

Material Worlds: Contemporary Artists and Textiles

  Material Worlds: Contemporary Artists and Textiles is a compelling group exhibition presented by Hayward Gallery Touring, exploring the diverse and experimental ways artists are utilising textiles in contemporary art. Featuring works from 15 UK-based artists, the exhibition highlights the innovative and subversive potential of textiles, transforming familiar materials into surprising and thought-provoking artworks. The

Manque, Objet petite ‘a’

It looks like the poster for a suspense film—a sweep of arching red velvet curtains cascading into the frame from beyond, extending downward. The formally dressed man is shown only halfway—nothing is complete—including the exhibition title, Manque, Objet Petit ‘a’. On August 19, 2024, Huiyu Lan curated an exhibition titled Manque, Objet Petit ‘a’ at the

Wallace Chan Unveils Unseen Jewellery and Sculpture Masterpieces “Fish in Waves” and “PETALS”

London, 6-13th October, 2024 The Birley Clubs, known for their deep connection to art and culture, offer a unique space where original artworks are displayed across their venues. They actively support creativity through exhibitions and collaborations, providing a platform for both established and emerging artists. This dedication to fostering artistic innovation is further exemplified by

The Brink

7th – 9th October, 2023 Ugly Duck   Frieze week is as popular as ever, drawing art enthusiasts and collectors from around the world. During this vibrant week, we’re excited to see a dynamic and highly talented team of young curators, Tiderip and their exhibition “The Brink”.  The team is making their mark on the

Thierry Noir:Techno

  Christie’s 28th September – 2nd October 2023   This autumn, Christie’s presents “Thierry Noir: Techno,” an immersive installation by the iconic Berlin artist Thierry Noir that is infused with music-inspired creativity. This remarkable exhibition is a collaborative effort with London’s legendary nightclub, Fabric. Thierry Noir began his artistic journey when he relocated from France

Jen Ting:Dancing with Inner Demons
: 與心魔跳舞

London, 18th September, 2023 — “The creative process as an endeavor born from immense pain”, Jen Ting describes. Hailing from her hometown in Taiwan, situated 9,872 kilometers away from London, Jen embarked on a journey that confronted her with unprecedented loneliness. She arrived in London without family or friends by her side, and the contrast

Third World: The Bottom Dimension

Serpentine North Gallery 23 June – 22 October 2023   Led by artist Gabriel Massan, an experimental video game, exhibition and web3 project in collaboration with Serpentine Arts Technologies, Third World: The Bottom Dimension is inviting viewers to reorient their understanding of reality and themselves through the lens of decolonialism, queerness and decentralisation (technological, social,

Interview with Evan Pricco: Constant Conversation between Street and Gallery

Beyond the Streets London Saatchi Gallery 17 February  – 9 May 2023   Unveiled in February, Beyond the Streets London, supported by Adidas Originals, presents a resplendent display of over 100 international artists’ creations, ranging from audacious train writers to esteemed large-scale muralists. This unparalleled exhibition, which encompasses all three floors of the renowned Saatchi Gallery

New New New World by Arjan Guerrero

New New New World (NNNW) by Arjan Guerrero and curated by Karla Noguez Somers Gallery 5th – 21st April 2023   New New New World (NNNW) is a transmedia ecosystem that involves generative speculation and research, exploring the concept of worldbuilding and the impact of AI, BigGAN, and Machine Learning on the paradigm of images.

Donatello: Sculpting the Renaissance

V&A Museum 11 February – 11 June 2023 The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is currently hosting the exhibition Donatello: Sculpting the Renaissance which explores the works of the Renaissance master Donatello. The exhibition showcases over 50 artworks never seen before in the UK, providing a fresh and unique vision of the artist, his

Omar El Lahib

Omar El Lahib Saatchi Yates 26th January – 15th March 2023 A new 12,000 sqft gallery space in the center of St James has been launched by Saatchi Yates, showcasing a collection of new paintings by Lebanese artist Omar El Lahib, currently based in Cologne. Featuring more than 18 large-scale paintings, El Lahib’s solo exhibition

