
藝術現場|Art Scene

Third World: The Bottom Dimension

Serpentine North Gallery 23 June – 22 October 2023   Led by artist Gabriel Massan, an experimental video game, exhibition and web3 project in collaboration with Serpentine Arts Technologies, Third World: The Bottom Dimension is inviting viewers to reorient their understanding of reality and themselves through the lens of decolonialism, queerness and decentralisation (technological, social,

David Hockney: Bigger & Closer (not smaller & further away)

22 February – 3 December 2023 Lightroom, King’s Cross   Designed by 59 Productions in collaboration with Haworth Tompkins, Lighroom in King’s Cross is a sister space to the award-winning Bridge Theatre. This is London’s newest home for artist-led shows and the current host of the immersive exhibition “David Hockney: Bigger & Closer (not smaller

Interview with Evan Pricco: Constant Conversation between Street and Gallery

Beyond the Streets London Saatchi Gallery 17 February  – 9 May 2023   Unveiled in February, Beyond the Streets London, supported by Adidas Originals, presents a resplendent display of over 100 international artists’ creations, ranging from audacious train writers to esteemed large-scale muralists. This unparalleled exhibition, which encompasses all three floors of the renowned Saatchi Gallery

New New New World by Arjan Guerrero

New New New World (NNNW) by Arjan Guerrero and curated by Karla Noguez Somers Gallery 5th – 21st April 2023   New New New World (NNNW) is a transmedia ecosystem that involves generative speculation and research, exploring the concept of worldbuilding and the impact of AI, BigGAN, and Machine Learning on the paradigm of images.

Interview with Erin Li——From Shadow to Spotlight : Women Artists and Global Abstraction

Action, Gesture, Paint: Women Artists and Global Abstraction 1940-70 Whitechapel Gallery 9 February – 7 May 2023   The Whitechapel Gallery is showcasing a major collection of 150 paintings created by 81 women artists from around the world. This exhibition focuses on the gestural abstraction movement that emerged after the Second World War and highlights

Mike Nelson: Extinction Beckons
Mike Nelson: 逝去的召喚

Hayward Gallery 02 Feb – o7 May 2023   The Hayward Gallery is currently showcasing a survey exhibition of large-scale immersive installations and sculptural works by acclaimed British artist Mike Nelson, titled “Extinction Beckons.” This exhibition features psychologically charged installations that transport viewers into captivating fictional worlds with a resemblance to our own. Nelson, who

Donatello: Sculpting the Renaissance

V&A Museum 11 February – 11 June 2023 The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is currently hosting the exhibition Donatello: Sculpting the Renaissance which explores the works of the Renaissance master Donatello. The exhibition showcases over 50 artworks never seen before in the UK, providing a fresh and unique vision of the artist, his

Omar El Lahib

Omar El Lahib Saatchi Yates 26th January – 15th March 2023 A new 12,000 sqft gallery space in the center of St James has been launched by Saatchi Yates, showcasing a collection of new paintings by Lebanese artist Omar El Lahib, currently based in Cologne. Featuring more than 18 large-scale paintings, El Lahib’s solo exhibition

Jiá Fèng

Troy House | London 10-12 New Union Square, London SW117AX The exhibition runs from 26 April 2022 to Ongoing        The Troy House Art Foundation annual project “Jiá Fèng 夹缝 ” will open to the public on the 25th of April, 2022. “Jiá Fèng 夹缝 ” is initiated by artist Yuan Gong, it is curated

Francis Bacon: Man and Beast
弗朗西斯·培根: 人與獸

英國皇家藝術學會正在舉辦的展覽是《Francis Bacon: Man and Beast (弗朗西斯·培根:人與獸)》。這是第一個以培根對動物的迷戀為線索來追溯他作品發展的歷程,並探討‘‘獸’’是如何影響他處理其終極對象 — ‘‘人’’的展覽。弗朗西斯·培根 (Francis Bacon)(1909 – 1992)被認為是20世紀最重要的藝術家之一。自他去世後,世界朝著他那令人不安的作品中所預知方向發展。他作品中的預見性被再次印證。本次重量級展覽將展出培根46件傑出畫作,跨度為他的整個職業生涯, 涵蓋從20世紀30年代到40年代間的早期作品, 到他在1991年創作的最後一幅畫。這幅最後的作品是首次在英國公開展出。創作於1969年的鬥牛圖三聯也是第一次合體展出在本展覽。

