


Dutch Erwin Olaf (born in 1959) is one of
the most esteemed representatives of the international photography scene thanks to his particularly recognizable style that has become his signature regardless of the variety of subjects he has worked with. Erwin Olaf’s art implicitly visualises the unspoken, the overlooked, that which typically resists easy documentation. Olaf’s trademark


Annie Leibovitz’s witty, powerful portraits have been appearing on magazine covers for more than twenty-five years. In that time she has become one of the world’s most celebrated photographers. Beginning with her legendary work for Rolling Stone, and continuing through her long affiliation with Vanity Fair and Vogue, she has established herself as an astute


“People have been reading photography as a true document, at the same time they are now getting suspicious. I am basically an honest person, so I let the camera capture whatever it captures…whether you believe it or not is up to you; it’s not my responsibility, blame my camera, not me.” “人們往往認為攝影作品是一種真正的文獻,但同時,人們也越來越感到懷疑。基本上,我算是 一個誠實的人,所以我讓相機捕捉那些進入它鏡 頭的一切事物……不管你相信與否,是否相信取 決於你,這不是我的責任,要怪就怪我的相機,別怪我

喬爾 – 彼得·威肯

Joel-Peter Witkin (born 1939) is an American photographer who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His work often deals with such themes as death, corpses (and sometimes dismembered portions thereof), and various outsiders such as dwarves, transsexuals, hermaphrodites, and physically deformed people. Witkin’s complex tableaux often recall religious episodes or classical paintings. Witkin’s work with corpses


Jan Saudek (b. 13 May 1935 in Prague, Czechoslovakia) is a world-famous Czech art photographer, he was Jewish and having been born in Prague, he lived through the horrors of deportation during World War II. On returning to Prague he was forced to work in secret, hidden in a cellar, where he developed dreams and


Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002) is one of the masters of 20th century photography. His body of work includes portraits of statesmen, artists, musicians, authors, scientists, and men and women of accomplishment. His extraordinary and unique portfolio presents the viewer with an intimate and compassionate view of humanity. 優素福•卡什(1908-2002)是上個世紀的一位肖像攝影大師。他的作品 包括政治家、藝術家、音樂家、作家、科學家還有那些成就卓越的男人和女人們。他非凡獨特的作品展示給觀眾們一種親切的富有人情味的人文景觀。 . . “My chief joy is to


Born 1908 in France, Seine-et-Marne, Henri Cartier-Bresson developed a strong fascination with painting early on, and particularly with Surrealism. He was considered to be the father of modern photojournalism and an early adopter of 35mm format, and the master of candid photography. He has influenced generations of photographers who followed. Also, he is the one


Erwin Blumenfeld (1897 – 1969) is regarded as one of the most influential photographers of
the twentieth century. An experimenter and innovator, he produced an extensive body of work throughout his career including black and white nudes, celebrity portraiture, advertising campaigns and his renowned fashion photography. He took more covers for Vogue than any photographer before

Indiligent Poet – Interview with Yuxuan Man
不勤奮的詩人 – 滿宇軒

Yuxuan Man, now lives in Europe. He is a young artist, theater director, dramaturgy, writer and poet (not diligent). 滿宇軒,旅歐青年藝術家、劇場導演、Dramaturgie(中國大陸的旅德戲劇學者李亦男根據德語原文翻譯為“戲劇構作”)、作 者 和 詩 人( 並 不 勤 奮 的 )。 ART.ZIP:Living in France in these years, what do you see from the surface of theatre, and what do you see beneath it? what influence do


World Stages London is a once-in-a-lifetime theatre festival. Eight leading London theaters for the first time work together, inviting artists all over the world to present the world on contemporary stages from the perspective of London. The theme of this theater festival
is London in the world, the world in London. Wild Swans that was jointly

Song Dong: Waste Not

撰文:林上童,劉競晨 翻譯:Trish Lyons Written by : Lin Shangtong, Harry Liu Translated by:Trish Lyons 攝影:劉競晨 Photography by:Harry Liu Waste Not was the UK debut solo exhibition by Chinese artist, Song Dong that took place in the Curve in The Barbican Centre, London. The exhibition consisted of a single installation comprising over 10,000 commonplace, domestic items of

石破天驚 專訪馬克 • 費希

Mark Fisher OBE,  architect, founder and CEO of STUFISH. Graduated from Architectural Association School of Architecture in 1971. Devoting to show design for 40 years, clients include the Rolling Stones, U2, Pink Floyd, Madonna, Lady Gaga and etc. Other main projects include opening and closing ceremony of Lon- don Olympic Games, opening ceremony of Beijing ...

Sir Terence Conran: The Way We Live Now
泰倫斯 · 康藍爵士:我們的生活方式

 The Design Museum marks Sir Terence Conran’s 80th birthday with a major exhibition that explores his unique impact
on contemporary life in Britain. Through his own design
work, and also through his entrepreneurial flair, Conran has transformed the look of the British home. He has established a design studio and an architectural practice with a worldwide reach.

Five minutes with Song Dong

Written by: Lin Shangtong 撰文:林上童 Translated by Trish Lyons 翻譯:崔西里昂 Photographed by: Harry Liu 圖片:劉競晨   Lin Shangtong (LS): Do you like London? Song Dong (SD): Yes, maybe because this is my first overseas city.   LS: Among your artworks, is Waste Not important to you? SD: Yes. There are two others, Writing Diary with


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