

The Beauty of Silence 大音希聲

Modern physical theatre is first and foremost influenced by mime and contemporary dance. Presently, an exact, clear definition of the physical theatre is still called for. To the audience, however, the rich, unconventional body movements bring the physical theatre onto the border between contemporary dance and conventional theatre. It is exactly this unmarked border of

The World is Our Oyster

Text by: Honour Bayes  撰文:Honour Bayes Translated by:Li Bowen  翻譯:李博文 “I think in British theatre there’s been an ongoing problem of what to call things that aren’t plays because it doesn’t seem to be enough to just call it theatre. So there’s been a steady trickle of names; alternative theatre, physical theatre, experimental theatre but

Visual Fest 視覺盛宴

The physical existence of theatre proves the importance of visuality in theatre. In the numerous languages transformed from the text, the verbal is always the first that one can think of; however, undeniably, the carefully choreographed body movements and the meticulously crafted environments on stage also reads and writes the text at the same time. Occasionally, these

The Legend of the Sun 逐夢天涯

A long time ago, the ancestors of the Zhuang used to live in a place without sunshine. It is said that far beyond the horizon lives a flaming Sun that will bring light and warmth to their homeland. Everyone volunteers for the adventurous journey in search of the Sun… The elders say: “We have the

第十二期 ISSUE 12
視覺劇場|Visual Theatre

Theatre in the UK integrates a variety of art forms, deserving great attention and meticulous studies through its prosperity. Alongside the rapid development of technology like multimedia and internet, theatre industry and culture in the UK are constantly evolving. As a publication that is attentive to the development of cultural and creative industry, we review one particular ...

Tao Dance

06/06-07/06/2014, 20/10-21/10/2014, Sadler’s Wells


The exhibition brings together 250 works by 110 artists from China, the Former Soviet Union, Taiwan, the UK and the USA in a comprehensive survey celebrating Pop Art’s legacy. Post Pop: East Meets West examines why of all the twentieth century’s art movements, Pop Art has had such a powerful influence over artists from world

Fiona Banner: Killer Beasts

From the North of England, Fiona Banner was born in 1966, and attended Kingston University in the late 1980’s, before going onto Goldsmiths College, London in 1990. She had her first solo show at City Racing; (1994), an artist run space in South London. And in 1995 was included in General Release: Young British Artists,

Artist Studio Operators

In London there are a variety of companies and organizations providing artists studio spaces, many of them are non-profit organizations, some are funded by artists, and others receive supports from charities or foundations. Here are some well-known ones for reference. 在倫敦有很多專門為藝術家和藝術機構提供工作室空間的公司和機構,他們大多是非營利性的民間機構,有的是由藝術家出資籌建的,也有的是基於各種慈善性質的基金會支持,我們為大家選取了一些比較有特色的公司和組織,希望能對有興趣和需要的同仁有所助益。 SPACE / 空間 Space is a leading visual arts organization providing creative workspace, advocacy, support

Hermit in the City-Interview with Michael Landy

TEXT BY 撰文 x Anna McNay 安娜·麥克內 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Bowen Li 李博文 IMAGE COURTESY BY 圖片提供 x the artist and Thomas Dane Gallery, London 邁克爾·蘭迪及托馬斯·戴恩倫敦畫廊 Michael Landy (born 1963, London) studied at Goldsmiths and is one of the so-called YBA (Young British Artists) generation, who took part in the first great artist-led warehouse

Rewarding and Fun Community to Live

TEXT BY 撰文 x Harry Liu 劉競晨 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Syndi Huang 黃煥欣 IMAGE COURTESY BY 圖片提供 x Patrick Furness 帕特里克·弗內斯 Patrick Furness and Martina Poppe are sharing an artist studio located in Hackney which was converted from a warehouse. The studio was split into two, one as Patrick’s experimental playground and the other

A Complete Workshop and Test Space

TEXT BY 撰文 x Harry Liu 劉競晨 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Syndi Huang 黃煥欣 IMAGE COURTESY BY 圖片提供 x Gary Woodley 加裡·伍德裡 Gary Woodley, a native Londoner, graduated from London’s Chelsea College of Arts in the 70s, and began teaching at Slade School of Fine Art in the late 80s. His works has been widely

Thoughts on the Studio

TEXT AND IMAGE BY 圖文提供 x Sarah Pettitt 莎拉·佩蒂特 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Yu Chang 于暢 My father has always had many sheds but in particular was a great source of shame. It was constructed entirely out of mismatched planks of wood and built specifically to store other planks of wood. Then one day he

Hackney Study

TEXT BY 撰文 x Harry Liu 劉競晨 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Syndi Huang 黃煥欣 Hackney is an area with a collection of artists, creatives and studios. Because of the community they formed, Hackney becomes a vibrant and hippest location in London. We have particularly paid visits to a number of artists who live and work


TEXT BY 撰文 x 武楠 Wu Nan TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x 黃煥欣 Syndi Huang According to the survey of the British National Federation of Artists Studio Providers (NFASP), till 2010, there are 252 artist studio centres across the UK that are managed by 144 organizations, providing 5450 studios for 7250 artists, with a total area

Keep Walking 16:20

TEXT AND IMAGE BY 圖文提供 x JOSH WRIGHT 喬希·萊特 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x MICHELLE YU 余小悅 16:20 is a project by the artist and photographer Josh Wright. From the age of sixteen and still at school Wright embarked on an ambitious project attempting to photograph Britain’s Artists in their studios. Now at the age of