瀚思閣觀點 | 秋起雙城——Frieze London & Paris+

  金秋十月,滿街的樹葉漸漸變黃飄落,雨後泥土的氣息摻合進空氣變成瑟瑟秋風,一個新的藝術季度也重新拉開。弗里茲倫敦(Frieze London) 與藝+巴黎(Paris+)相繼在十月開幕。在動蕩的全球背景下,藝術市場正在歐洲經歷一場對人們信心的試煉。       10月12日至16日, 弗里茲倫敦(Frieze London)聯合弗里茲大師展(Frieze Master)在攝政公園舉辦,這是英國政府取消所有防疫限制後的首次大型博覽會。各類畫廊、美術館機構也在此期間舉辦新展,秋季的倫敦文化氛圍濃烈。 本次展會共有291家國際畫廊參展。除了往常參展的歐美頂級畫廊外,今年更邀請了來自來自古根海姆阿布扎比美術館的策展人Sandhini Poddar策劃特別展區,名為“Indra’s Net(因陀羅之網)”,帶來了許多來自世界其他角落的新面孔,例如來自馬尼拉的Silverlens, 來自科倫坡的Saskia Fernando等等,為本次展會增添更加全球化的視角以及多元化的活力。 經濟與政治的雙重不穩定似乎還沒有波及前來現場觀展的人群。在VIP開幕當天,弗里茲倫敦場地門口從11點不到就排起了長隊,一整天的展會更是人頭攢動,幾乎淹沒了展位上的作品。其中,超當代藝術品在此次弗里茲倫敦尤其受到歡迎。 29歲的英國藝術家賈黛·法多朱蒂米(Jadé Fadojutimi)的作品佔據了高古軒正對入場口的整個展位;大尺寸的電子顯示屏播放著數字藝術家陸揚令人驚嘆的視頻作品,爆炸式的視覺元素展示成功佔領SOCIÉTÉ畫廊的C位;其他畫廊如卓納畫廊(David Zwirner)的奧斯卡·穆里略 (Oscar Murillo),Tiwani Contemporary的奧馬爾·拉希德(Umar Rashid)作品同樣暢銷。     持有美金的藏家有可能是擁擠人潮的因素之一,他們為畫廊的銷售注入活力。根據Artnet的報導,高端價位作品的價格和銷量遠高於去年。老簡·布魯蓋爾(Jan Bruegel the Elder)的作品由約翰尼·範·海夫滕(Johnny Van Haeften)以大約1000萬美金的價格售出;一幅凱利·詹姆斯·馬歇爾(Kerry James Marshall)的畫作在卓納畫廊出價600萬美元;菲利普·古斯頓(Phillip Guston)的作品由豪瑟沃斯(Hauser&Wirth)以480萬美元賣出;Thaddaeus Ropac 以180萬美金售出了羅伯特·勞森伯格(Robert Rauschenberg)的作品。儘管危機四伏,本次弗里茲倫敦再次顯示了英國在全球的關鍵地位。   價格超過一百萬美金並售出的精選作品一覽 Frieze London 2022   與之難免進行對比的是由Art Basel巴塞爾藝術展呈現的首屆藝+巴黎(Paris+),該展會取代了法國多年來的頂級展會FIAC (the International Contemporary Art Fair),於10月19日至23日期間在巴黎臨時大皇宮(Grand Palais Éphémère)及戰神廣場(Champ de Mars)舉辦。藝+巴黎和弗里茲倫敦如此貼近的時間為海外藏家的旅行計劃提供了便利。

Making Modernism: discovering pioneering women of Modernism

Royal Academy of Arts 12 November 2022 – 12 February 2023 The Royal Academy of Arts is presenting Making Modernism, the first major UK exhibition focusing on pioneering German women artists hidden from the history of 20th-century Modernism. Making Modernism will primarily show artworks by Paula Modersohn-Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin. Additionally,

瀚思閣觀點 | 威尼斯雙年展2022:另外一種聲音——是夢還是夢想?

