家所接受。此次中國設計中心為大家帶來的藝術家有:萬里雅,卞曉東,丁浩,金貞華,方振鵬,胡晨晨,鄭誌龍,吳昊宇,孫嘉羚。