Van Gogh Self-Portraits

The Courtauld Gallery 3 February –8 May 2022   The first ever exhibition devoted to Vincent van Gogh’s self-portraits across his entire career will take place at The Courtauld Gallery from 3 February – 8 May 2022. Van Gogh Self-Portraits takes as its springboard Van Gogh’s iconic Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, one of the most

The Art of Banksy

Edited by Yuwen Wang Curated by Meiling Liu, ‘The Art of Banksy’ is the world’s largest touring exhibition of the street artist’s work. It opened in London’s Covent Garden in May 2021. Walking through the darkened basement near Covent Garden, you’ll witness the evolution of his distinct stencilling style, greater appreciation for his recurring motifs,

Amazing China

2.10.-5.10.2020 at 71Duke street London Breaks Through the COVID-19 Shadows, Themed Exhibition “Amazing China” held in London As one of the themed programmes during London Craft Week (LCW), “Amazing China” opens on October 2nd on 71 Duke Street, a popular business area in London. The exhibition is hosted by National Base for International Cultural Trade

Nam June Paik

17 October 2019 – 9 February 2020 Tate Modern The Eyal Ofer Galleries       This year, Tate Modern will present a major exhibition of the work of visionary Korean artist Nam June Paik. Renowned for his pioneering use of emerging technologies, Paik’s innovative yet playfully entertaining work remains an inspiration for artists, musicians

Cindy Sherman’s First UK Retrospective

This major new retrospective will explore the development of Sherman’s work from the mid-1970s to the present day, and will feature around 150 works from international public and private collections, as well as new work never before displayed in a public gallery.

Focusing on the artist’s manipulation of her own appearance and her deployment of material derived from a range of cultural sources, including film, advertising and fashion, the exhibition will explore the tension between façade and identity.

Hunsand Space: Qiu Shijie @Hong Kong Art Basel 2019

讓“認知”顯形的過程是仇世傑近幾年一直在探索的語言方式,而如何認知“今天的我們”也是仇世傑最近一直關註的問題。作為中國本土藝術家,仇世傑將認知經由材料、空間、敘事、形式意味之間的關系傳遞給觀眾。與此同時仇世傑並沒有把主體完全交代給物質材料和造型本身,而更多信任自己的日常經驗與能力,保持了對環境極高的警惕感。 Qiu Shijie’s project is a series of twelve artworks that revolve around the ways of perceiving and visualizing. The process of visualizing perception has been Qiu Shijie’s consistent inquiry. He explores its possibilities through the sculpture and installation, and as an artist based in China, his conceptions of material in relation to his immediate

Long March Space @ Art Basel Hong Kong 2019

2018.3.29 – 31 @ Art Basel Hong Kong 2019 沿用3月16日開幕的吳山專個展的標題,在2019年的香港巴塞爾藝術博覽會上,長征空間會帶來的是一次“繪畫的節日”。九位長征空間代理的藝術家(劉韡、蘇予昕、汪建偉、吳山專 & 英格-斯瓦拉·托斯朵蒂爾 、張慧、張月薇、趙剛、朱昱)會分別帶來他/她們近期的繪畫作品。 Following the theme of Wu Shanzhuan’s eagerly anticipated solo exhibition opening in March, for Art Basel Hong Kong 2019 Long March Space will bring with it a “holiday of painting.” Nine Long March Space artists (Liu Wei, Su Yu-Xin, Wang Jianwei, Wu Shanzhuan,

Beyond Boundaries

  11th March – 2nd April 3 月 12 日—4 月 2 日 West Wing Galleries Somerset House The Strand London. WC2R 1LA 英国伦敦萨默塞特宫(Somerset House) WC2R 1LA Beyond Boundaries is an exhibition of work by 24 artists of international renown with close working associations to two of the most important art institutions in the world;

Marc Quinn: Under the Skin

CAFA Art Museum 8 March – 24 April 2019 中國中央美術學院美術館  2019年3月8日至4月 24日 CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, will present a selection of the work of the acclaimed British artist Marc Quinn this March. One of the leading artists of his generation, Quinn’s work explores recurring themes of art and science; the human body; emotion; and the perception

China Design Centre at Collect 2019: the International Art Fair for Modern Craft and Design

28th Feb. – 3rd Mar. 2019 @ London’s Saatchi Gallery 2019年2月28日-3月3日 @ 英國倫敦薩奇畫廊 The Crafts Council announced the return of Collect to London’s Saatchi Gallery for its 15th edition. The only gallery-presented art fair dedicated to modern craft and design, Collect provides an opportunity to discover and invest in exceptional work produced in the last five years by living artists,

Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams

Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams Supported by Swarovski The Sainsbury Gallery 2 February – 14 July 2019 | #DiorDesignerofDreams Couture gowns worn by Princess Margaret, Margot Fonteyn and Jennifer Lawrence to go on display at the V&A for largest ever Christian Dior exhibition in the UK. In February 2019, the V&A opens the largest

The Stories Behind International Joint Production

The Stories Behind International Joint Production 國際聯合創作背後的故事   Text by Harry Liu 我們曾經在第15期雜誌中聚焦了英國青少年劇場,重點研究了他們是如何將“劇場”與創意實踐、人文教育以及觀眾培育有機結合到一起的。在那一期的雜誌中,我們采訪到了將科學實驗與講故事完美融合的戲劇作品《能量秀》的導演Martin Lamb, 並隨著他探索了關於《能量秀》臺前幕後的故事。繼2013年倫敦科學博物館內首演後,《能量秀》還緊接著在英國進行了35家劇院的全國巡演。而現在,在2018年8月9日,《能量秀》搖身一變被改編成了中文版的《能量密室》,站在了中國的舞臺,為中國的孩子們帶去快樂。已經在北京保利劇院首演後的《能量密室》正於中國20個城市進行全國巡演中,演出將持續到12月3日。這個中文版的《能量密室》由Performance Infinity公司與北京精英集團合作制作,Martin Lamb改編劇本,在中國取得了巨大的成功。 In the 15th Issue, we focused on British theatre for the young and examined how theatre, creative practice, humanistic education and audience cultivation are interwoven organically. We also interviewed British Director Martin Lamb, whose self-directed and co-written production

Modern Dance and Traditional Chinese Calligraphy Can Be Combined So Perfectly

作者:八姑娘 2018年10月7日,在英國南岸藝術中心(Southbank Centre)上演了由英國青年舞蹈家賽·羅林森(Si Rawlinson)編舞的舞蹈——《紅墨(Red Ink)》。羅林森將中國書法的韻律和審美與現代舞、嘻哈舞相結合。 “紅墨”這個名字,有深刻的含義。當作家想通過自己的文字來表達自己思想而又不能的時候,他筆下的墨水就變成了紅色。 舞蹈通過一些列獨立的場景,在傳統和現代中交叠,在精神世界和現實生活中交替,壓抑緊張的敘事與充滿張力的表現,讓觀眾體會到舞者們對外的爭鬥和內心的鬥爭。 羅林森的藝術靈感來自於張藝謀的電影《英雄》與《十面埋伏》,舞者們結實的肌肉和飄逸的衣裙形成了對比,書法的韻律體現在了舞步的節奏中。 舞蹈的最後一幕,羅林森以自己的頭發作筆,在舞臺上“書寫”。這讓人不禁想起克萊因讓滿身沾滿藍色顏料的裸體舞者,在畫布上“作畫”的行為藝術。這裏,羅林森也是用身體在畫布上“書寫”,或者說是“記錄”。 羅林森的父親是英國人,母親是香港人。在香港回歸前,羅林森父親曾經是香港的警察。在香港、英國的生活,讓羅林森對於社會、生活有著深刻的理解。他的舞蹈反映了當下的社會矛盾,當被壓抑的聲音難以釋放的時候,他們用自己的形體和舞蹈來表達內心與肉體的掙紮與煎熬。 羅林森將於2019年1月24、25和26日,在倫敦Rich Mix上演《紅墨》。

Frida Kahlo: Making Her Self Up

Victoria and Albert Museum 16 June – 4 November 2018 This summer, the V&A will explore how Frida Kahlo (b. 1907), one of the most recognised and significant artists and women of the 20th century, fashioned her identity. Frida Kahlo: Making Her Self Up will be the first exhibition outside of Mexico to display her

Thomas Cole: Eden to Empire

The National Gallery 11 June – 7  October 2018 Known for epic vistas, dramatic natural settings, and imaginative landscapes, Thomas Cole’s work depicts nature at its most powerful and vulnerable. His paintings glory in the unique terrain of the American Northeast – largely still unspoiled in his time – while serving as a cautionary tale

RA Summer Exhibition 2018
皇家美術學院夏季展 2018

Royal Academy of Arts 12 June – 19 August 2018 This year, the Royal Academy celebrates its 250th Summer Exhibition, and to mark this momentous occasion, the exhibition is co-ordinated by Grayson Perry RA. Perry, alongside the Summer Exhibition Committee, celebrates the democracy of the world’s largest open submission contemporary art show by exhibiting a

Shape of Light

Tate Modern 2 May – 14 October 2018 A major new exhibition at Tate Modern reveals the intertwined stories of photography and abstract art. Shape of Light: 100 Years of Photography and Abstract Art is the first show of this scale to explore photography in relation to the development of abstraction, from the early experiments of the

