A London-based curator Yan Xie, is known for her commitment to engaging diverse communities through participatory art. With a keen interest in the transformative power of artistic expression, Yan Xie delves into the complexities of personal and collective experiences through her curated exhibitions. Recently, she has turned her focus to more specialised areas, including the therapeutic potential of artwork, such as soft sculpture and immersive installations. Additionally, Yan Xie explores the intricate relationship between desires and individual actions, aiming to provoke introspection and dialogue through her innovative curatorial practices. In these two exhibitions “In the midst of Melting Garden” and “Down to the Sunless Sea” which have just come to an end, we can see that Yan Xie is putting her ideas into practice. Her approach not only challenges conventional boundaries in art but also invites audiences to reconsider their understanding of self-expression and its broader societal impact.
In “Down to the Sunless Sea“, Xie attempted to use Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s theories as a benchmark to discuss the formation and evolution of desires, as well as to unearth those desires that are hidden deep inside. The exhibition highlights the crucial role of sensory perception in shaping our desires. Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy posits that desires are not merely abstract or intellectual constructs but are deeply embedded in our sensory experiences. This perspective offers a compelling framework for understanding how our bodily experiences mediate and express our desires. Xie personally aims to de-stigmatise desire and explore how it can be used as a motivation, as well as a cultural and social construct.
The exhibition underscores that desires are dynamic and continuously evolving, originating from both consciousness and subconsciousness. These desires are expressed through behaviours, metaphorically depicted as a journey ‘down to the sunless sea‘, capturing hidden desire. The exhibition explores the process of redefining desires in contemporary society, examining the influence of emerging values and cultural trends on how individuals conceptualise and redefine their desires amidst societal transformations.

Emilie Houldsworth, The False Mirror, 2023, sublimation printed velvet, wadding, mild steel, plywood, screws, 120 × 140 cm.
The oversized velvet installation The False Mirror(2023) at the entrance is made by Emilie Houldsworth, who is noted for her exploration of colour, language, and dimensionality within abstracted upholstered contexts. Her work challenges perceptual boundaries, exploring desires for beauty, order, and meaning in visual art. Houldsworth employs intricate patterns and materials to evoke complex emotional responses from viewers. The collision of mild steel and velvet creates a palpable tension, akin to a wave that submerge the observer. The interplay of grey and dark red upholstery suggests a profound undercurrent of buried desires, poised to surface at any moment.

Stella Arion, GARDENS of LOVE. Study two., 2023, black stoneware, white porcelain, black porcelain, glazes, 28 × 32 × 37 cm.
The sculpture Gardens of Love. Study two. (2023) at the centre of the gallery challenges conventional perceptions of beauty and ugliness by intertwining them as intrinsic facets of life and death. Her sculptures reflect on the delicate balance between sharpness and fragility, darkness and light, drawing from personal experiences such as witnessing her grandfather’s terminal illness. Through this exploration, Stella Arion aims to evoke deep emotional responses from viewers, inviting them to reflect on their own perceptions of beauty and mortality as fundamental desires of human existence.
The exhibition interprets desire in a non-traditional style, pointing out that desire is not always explicit. Some indescribable and imperceptible desires, such as these cool toned paintings, rugged installations, and abstract symbols, subvert the audience’s perception and reshape their understanding of desire and their new perspectives on desire. These works allow the audience to glimpse the diversity of human desires and the various ways in which desires are expressed. The exhibition successfully navigates complex themes and philosophical concepts with a deeper contextualisation of individual artworks and enhance the engagement of the audience. “Down to the Sunless Sea” is also another continuation and more comprehensive presentation of Yan Xie’s research on philosophy and psychology.
In fact, in early 2023, Yan Xie showed a strong interest in healing art. The exhibition “In the midst of Melting Garden” aims to link softness and healing from an experiment on attachment, using contact comfort as the research theory. It explores how softness can play a role in artistic healing by activating people’s senses. At the same time, the exhibition extends softness to a broader level, freeing it from stereotypical concepts and constructing a multi-sensory softness experience. The garden can be seen as an experimental field, allowing the audience to observe through this lens how participants generate various soft interactions and feedback.
The exhibition witnessed Xie endeavouring to transform the traditional white cube space into a sanctuary for healing and reflection. The exhibition delves into the ephemeral beauty and fragile state of our natural world. Xie’s curatorial approach emphasises healing and reflection, bringing together intricate installations and mixed media pieces that serve as a vibrant meditation on the transient nature of life and human experiences. The exhibition utilises organic materials and vivid colours to create an immersive sensory experience, capturing the cycle of decay and renewal. Xie’s careful selection of works invites viewers to reflect on their relationship with the environment, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and stewardship.