因新冠疫情推遲一年之後,世界最負盛名的威尼斯雙年展終於在2022年4月23日拉開帷幕。圍繞著「The Milk of Dreams」這個主題,本次威尼斯雙年展匯集了來自58個國家、213名藝術家的作品,近九成為女性及邊緣性別藝術家,其中180位更是第一次參加雙年展。 「The Milk of Dreams」這個主題來自於超現實主義藝術家萊奧諾拉·卡靈頓(Leonora Carrington)於1950年代為自己孩子創作的一系列同名幻想書籍。此系列故事描述了一個神奇的世界,通過想像,每個人都可改變世界,也可以被世界改變,成為另一個人或物。 「The Milk of Dreams」這個題目不僅致敬了卡林頓這位偉大的女藝術家,也暗示著女性的創造力能為我們的世界帶來的潛在變革。 根據英國「衛報」的數據,在威尼斯雙年展以往的主題展中,女性藝術家的比例只有10%,而近年來逐漸上升到30%。上一屆雙年展差不多達到了兩性藝術家平分秋色的水平,而今年女性藝術家的比例激增到了90%。隨著社會對性別和種族議題的關注度不斷提高,有人質疑策展人太過執著於在藝術展覽中過度關注“配額”問題,而面對質疑,總策展人塞西莉亞·阿萊曼尼(Cecilia Alemani)十分坦然:“性別和種族的多樣性對我和許多人而言都已非常自然。但如何維持這些研究和努力會是一個挑戰。如何使它成為我們DNA的一部分,成為每位策展人在世界各地籌備展覽的一部分?歸根結底,它要反映我們世界的樣子。我不想提統計和數字,但如果我們的世界有50%是女性,我們需要展示並尊重這一點。” 本屆雙年展圍繞了三個主題領域而展開:身體及其變形的表現;個人與技術的關係;身體與地球之間的聯繫。   第一站 「時間膠囊」 這次雙年展的主題展裡有一個“展中展”非常有意思,那是由意大利設計雙人組FormaFantasma設計的“時間膠囊”微型展,他們不僅設計了這次雙年展的佈局,還設計了五個非常具有歷史感的“時間膠囊”,每個部分都包含一系列藝術品、物件和文字歸檔,匯集在一起以探索某些特定的主題。 技術變革的壓力、社會緊張局勢、流行病、氣候變化穿插其中,藝術家們通過各種方式來挑戰西方視角下關於現代和人類的意義。有些作品回歸自然,著眼於工藝、歷史和儀式,而有些作品則著眼於未來,電子人、機器、科技和生態變化。   第二站 國家館 本次雙年展上女性、黑人和酷兒藝術家受到了很多關注並獲得了更大的舞台。展出Sonia Boyce作品的英國館榮獲金獅獎最佳國家館,而Simone Leigh獲得金獅獎最佳藝術家,斬獲大獎的兩位藝術家均為女性黑人藝術家,而且兩人的作品也都和黑人女性議題有緊密的聯繫。 除此之外,不可錯過的國家館包括法國館、馬耳他館、韓國館、沙特阿拉伯館、阿聯酋館、斯洛文尼亞館、羅馬尼亞館。   第三站 外圍展 不可否認,在威尼斯這座獨一無二的水上之城,作品與空間的融合相得益彰,不僅探索了古老建築空間的更多可能性,而且賦予了作品更豐富的上下文語境。 值得一探的展覽包括: Parasol Unit的群展 Uncombed, Unforeseen, Unconstrained Stanley Whitney的個展 The Italian Paintings Marlene Dumas的個展 Open-end Anselm Kiefer的個展 Questi scritti, quando verranno bruciati, daranno finalmente un po’ di


Tate Modern 5 October 2022 — 12 March 2023   In autumn 2022, Tate Modern will present a once-in-a-generation exhibition of paintings, watercolours and drawings by Paul Cezanne (1839-19061). Famously referred to as the “greatest of US all” by Claude Monet, Cezanne remains a pivotal figure in modern painting who gave license to generations of


TATE BRITAIN 18 May – 16 October 2022   Tate Britain presents the first major survey of Cornelia Parker’s works held in London. One of Britain’s leading contemporary artists, Parker is responsible for some of the most unique and unforgettable artworks of the past thirty years. Driven by curiosity, Parker transforms seemingly everyday objects into

Liste Art Fair Basel 2022
2022 瑞士巴塞爾 Liste 藝術博覽會

Messe Basel, Hall 1.1 13 – 19 June 2022 The renowned Art Basel in Basel, Switzerland attracts unrivalled attention from the art world every year, but right next door sits Liste, an art hub just as worth exploring. Liste Art Fair Basel 2022 took place for the second time in Hall 1.1 of Messe Basel,

Yage Guo: The Moth Disturbs The Night

Yage Guo was born in Inner Mongolia in 1998 and raised in Shanghai. She currently lives and works in London. Between 2017-2022, she studied at Slade School of Fine Art in the UK, where she completed her undergraduate and master’s study. Guo’s practice includes oil painting, printmaking, book making and pencil drawing. With a sensual