Amazing China: Exhibition of Chinese Arts & Crafts

2018年5月9日,倫敦手工藝周中國展區以“技藝中國”為主題展示了眾多優秀的中國手工藝藝術品, 此次活動是由中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部外聯局為指導單位,由中國對外貿易基地(上海)、國家版權貿易基地(上海)主辦。   策展主題凸顯多種中國技藝豐富展現 “技藝中國”不僅代表此次參展作品和匠人將呈現一個個特別的中國技藝,還意味著中華手工藝代代傳承。這是一份珍貴的記憶,植根於每個傳承者、傳播者、發揚者和創新者的內心。此次上海基地經過精心篩選,組織來自上海、浙江、安徽、江蘇、江西等長江三角洲區域省份、山東、福建、雲南、貴州、河北、河南、內蒙古、黑龍江、新疆等逾10個省(區、市)的近40位匠人、機構及手工藝品牌逾百件作品集中亮相倫敦手工藝周。工藝種類涵蓋古畫修復、潑墨繪畫、陶瓷制作、玻璃制作、中式成衣、漆畫藝術、纖維藝術、木版水印、折紙技藝、木工、金工(首飾)、皮雕、刺繡(緙絲、蘇繡、上海絨繡、新疆手工刺繡等)、篆刻、拓印、藍染等近30種技藝類型。值得一提的是,活動主辦方上海基地在精致展陳的基礎上,引入增強現實(AR)等科技手段,使洛陽唐三彩、廊坊景泰藍、泰山皮影戲、龍泉寶劍鍛造等更多神奇的中國技藝活起來、動起來。 “技藝中國”旨在突出中華非遺技藝的歷史與傳承、中國手工藝品的品質與精致、東方工匠精神的純粹與堅持、中國手工藝產業的發展與創新。展會期間,圍繞手工藝與生活和手工藝國際合作,中國展區將舉辦開幕式、中國生活美學研討活動、導覽參觀、技藝展示、現場技藝體驗、高層會晤、專業商洽等多項系列活動。   國際平臺助力中華手工藝魅力呈現 倫敦手工藝周(London Craft Week)已成功舉辦三屆,由英國查爾斯王子發起,是初夏啟動的倫敦文化系列活動之一,兼具國際特色與本地元素,融合歷史遺產與當代文化,註重商業交流與文化傳承。中國文化和旅遊部將參加倫敦手工藝周列入2018年國際重點文化貿易展會計劃。倫敦手工藝周集制造、設計、時尚、藝術、文化、商業合作於一體,2017年匯聚了來自全球超過200個創意活動,吸引了超過9萬名高品質觀眾實地參觀,英國和國際各大新聞、在線媒體和社交媒體也悉數到場,對活動進行深入報道,收到超過250篇印刷和在線版社論文章,博客和社交媒體報道觸及3.37億人次。據倫敦手工藝周組委會介紹,2018年的倫敦手工藝周已吸引了超過230個項目活動,匯聚各類國家級博物館、當代藝術畫廊、高端品牌商店、行業中首屈一指的百貨公司、著名藝術家、時尚設計師、非遺技藝傳承人以及一些不知名但卻擁有精湛技藝的手工藝作坊和地方級匠人參與其中。本屆倫敦手工藝周將在展會的整體架構、參展形態、觀展體驗等方面進行提升,進一步擴展手工藝機構和匠人的視野,增加國際匠人洽談和合作契機,積極提供更多手工藝主題講座對話、表演展示、工藝體驗等專業活動。在媒體宣傳上,將聚集《服飾與美容》、《衛報》、《經濟學人1843》等知名媒體進行現場采訪與報道。 上海基地是2018倫敦手工藝周鉑金級項目合作夥伴,此為首次組展參與歐洲專業高端的手工藝展會,也是基地又一次通過公共服務平臺的品牌和公信力,贏得國際市場關註和重視,幫助中國手工藝機構和匠人提升國際影響力和知名度的積極實踐。希望通過借助這一優質的歐洲手工藝展銷平臺,進一步拓展中國手工藝產業的海外市場渠道。 美學研討引發中英兩國廣泛熱烈交流 “技藝中國”開幕活動也得到了中國駐英國大使館和倫敦手工藝周組委會的支持。中國駐英國大使館公使銜文化參贊項曉煒、倫敦手工藝周組委會主席蓋伊·薩爾特出席了開幕式並致歡迎辭。英國數字文化媒體和體育部高級政策顧問Chris Marnoch博士也參加了開幕活動。活動還吸引了來自Castle Trust、Thornhill Capital、中國香港貿易發展局、英國中華傳統文化研究院、Craft Potters Association/Ceramic Review等藝術投資人、專業買家及機構,以及新華社、中新社、人民網、China Daily、《歐洲時報》、網易新聞倫敦運營中心、《ART.ZIP》雜誌等媒體代表逾60人來到展會現場。開幕活動後的中國生活美學研討活動上,“技藝中國”展商代表和英國業界人士圍繞各自傳承、經營和守護的手工技藝,就“手工藝創造美好生活”、“手工藝與創意設計深度融合”、“打造中式生活美學、傳播中式美學理念”等熱點話題進行深入交流和探討。展會特制的“技藝中國”印章也讓與會嘉賓愛不釋手,整個印章的形制是篆刻裏的陰陽印,“技藝”二字為陽刻,“中國”二字為陰刻,表達了中英手工藝機構和匠人進一步交融交流、開放合作的美好願景。 積極探索實踐手工藝產業對外貿易開拓之路 隨著全球化的發展步伐和信息技術的不斷更叠,各國的手工藝產業也都面臨著缺乏傳承人、產品不符合現代美感等問題,國際間的交流與合作是必然發生的趨勢。我國傳統工藝門類眾多,涵蓋衣食住行,遍布各族各地。文化和旅遊部等三部委印發《中國傳統工藝振興計劃》中明確指出,要開展國際交流與合作,通過雙邊、多邊渠道,組織傳統工藝傳承人、企業和行業組織代表開展國際交流和研修培訓,以及技術領域的研究與合作,開拓視野,借鑒經驗。倫敦手工藝周是展示中國傳統與當代手工技藝的一個重要的國際性窗口,以“中國展區”參加本屆倫敦手工藝周上,對提升中華文化影響力及促進文化貿易長效發展都是一個很好的契機。國家對外文化貿易基地(上海)希望通過此項展會的持續參展,將一些獨具魅力的手工藝作品匯聚到這一高端的國際展示和交易平臺,向世界展示中國手工技藝的發展進程和未來的發展趨勢,同時也努力促進中西文化藝術的交流與互動,不斷提升中華文化影響力。

