ART.ZIP: Somehow one has to move on from one’s studio.
ART.ZIP: 在某種意義上,藝術家需要這種解脫。
BJ: Yes, like Michael Landy when he took the shop on Oxford Street and filled it with all his possessions and then destroyed them all, so that was the end. He destroyed his clothes, he just wiped his life out in a public performance – but he needed the studio to perform it. It was his stage. Like Peter Blake’s studio next door, which is not a studio, it is a work of art.
BJ: 是的,就像邁克爾·蘭迪(Michael Landy)所做的那樣:他將自己所有的物品都搬到牛津街的一個商場里,再把它們全部毀掉,這就是一次終結。他毀掉了所有的衣物,在那次公共行為之中清洗掉了自己的過往,但他仍然需要那個空間來完成那次行為。那是他的舞台。彼得·布雷克(Peter Blake)的工作室就在隔壁,但我覺得那不是一個工作室,那是一件藝術品。
ART.ZIP: A studio like a museum.
ART.ZIP: 如博物館一般的工作室。
BJ: It is. In fact I was talking to somebody who comes and helps him about once a month and we were saying it’s a real problem because there is no room for Peter to work. He can’t make any more work because the studio is full. Peter came here yesterday and stayed to work for the first time in about three months because he has just been working at home – where there is room.
BJ: 是這樣的。事實上,我與他的一位助手談論過這個問題:這個工作室里已經沒有他能開展工作的地方了。他不能再進行創作,因為這個工作室已經堆滿了物件。布雷克昨天來到了他的工作室,而這是他三個月里第一次來到工作室進行創作,因為他一直在家里創作--因為家里有能供他創作的空間。