the Royal Hospital Chelsea South Campus
from June 30 to July 6, 2022
The London Masterpiece Fair is a must-see art fair where visitors can view and purchase the finest works of art, design, furniture and jewellery from antiquity to the present day. The fair offers an unparalleled opportunity for new and established collectors to discover exceptional works from international exhibitors across all major market sectors. Masterpiece Awards are presented to exhibits and stands judged to be outstanding.
In partnership with the Royal Bank of Canada, Masterpiece London will return to the Royal Hospital Chelsea South Campus from June 30 to July 6, 2022.
Attracting renowned collectors and the culturally curious, Masterpiece is one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary art fairs, offering the finest in art, design, furniture and jewellery from antiquity to the present day. The fair offers an unparalleled opportunity to discover exceptional works for sale from our distinguished galleries and specialists, the heart of a unique week of cultural experiences in the heart of London. All exhibits at Masterpiece Presents have been vetted to maintain the integrity and success of the fair, giving confidence to all who visit, whether they are seasoned collectors or new to buying. Masterpiece Presents” provides a platform for innovative, immersive artworks at the entrance to the fair.The artist taking pride of place at this year’s Masterpiece Showcase is Anila Quayyum Agha, a Pakistani-American artist known for her immersive light installations. The artist is represented by Sundaram Tagore Gallery and has had three solo museum exhibitions in the past year alone.
The artist taking pride of place at this year’s Masterpiece Showcase is Anila Quayyum Agha, a Pakistani-American artist known for her immersive light installations. The artist is represented by Sundaram Tagore Gallery and has had three solo museum exhibitions in the past year alone.
In parallel to this, the Masterpiece’s sculpture series is curated by Melanie Vandenbrouck, curator of sculpture at the V&A. As a showcase of historical works, the sculptures on display reflect on the human condition and social change through personal, political and universal themes while creating bridges that show how different disciplines can learn from each other.
倫敦巨匠臻藏藝博會(Masterpiece London)是一個不可錯過的藝術博覽會,參觀者可以在這裡觀看和購買從古代到现今最優秀的藝術、設計、家具和珠寶作品。該藝博會為新老收藏家提供了一個無與倫比的機會,讓他們發現來自國際各市場領域的傑出作品。倫敦巨匠臻藏藝博會於2022年6月30日至7月6日回到切爾西皇家醫院的南院區。
在今年的倫敦巨匠臻藏藝博會上佔據重要位置的藝術家是Anila Quayyum Agha,這位巴基斯坦裔美國藝術家以其沉浸式燈光裝置而聞名。該藝術家由Sundaram Tagore畫廊代理,僅在過去一年中就有三次博物館個展。
與此同時,倫敦巨匠臻藏藝博會的雕塑系列由V&A的雕塑策展人Melanie Vandenbrouck負責策劃。作為歷史上的作品展示,展出的雕塑作品通過個人、政治和普遍的主題來反思人類的狀況和社會的變化,同時創造了展示不同學科如何相互借鑒的橋樑。
Edited 編輯 x Shannon Wang 王昱雯