Acting Alone

Interview with Richard Wilson 專訪藝術家理查德·威爾遜 TEXT BY 撰文 x Rajesh Punj 瑞傑希·龐治 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Bowen Li 李博文 IMAGE COURTESY BY 圖片提供 x Richard Wilson 理查德·威爾遜 Slipstream is one of Richard Wilson’s most innovative projects to date. Originally based on the induced motion of a car rolling over, translated into the aeronautical endeavour of

30 Years West

TEXT AND IMAGE BY 圖文提供 x Cai Yuan 蔡元 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Bowen Li 李博文 We used to hear this Chinese proverb often when we were young: thirty years on the East bank, thirty years on the West bank. Describing the ever changing situation of the Yellow River, this proverb was quite popular amongst

Art and Life

Dulwich Picture Gallery 4 June 2014 – 21 September 2014

Yoshitomo Nara

Yoshitomo Nara Dairy Art Centre, London 3 October – 14 December 2014


TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:Hackney WickED CIC Hackney WickED Art Festival (HWAF) will take place from Friday 1 August to Sunday 3 August 2014 across Hackney Wick and Fish Island. This will be the 6th annual art festival in the 7th year of the Hackney WickED lifespan. HWAF is a non-profit organisation, run largely

Disobedient Objects

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:V&A MUSEUM 維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館 The V&A will this summer present the first exhibition to explore objects of art and design from around the world that have been created by grassroots social movements as tools of social change. From Chilean folk art textiles that document political violence to a graffiti-writing robot, defaced

Josh Faught: The Mauve Decade

 TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:Launch Pad 發射台 Launch Pad is delighted to present the second site-specific commission at the home of Launch Pad founder and contemporary art patron, Sarah Elson. San Francisco-based artist Josh Faught will have free rein in part of Elson’s West London family home to create several works in response to

Richard Tuttle: I Don’t Know or The Weave of Textile Language

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供: Whitechapel Gallery 白教堂畫廊/Tate Modern 泰特現代美術館 Whitechapel Gallery and Tate Modern announce a major collaboration celebrating artist Richard Tuttle.The UK’s largest ever survey of the renowned American sculptor and poet Richard Tuttle will take place in London this October. It will comprise a major exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery surveying

Malevich: Revolutionary of Russian Art

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:Tate Modern 泰特現代美術館       Kazimir Malevich (1878–1935) was a radical, mysterious and hugely influential figure in modern art, who lived and worked through one of the most turbulent periods in twentieth century history. Tate Modern will present the first major Malevich retrospective for almost twenty-five years. This groundbreaking exhibition will draw

Digital Revolution

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:BARBICAN CENTRE 巴比肯中心 Digital Revolution explores and celebrates the transformation of the arts through digital technology since the 1970s. The exhibition brings together for the first time a range of artists, filmmakers, architects, designers, musicians and game developers pushing the boundaries of their fields using digital media. It also looks

Mondrian and his Studios

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:TATE LIVERPOOL 泰特利物浦美術館   Dutch painter Piet Mondrian (1872–1944) was one of the most important contributors to the development of abstract art at the beginning of the 20th century. Mondrian and his Studios, which commemorates the 70th anniversary of the artist’s death, will provide new insights into the artist’s practice, his relationship


TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:HAYWARD GALLERY 海沃德畫廊 Spanning the past 25 years, The Human Factor will bring together major works by 25 leading international artists who have fashioned new ways of using the figure in contemporary sculpture. In addressing the body, the most frequently revisited subject in art’s history, these artists confront the question

About Artists Studio

To give a better overview of the phenomenon of the artist’s studio as a whole, we present a number of real artist’s studios, from various walks of the art world, and viewed from various perspectives, including individual artist case studies. We have invited contributors to tell studio stories; artists themselves, to share their statements; and,

Knowledge Should Be Priceless

Interview with Paul Stewart 專訪保羅·斯圖爾特 .     Paul Stewart is an artist and researcher focusing on themes of alternative learning and critical pedagogy. He has a BA (Hons) Fine Art from the University of Lincoln (2011) and also completed an MA in Art and Politics at Goldsmiths (2012). He is the Learning Research Assistant

Everything about Quality

Interview with Nixi Cura Programme Director, Arts of China, Christie’s Education, London. 採訪倫敦佳士得美術學院中國藝術項目總監 黃巧巧 . Christie’s Education is the first British institution to offer a Master’s programme devoted exclusively to Chinese art. While acquiring experience in object analysis, students will explore archaeological and historical contexts and the multiple narratives in the story of Chinese art.

Dance without Fear 舞者無懼

Interview with Hagit Yakira and Sophie Arstall 採訪海吉特·雅琪拉和蘇菲·阿斯多爾 . Award-Winning Israeli choreographer Hagit Yakira founded Hagit Yakira Dance Company in 2007 and has since gone on to tour the UK, Europe, Scandinavia and Israel. So far she has created seven works for her company amongst many other commissioned works for other companies and students. Hagit Yakira

The Position of Language

Interview with Professor Paul Barker Professor and Course Leader of MA Music Theatre Royal Central School of Speech & Drama 採訪皇家中央戲劇與演講學院音樂劇場碩士課程主任及教授 保羅·巴克教授 . Paul Barker is a composer, pianist, director and author. He has worked extensively with singers as composer, MD and coach in opera, musicals and concerts across many genres and styles. He was


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