Hannah Archambault, Embalming anger, 2023, Hibiscus, string, stone, dimensions variabled.
One notable artist featured in the exhibition is Hannah Archambault, whose installations and soundscapes challenge our senses and spatial awareness. Her piece, Disassembling the Soil, composed of field recordings and female voices, fills the space with layered sounds that evoke both nostalgia and anxiety, creating a repetitive, languorous ambience that reverberates throughout the gallery. Archambault’s work uses sound to explore themes of grounding and unease, capturing the tension between comfort and disquiet. Another of her pieces, Embalming Anger, uses materials like dry hibiscus flowers and cotton strings to explore themes of resilience, labour, and gender inequality. The tactile nature of her work invites viewers to engage physically, touching and smelling the pieces to understand the transformation of anger into a softer, more reflective state.
Mae Chen, Feifan Hu, Wenjie Yu and Tianai Hu both use soft materials to illustrate intimacy and affection. Each artist, distinct in their approach and background, successfully conveys deep emotional narratives and connections, offering viewers a journey through their works.

Mae Chan, Before I am In Your Arm, 2022, silicone, foam, wool, 25 × 16 × 9 cm.
Mae Chen’s piece Before I am in Your Arm captures a moment of emotional reunion with delicate craftsmanship. The space between the two figures poignantly anticipates their embrace, crafted from soft wool fibre and silicone.

Wenjie Yu, Satisfaction of Oscillation series, 2023, mixed media, 30 × 30cm.
Wenjie Yu’s Satisfaction of Oscillation series are not traditional paintings; instead, they are sewn from fabrics. These works invite introspection into childhood memories and fantasies. Using painting as a medium, Yu explores the inner world of him past self, engaging in a dialogue between his present and childhood selves. This introspective journey delves into the innocence and wonder of childhood, capturing fleeting moments of curiosity and bravery that define personal growth and identity.
Yan Xie emerges as a visionary weaving threads of healing and introspection through her exhibitions. From the immersive depths of “Down to the Sunless Sea” to the tender sanctum of “In the Midst of Melting Garden“, Xie’s curation transcends traditional boundaries to provoke profound reflections on desire, healing, and our interconnectedness with the natural world. Through the delicate interplay of artworks by diverse talent artists like Emilie Houldsworth, Stella Arion, and Hannah Archambault, the exhibitions unfurl as vibrant narratives that challenge perceptions and stir the soul. Xie’s interests of psychology and philosophy is evident in her meticulous curation, where each exhibition serves as a nuanced exploration of human desires and experiences.
Xie’s pursuit of softness as a transformative force resonates throughout, inviting viewers into a sensory odyssey where emotions are stitched into fabric, and echoes of personal journeys resonate with universal truths. As we navigate the gallery’s labyrinthine paths, Xie’s vision emerges clear: art as a catalyst for healing, understanding, and the timeless pursuit of human connection amidst the complexities of modern existence. As we navigate the gallery’s labyrinthine paths, Xie’s vision emerges clear: art as a catalyst for healing, understanding, and the timeless pursuit of human connection amidst the complexities of modern existence.

Portrait of Yan Xie
其實早在2023初謝琰就展示了療癒藝術的興趣,展覽《在融化的花園之中》將柔軟和療癒相關聯,通過一則依戀實驗,以該實驗的中接觸安慰(contact comfort)為研究理論,思考柔軟如何通過通過激活人們的感官在藝術療癒中發揮作用。同時,展覽把柔軟擴展到更廣義的層面,把它從陳規定型的觀念中解放出來,構建多重感官的柔軟體驗。「花園」被視作一個實驗場域,使觀眾透過這面棱鏡觀察參與者對各類柔軟的互動和反饋是如何在此生成的。
謝琰通過展覽串聯了一條療愈與內省的線索,從《沉入無日之海》的哲學深度到《在融化花園之中》的柔軟空間,謝琰的實踐超越了傳統界限,激發了對欲望、療愈以及我們與自然世界的深刻思考。 通過與艾米莉·霍爾茲沃斯、斯特拉·阿裏昂和漢娜·阿爾尚博等才華橫溢的藝術家作品間的細膩互動,這些為展覽展開生動的敘事,挑戰了常規的策展理念。 謝琰對心理學和哲學的追求在她策劃的展覽中都得到了體現,並且探索了個體欲望和沉浸式體驗。
謝琰以自身對作品資料語言的精准把握和纖細感知,為觀眾構建了一隅感官的奧德賽,在那裡情感被縫進織物,個人旅程迴響與普遍真理相呼應。 隨著觀者在她的每一個展覽現場中漫步,她的願景變清晰可見:藝術作為療愈、共鳴和人與人之間互動的催化劑,成為了錯綜複雜的現代社會關係的永恒追求。
Edited by Michelle Yu