The London Masterpiece Fair 2022

the Royal Hospital Chelsea South Campus from June 30 to July 6, 2022   The London Masterpiece Fair is a must-see art fair where visitors can view and purchase the finest works of art, design, furniture and jewellery from antiquity to the present day. The fair offers an unparalleled opportunity for new and established collectors

Design Miami/Basel 2022 – 第16屆邁阿密/巴塞爾設計展

From 13 June to 19 June 2022 Returning to Switzerland for its 16th edition, Design Miami/Basel provides a platform to showcase, acquire, create and discuss collectable designs worldwide. Art Basel combines the work of established and emerging designers from around the world in various disciplines with a series of exhibitions showcasing collectable furniture, lighting and

Documenta 15

Kassel, Germany 18 June to 25 September 202   Documenta 15 will take place from 18 June to 25 September 2022 at various venues in Kassel, Germany, under the artistic direction of ruangrupa. The Jakarta-based artist collective bases Documenta 15 on lumbung’s core values and philosophy, the Indonesian name for the public rice silo. Lumbung, an artistic

Art Basel 2022
2022 瑞士巴塞爾藝術展

Messe Basel 16-19 June 2022   Despite a stalled global economic recovery in the wake of the epidemic, turmoil in financial markets, severe setbacks in crypto markets and staggering inflation in many developed countries, the art market performed surprisingly well in the midst of the economic downturn. The three major auction houses posted a year-on-year

Jiá Fèng

Troy House | London 10-12 New Union Square, London SW117AX The exhibition runs from 26 April 2022 to Ongoing        The Troy House Art Foundation annual project “Jiá Fèng 夹缝 ” will open to the public on the 25th of April, 2022. “Jiá Fèng 夹缝 ” is initiated by artist Yuan Gong, it is curated

Reframed: The Woman in the Window

Dulwich Picture Gallery Wednesday 4 May – Sunday 4 September 2022   Reframed: The Woman in the Window is the first exhibition to explore the enigmatic motif of the ‘woman in the window’. Featuring artworks from ancient civilisations to present day, the exhibition brings together over 50 works by artists including Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn,

WE CAN’T DO THIS ALONE | An Interview With Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley 
我們無法獨自完成:專訪藝術家Danielle Brathwaite

  Artist and game designer Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley held an intimate playtesting event, WE CAN’T DO THIS ALONE, in south London on 11 April 2022. The event followed a six month  period of research and development (R&D) with Serpentine’s Arts Technologies team  where she and developer Rob Prouse employed surveillance  technologies such as motion capture, facial

The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Raphael

National Gallery 9 April – 31 July 2022   Marking the 500th anniversary of Raphael’s death in 2020 and delayed because of Covid restrictions, the National Gallery presents one of the first-ever exhibitions to explore the complete career of this giant of the Italian Renaissance. A painter, draughtsman, architect, designer and archaeologist who captured in

Francis Bacon: Man and Beast
弗朗西斯·培根: 人與獸

英國皇家藝術學會正在舉辦的展覽是《Francis Bacon: Man and Beast (弗朗西斯·培根:人與獸)》。這是第一個以培根對動物的迷戀為線索來追溯他作品發展的歷程,並探討‘‘獸’’是如何影響他處理其終極對象 — ‘‘人’’的展覽。弗朗西斯·培根 (Francis Bacon)(1909 – 1992)被認為是20世紀最重要的藝術家之一。自他去世後,世界朝著他那令人不安的作品中所預知方向發展。他作品中的預見性被再次印證。本次重量級展覽將展出培根46件傑出畫作,跨度為他的整個職業生涯, 涵蓋從20世紀30年代到40年代間的早期作品, 到他在1991年創作的最後一幅畫。這幅最後的作品是首次在英國公開展出。創作於1969年的鬥牛圖三聯也是第一次合體展出在本展覽。

Joan Jonas

Tate Modern 14 March-5 August 2018 Tate Modern presents the largest survey of Joan Jonas’s work ever held ini the UK. Jonas is regarded as a pre-eminent figure in contemporary performance who continues to influence a younger generation of artists. This immersive exhibition celebrates Joan Jonas’s art works over the last five decades, uniting some


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