Rodin and the Art of Ancient Greece

Auguste Rodin (1840 – 1917) was one of the greatest and most innovative sculptors of the modern era. However, it is little known that Rodin took his inspiration, in large part, from the works of the fifth-century BC sculptor Pheidias who is known as the artist who conceived the Parthenon sculptures. This April, the British Museum will present works by Rodin in a new light and explore how he admired the art of antiquity, particularly that of ancient Greece. Supported by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, this exhibition will reveal how Rodin regularly travelled to London and visited the British Museum to sketch and seek inspiration.

Picasso 1932 – Love, Fame, Tragedy
畢加索 1932 — 愛、名譽和悲劇

Tate Modern 8 March – 9 September 2018 45 years after the artist’s death, Tate Modern stages its first ever solo exhibition of Pablo Picasso’s work, one of the most ambitious shows in the museum’s history. The EY Exhibition: Picasso 1932 – Love, Fame, Tragedy takes visitors on a month-by-month journey through 1932, a time so pivotal

ISelf Collection: Bumped Bodies

Whitechapel gallery 10 April – 12 August 2018 This spring the Whitechapel Gallery presents Bumped Bodies, a new display of work by 23 international artists which explores the relationship between the body, objects and the environment. The display is named after Paloma Varga Weisz’s Bumped Body (2007), an ambiguously gendered pregnant form. The white figure encased in a gleaming

Monet & Architecture

In a landmark show at the National Gallery in spring 2018 – the first purely Monet exhibition to be staged in London for more than twenty years – there is a unique and surprising opportunity to discover the artist as we have never seen him before.

Joan Jonas

Tate Modern 14 March-5 August 2018 Tate Modern presents the largest survey of Joan Jonas’s work ever held ini the UK. Jonas is regarded as a pre-eminent figure in contemporary performance who continues to influence a younger generation of artists. This immersive exhibition celebrates Joan Jonas’s art works over the last five decades, uniting some

All Too Human

A landmark exhibition at Tate Britain celebrates how artists have captured the intense experience of life in paint. All Too Human: Bacon, Freud and a Century of Painting Life will showcase around 100 works by some of the most celebrated modern British artists, with Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon at its heart.

From Life

The Royal Academy of Arts presents From Life, a special exhibition project taking place across two distinct spaces: the Sackler Wing of Galleries and the Tennant Gallery.


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